President shows class, apologizes on behalf of us all

Trump seems to be under the delusion that Kavanaugh was proven innocent, but he wasnt. So there is nothing to apologize for.
Where did it happen?
I don’t know.

When did happen?
I don’t know.

What does your witness friend say?
She never met Kav and has no knowledge of the event.

Ya think he’d be found guilty in a court of law?
If ya only spend 3 days investigating, you wont find out. is Now a Resource for Sexual Assault Survivors

judnge Kavanguh for judge 2018
And yet you idiots think Kavanaugh’s life hasn’t been ruined....
Ruined? Try having your kid murdered.
Kavanaugh murdered someone's kid? You have gone over the edge.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

Your Ass Clown President isn't apologizing for me or millions of others that feel Kavanaugh lied under oath regarding his drinking habits, and the meaning of words written on his calender. Here is a video interview of James Croche, Kavanaugh's former roommate at Yale.

I don't know anyone that would lie or be a part in a conspiracy to smear a U.S. Supreme court nominee that would ask for an investigation into their own allegation. And that is exactly what Dr. Ford did. She did not want her letter released, she did not want to testify, all she wanted was an investigation. Unfortunately Dr. Ford got caught up in the politics of it all, and was compelled to testify, because the media leaked her name & letter.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph test administered to her by a former FBI agent.
Kavanaugh accuser's polygraph results conclude her account is 'not indicative of deception'

And if her public testimony was "acting" then move over Meryl Streep, you have just met your match.

The only ASSHOLE that needs to apologize is your Ass Clown for mocking Dr. Ford at a rally in Mississippi. Those women standing behind the Ass Clown & cheering him on, should be ashamed of themselves. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party never cease to amaze.

You Republicans deserve everything coming your way.



You have awoken a sleeping giant.

With pictures & links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018
Last edited:
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.

Dr Ford was smeared by Republicans. It shows how seriously they take sexual assault. Trump and Republicans have no idea what class is. They are gutter dwellers.,
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

Your Ass Clown President isn't apologizing for me or millions of others that feel Kavanaugh lied under oath regarding his drinking habits, and the meaning of words written on his calender. Here is a video interview of James Croche, Kavanaugh's former roommate at Yale.

I don't know anyone that would lie or be a part in a conspiracy to smear a U.S. Supreme court nominee that would ask for an investigation into their own allegation. And that is exactly what Dr. Ford did. She did not want her letter released, she did not want to testify, all she wanted was an investigation. Unfortunately Dr. Ford got caught up in the politics of it all, and was compelled to testify, because the media leaked her name & letter.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph test administered to her by a former FBI agent.
Kavanaugh accuser's polygraph results conclude her account is 'not indicative of deception'

And if her public testimony was "acting" then move over Meryl Streep, you have just met your match.

The only ASSHOLE that needs to apologize is your Ass Clown for mocking Dr. Ford at a rally in Mississippi. Those women standing behind the Ass Clown & cheering him on, should be ashamed of themselves. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party never cease to amaze.

You Republicans deserve everything coming your way.



You have awoken a sleeping giant.

With pictures & links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Better watch it. Trumptards will be denying he was mocking Ford. What is so shameful is that this is the bible belt. Some of those people look like baboons who can barely walk and talk.
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.

It was not a lie. Kavanaugh lied when he said he did not get dead drunk.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

Your Ass Clown President isn't apologizing for me or millions of others that feel Kavanaugh lied under oath regarding his drinking habits, and the meaning of words written on his calender. Here is a video interview of James Croche, Kavanaugh's former roommate at Yale.

I don't know anyone that would lie or be a part in a conspiracy to smear a U.S. Supreme court nominee that would ask for an investigation into their own allegation. And that is exactly what Dr. Ford did. She did not want her letter released, she did not want to testify, all she wanted was an investigation. Unfortunately Dr. Ford got caught up in the politics of it all, and was compelled to testify, because the media leaked her name & letter.
Christine Blasey Ford wants FBI investigation before testifying - CNNPolitics

Dr. Ford also passed a polygraph test administered to her by a former FBI agent.
Kavanaugh accuser's polygraph results conclude her account is 'not indicative of deception'

And if her public testimony was "acting" then move over Meryl Streep, you have just met your match.

The only ASSHOLE that needs to apologize is your Ass Clown for mocking Dr. Ford at a rally in Mississippi. Those women standing behind the Ass Clown & cheering him on, should be ashamed of themselves. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party never cease to amaze.

You Republicans deserve everything coming your way.



You have awoken a sleeping giant.

With pictures & links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Better watch it. Trumptards will be denying he was mocking Ford. What is so shameful is that this is the bible belt. Some of those people look like baboons who can barely walk and talk.

Agreed. 86% of Evangelicals in this country cast a vote for the Ass Clown. In one fatal swipe they have burned down the Republican party family values platform, and obliterated the credibility of Evangelical churchs across this country. They're nothing but a bunch of red hat Jesus followers--:auiqs.jpg:


They have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

(Class my Ass)


Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.

That is not unusual says prosecutors who have prosecuted sexual assault crimes. Rachel Mitchell has done the same thing. She was lying when she wrote her memo. Her office works on the exact opposite principle she stated in her memo.

"The person lying on top of you - who she'd previously met - you're not going to forget that," said Richard Huganir, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "There's a total consensus in the field of memory ... If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level."

As he and several other researchers told The Washington Post, being attacked floods the brain with chemicals, including norepinephrine, which helps people remember whatever they are focused on. (Ford, a psychologist herself, even mentioned it in her testimony.)

The junk science Republicans used to undermine Ford and help save Kavanaugh
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.
well actually, how does she know it was kavanaugh? do you know how well she even knew him? want to know why? no one ever asked her. how fking stupid is that? BTW, psychologist will tell you that one never forgets where a traumatic event takes place along with the suspect. she can't remember. that is HUGE asshat HUGE,,, You're trying to argue in her behalf and looking the fool. time to leave it to the experts. she has zero evidence to support her story, her best friend screwed her worse than any male ever did in her life.

You are the fool and you have no idea what you are talking about. Here is what the experts say.

"The person lying on top of you - who she'd previously met - you're not going to forget that," said Richard Huganir, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. "There's a total consensus in the field of memory ... If anything, fear and trauma enhances the encoding of the memory at a molecular level."

As he and several other researchers told The Washington Post, being attacked floods the brain with chemicals, including norepinephrine, which helps people remember whatever they are focused on. (Ford, a psychologist herself, even mentioned it in her testimony.)

It's essentially the same phenomenon that makes people forever remember what they were doing when the planes hit the World Trade Center on 9/11, or when they learned John Kennedy was shot. It's such a basic tenet of psychology and cognitive science that some researchers watched the mistaken-identity theory spread through the Senate this month with a sense of stunned dismay.

The junk science Republicans used to undermine Ford and help save Kavanaugh

It is not at all uncommon for prosecutors to leave at least some wiggle room around the date that a crime is believed to have happened — using the phrase “on or about” is nearly ubiquitous where filing criminal charges is concerned. And in Maricopa County, Long says that Mitchell’s office “routinely” files charges with an expanded, even multi-year, window during which a crime is alleged to have taken place. “In the criminal justice system, date is not an element” of the crime, he said. “It’s not … something that we have to prove. She knows this.” And Mitchell trains prosecutors to understand this, he said: “In fact, we expect the date is going to be the one thing a person is not going to remember.” Mitchell’s decision to suggest otherwise in the letter “appears to be merely designed to mislead the public,” he said. “Not something I can abide.”

Prosecutors Don’t Bring Cases the Way Rachel Mitchell’s Kavanaugh Memo Says — Not Even in Her Own Arizona Office
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
She is the one accusing with no proof. Maybe someone will do the same for you oneday. Then you can show us how you show proof you didn't do it 35 years later.
It seems Leftards are simply incapable of understanding the principles of presumption of innocence and you can’t prove a negative and aren’t expected to. Either that or they are pretending they don’t get it.
Hard to tell, as so many of them are dense and unhinged!

You are the one who is dense and brainless.,

This is not a court of law. There is no presumption of innocence. The fact is Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got falling down drunk.
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.

The trouble is that it was the Republicans and Trump who smeared Dr Ford. The fact is that women who are sexually assaulted often don't remember the date.
Are the dems going to march out accusers for every republican candidate now? It seems to be a fad. No facts necessary, and your opponent is automatically guilty. The race baiting is sad, but ginning up a 'war on women' is just pathetic. If you don't believe a last minute accusation you hate all women. Sigh.

How many judges have been accused?
Trump seems to be under the delusion that Kavanaugh was proven innocent, but he wasnt. So there is nothing to apologize for.
Where did it happen?
I don’t know.

When did happen?
I don’t know.

What does your witness friend say?
She never met Kav and has no knowledge of the event.

Ya think he’d be found guilty in a court of law?
If ya only spend 3 days investigating, you wont find out. is Now a Resource for Sexual Assault Survivors

judnge Kavanguh for judge 2018
And yet you idiots think Kavanaugh’s life hasn’t been ruined....

He is sitting on the Supreme Court. His life is not ruined.
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.

All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

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