President shows class, apologizes on behalf of us all

*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
just because you don't like him doesn't make him not legit. sorry that's not how this works.

many didn't like obama, so was he not legit?

show me trump talking poorly of proven victims of sexual assault. accusations are not proof, btw. the left has forgotten that.
Likeability has nothing to do with it. Help and cooperation with a hostile foreign power is the problem.

As far as the second part, you make me laugh.
so - to be brutally blunt - you can't back up what you say.

got it.
Can any of these leftwing morons backup what they say? Can Christina Balsey Ford? Dianne Feinstein? Chuck Schumer? Spartacus? The creepy porn lawyer? Swetnick? Rimiriz?
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.

All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

The FBI was not allowed to corroborate anything including whether Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got dead drunk.

Bullshit you idiot. The FBI has investigated that man seven times. If there was something to find they would have found it.

Kiss off idiot.

The seven investigations is kinda misleading. Kavanaugh didn't start working for the DC courts until appointed in 2003. Now, that would have more than likely been when he submitted the paperwork that would be used for his clearance investigation. When you fill those things out, you only go back 10 years, so in Kavanaugh's case, it would have gone back to 1993, 11 years after the incident allegedly happened, so none of that would have been brought up.

Then, there is the fact that when you have a high level clearance, you are reinvestigated every 2 years or so, which is how he ended up with 7 investigations already on him.

Yeah, he may have been investigated seven times, but the clearance paperwork wouldn't go back to his high school days, just to about halfway through college.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.

It was not a lie. Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not get dead drunk.
Was he asked if he got dead drunk? . . . . . I believe not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.

That is not unusual says prosecutors who have prosecuted sexual assault crimes. Rachel Mitchell has done the same thing. She was lying when she wrote her memo. Her office works on the exact opposite principle she stated in her memo.

"The person lying on top of you - who she'd previously met - you're not going to forget that," said Richard Huganir, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "There's a total consensus in the field of memory ... If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level."

As he and several other researchers told The Washington Post, being attacked floods the brain with chemicals, including norepinephrine, which helps people remember whatever they are focused on. (Ford, a psychologist herself, even mentioned it in her testimony.)

The junk science Republicans used to undermine Ford and help save Kavanaugh
"If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level," then why can't she remember anything? She can't even remember who drove her home. You gotta be suffering sever brain damage to swallow that proposition. And there certainly isn't "total consensus in the field of memory." There isn't total consensus on anything having to do with the brain. But that doesn't stop some leftwing hack of a "scientist" from spewing all the horseshit required by the leftwing agenda.
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Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.

The trouble is that it was the Republicans and Trump who smeared Dr Ford. The fact is that women who are sexually assaulted often don't remember the date.
She wasn't smeared. No on told any lies about Ford. The Republicans on the judiciary committee handled her with kid gloves because they knew sleazy lying douchebags like you would be claiming they abused her.
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.

All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

The FBI was not allowed to corroborate anything including whether Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got dead drunk.

Bullshit you idiot. The FBI has investigated that man seven times. If there was something to find they would have found it.

Kiss off idiot.

The seven investigations is kinda misleading. Kavanaugh didn't start working for the DC courts until appointed in 2003. Now, that would have more than likely been when he submitted the paperwork that would be used for his clearance investigation. When you fill those things out, you only go back 10 years, so in Kavanaugh's case, it would have gone back to 1993, 11 years after the incident allegedly happened, so none of that would have been brought up.

Then, there is the fact that when you have a high level clearance, you are reinvestigated every 2 years or so, which is how he ended up with 7 investigations already on him.

Yeah, he may have been investigated seven times, but the clearance paperwork wouldn't go back to his high school days, just to about halfway through college.
Kavanaugh also worked in the Bush administration for more background checks and clerked for Kennedy for yet more background investigations.

The FBI said they went back to age 18 and found nothing remarkable.
None of Ford's four "witnesses" corroborated her story, i.e. she lied.

I don't know that she lied. She just couldn't remember anything. She didn't want that letter out there. DiFi is the one who instigated the whole thing.

The shit show backfired on the Dems and BK is now a Supreme Court Justice.

The whole thing was one giant shit show.
She lied.
Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.

It was not a lie. Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not get dead drunk.
Was he asked if he got dead drunk? . . . . . I believe not.
He was asked if he ever blacked out
Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.

The trouble is that it was the Republicans and Trump who smeared Dr Ford. The fact is that women who are sexually assaulted often don't remember the date.
She wasn't smeared. No on told any lies about Ford. The Republicans on the judiciary committee handled her with kid gloves because they knew sleazy lying douchebags like you would be claiming they abused her.
She has been smeared ever since and always was on your propaganda machine.
Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.

The trouble is that it was the Republicans and Trump who smeared Dr Ford. The fact is that women who are sexually assaulted often don't remember the date.
She wasn't smeared. No on told any lies about Ford. The Republicans on the judiciary committee handled her with kid gloves because they knew sleazy lying douchebags like you would be claiming they abused her.
They brought some woman in so they didn't talk to her LOL
Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.

That is not unusual says prosecutors who have prosecuted sexual assault crimes. Rachel Mitchell has done the same thing. She was lying when she wrote her memo. Her office works on the exact opposite principle she stated in her memo.

"The person lying on top of you - who she'd previously met - you're not going to forget that," said Richard Huganir, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "There's a total consensus in the field of memory ... If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level."

As he and several other researchers told The Washington Post, being attacked floods the brain with chemicals, including norepinephrine, which helps people remember whatever they are focused on. (Ford, a psychologist herself, even mentioned it in her testimony.)

The junk science Republicans used to undermine Ford and help save Kavanaugh
"If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level," then why can't she remember anything? She can't even remember who drove her home. You gotta be suffering sever brain damage to swallow that proposition. And there certainly isn't "total consensus in the field of memory." There isn't total consensus on anything having to do with the brain. But that doesn't stop some leftwing hack of a "scientist" from spewing all the horseshit required by the leftwing agenda.
That's why she remembered everything about the event itself and who did it, dumbass. Exactly typical of sexual assault. Unheard of on your propaganda machine.
All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

The FBI was not allowed to corroborate anything including whether Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got dead drunk.

Bullshit you idiot. The FBI has investigated that man seven times. If there was something to find they would have found it.

Kiss off idiot.

The seven investigations is kinda misleading. Kavanaugh didn't start working for the DC courts until appointed in 2003. Now, that would have more than likely been when he submitted the paperwork that would be used for his clearance investigation. When you fill those things out, you only go back 10 years, so in Kavanaugh's case, it would have gone back to 1993, 11 years after the incident allegedly happened, so none of that would have been brought up.

Then, there is the fact that when you have a high level clearance, you are reinvestigated every 2 years or so, which is how he ended up with 7 investigations already on him.

Yeah, he may have been investigated seven times, but the clearance paperwork wouldn't go back to his high school days, just to about halfway through college.
Kavanaugh also worked in the Bush administration for more background checks and clerked for Kennedy for yet more background investigations.

The FBI said they went back to age 18 and found nothing remarkable.
Because these women had not come forward, thanks to no me too and times up movement.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Obamacare.....take a back seat republicans" Pound sand.

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