President shows class, apologizes on behalf of us all

FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.

Trump is living proof that a baboon can somewhat walk and talk. It did send the message to women don't speak up or you will get this. Trump is a bully not a leader.
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.

All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

The FBI was not allowed to corroborate anything including whether Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got dead drunk.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

He does not apologize for me or the women who have been victims of sexual assault. Trump proves he is a first class asshole.

Well since there was no proof she was a victim your point is moot.

Trump has class and Ford should reported the supposed sexual assault 36 years ago.

It could have been investigated then, not 36 years later. Only a fool would think of an investigation 36 years in the past would find evidence.

Ford didn't want anyone to know. You can thank Difi for that. She sat on that letter for months and only released it in time for the conformation hearings.

If you don't see anything sketchy there then you don't want to see it.

Trump has tons of class. Ford does not and neither do you.
It's pretty hard to call the witness who said that neither Ford nor her had ever met Kavanaugh is hardly junk science.

All they said is that they couldn't remember. When you get dead drunk, you can also forget things.
You think Leland Keyser was dead drunk? Where did that come from,? It was she. LELAND that said she had never been at a party with Kavanaugh and never met him and neither had her friend Christine.

No matter who the FBI talked to they could not corroborate a single allegstion.

The FBI was not allowed to corroborate anything including whether Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got dead drunk.

Bullshit you idiot. The FBI has investigated that man seven times. If there was something to find they would have found it.

Kiss off idiot.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.

The trouble is that it was the Republicans and Trump who smeared Dr Ford. The fact is that women who are sexually assaulted often don't remember the date.

Oh and like they haven't smeared Kavanagh??

The whole case was a shit show promoted by the Dems. There was no proof. No witnesses. The two provided by Ford said that they weren't even at that party.

DiFi sat on that letter for months knowing Ford didn't want to be outed. She did it anyway just in time for the hearings.

If you don't see the plan there then its because you don't want to see it.

The FBI investigated that man seven times and found nothing.

Piss up a rope you idiot.
None of Ford's four "witnesses" corroborated her story, i.e. she lied.

I don't know that she lied. She just couldn't remember anything. She didn't want that letter out there. DiFi is the one who instigated the whole thing.

The shit show backfired on the Dems and BK is now a Supreme Court Justice.

The whole thing was one giant shit show.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
just because you don't like him doesn't make him not legit. sorry that's not how this works.

many didn't like obama, so was he not legit?

show me trump talking poorly of proven victims of sexual assault. accusations are not proof, btw. the left has forgotten that.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
Not in this situation. Here he was just speaking negatively about Far Left politicians and media people who repeated the vilest lies about Justice Kavanaugh.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
She is the one accusing with no proof. Maybe someone will do the same for you oneday. Then you can show us how you show proof you didn't do it 35 years later.
It seems Leftards are simply incapable of understanding the principles of presumption of innocence and you can’t prove a negative and aren’t expected to. Either that or they are pretending they don’t get it.
Hard to tell, as so many of them are dense and unhinged!

You are the one who is dense and brainless.,

This is not a court of law. There is no presumption of innocence. The fact is Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got falling down drunk.
Lol, Ford lied throught her whole testimony.
Is Trump going to apologize to Dr Ford for appointing the man who tried to rape her ?
Unless you were there, and can prove it. Nothing happened, and most of america gets it. I'm sooooo glaaad you don't!

Most if America gets it. That is why they would have voted to NOT confirm Kavanaugh.
Because most of americans don't know the truth. After Trumps rally last week when he told the truth about Ford, people started changing their minds. Except the liberal loons.
Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
She is the one accusing with no proof. Maybe someone will do the same for you oneday. Then you can show us how you show proof you didn't do it 35 years later.
It seems Leftards are simply incapable of understanding the principles of presumption of innocence and you can’t prove a negative and aren’t expected to. Either that or they are pretending they don’t get it.
Hard to tell, as so many of them are dense and unhinged!

You are the one who is dense and brainless.,

This is not a court of law. There is no presumption of innocence. The fact is Kavanaugh lied when he said he never got falling down drunk.
Lol, Ford lied throught her whole testimony.

Yes, but it was a profitable lie. Ford has already been nominated as a distinguished alumni at UNC and this is only the first of many accolades she will received for her lies.

Who are any of us to say with the great riches that Ford will received that we would'n't have chased the $100 bill the Dems dragged through the trailer park to find Ford?
Is Trump going to apologize to Dr Ford for appointing the man who tried to rape her ?
Unless you were there, and can prove it. Nothing happened, and most of america gets it. I'm sooooo glaaad you don't!

Most if America gets it. That is why they would have voted to NOT confirm Kavanaugh.
Because most of americans don't know the truth. After Trumps rally last week when he told the truth about Ford, people started changing their minds. Except the liberal loons.

Exactly right. President Trump didn't use a mocking tone against Ford at all.

The President just soberly laid out the actual facts about the alleged rape attempt in detail and in an easy way for the people to understand it.

This is a new story to those who watch the Lame Stream Media.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
just because you don't like him doesn't make him not legit. sorry that's not how this works.

many didn't like obama, so was he not legit?

show me trump talking poorly of proven victims of sexual assault. accusations are not proof, btw. the left has forgotten that.
Likeability has nothing to do with it. Help and cooperation with a hostile foreign power is the problem.

As far as the second part, you make me laugh.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
Not in this situation. Here he was just speaking negatively about Far Left politicians and media people who repeated the vilest lies about Justice Kavanaugh.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
just because you don't like him doesn't make him not legit. sorry that's not how this works.

many didn't like obama, so was he not legit?

show me trump talking poorly of proven victims of sexual assault. accusations are not proof, btw. the left has forgotten that.
Likeability has nothing to do with it. Help and cooperation with a hostile foreign power is the problem.

As far as the second part, you make me laugh.
so - to be brutally blunt - you can't back up what you say.

got it.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

He does not apologize for me or the women who have been victims of sexual assault. Trump proves he is a first class asshole.
He's apologizing for all the leftwing douchebags who believe in guilty until proven innocent and who supported the vilest kind of smear against an innocent man. That means you, douchebag. You proved that you're a first class asshole.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
*President* shows his ass, embarrasses survivors of sexual assault the world over.

Our President's profound apology had nothing to do with survivors of sex assault.

It was aimed at those victimized by false charges like the Duke Lacrosse boys.

The Libs tried to nifong Kav, but President Trump's leadership foiled the libs by actually fighting back.
A. We don't have a legitimate president.

B. Bullshit. He speaks disparagingly about women, particularly survivors of assault, regularly.
Not in this situation. Here he was just speaking negatively about Far Left politicians and media people who repeated the vilest lies about Justice Kavanaugh.
He's absolutely correct, turd.

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