President shows class, apologizes on behalf of us all

FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
great. so i heard you got gang raped by a herd of horses with leprosy.

got proof you didn't?
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
She is the one accusing with no proof. Maybe someone will do the same for you oneday. Then you can show us how you show proof you didn't do it 35 years later.
It seems Leftards are simply incapable of understanding the principles of presumption of innocence and you can’t prove a negative and aren’t expected to. Either that or they are pretending they don’t get it.
Hard to tell, as so many of them are dense and unhinged!
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FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

That was one of the best things he has done as President.

Apologizing on behalf of the American people to Kavanaugh's family for the destructiveness and dishonesty of the Democrat have machine and the for the craziness of the mindless Moon Bat mob.

Good for Trump. MAGA.
Yep women have no clue what they're talking about LOL. When does the b******* GOP Hate Machine apologize to Hillary Obama the FBI holder learner and everyone else they've ruined with 30 years of phony scandals and garbage propaganda and give away to the rich? None of those scandals went anywhere in the real world, and none have been retracted or apologized for. You are a disgrace. And no it is not a giant conspiracy, brainwashed functional morons, unless intelligence and reality against garbage propaganda...

The filthy Ford bitch was lying about being sexually assaulted.

Any woman in America has a lot more chance of being raped by Bill Clinton than Brett Kavanaugh.

If any American woman wants to hate on anybody it should be Crooked Hillary for attacking the women that exposed Bill Clinton being a rapist and sexual predator.
You have no proof she's lying, just a giant pile of b*******, super duper. Also no evidence that Hillary is crooked, just 25 years of phony scandals that never reach the real world. Clinton's accusers never did a damn thing until GOP lawyers put them up to it.
Is Trump going to apologize to Dr Ford for appointing the man who tried to rape her ?
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
The hell they did, super duper.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
No, Trump again proves he’s a liar and dishonest partisan hack.

There wasn’t anything to ‘apologize’ for.
There sure as hell was. Smearing an innocent man is something that demands an apology.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics

That was one of the best things he has done as President.

Apologizing on behalf of the American people to Kavanaugh's family for the destructiveness and dishonesty of the Democrat have machine and the for the craziness of the mindless Moon Bat mob.

Good for Trump. MAGA.
Yep women have no clue what they're talking about LOL. When does the b******* GOP Hate Machine apologize to Hillary Obama the FBI holder learner and everyone else they've ruined with 30 years of phony scandals and garbage propaganda and give away to the rich? None of those scandals when went anywhere in the real world, and none have been retracted or apologize for. You are a disgrace. And no it is not a giant conspiracy, brainwashed functional morons.
You're right you have no argument...
not against that sad sack post that is for sure. you need a pat as I posted.
So there must be a conspiracy protecting Hillary, right, Super Dupe?
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.
Sounds like the bathing suit saved her...

Yeah. Thousands of women have been saved from being raped by 6foot footballers because .......bathing suits.
He was just a mediocre kid, now he is a mediocre hyper partisan Supreme...
Got anything better?
And he is 5 foot 9 in. Don't you have any impressive right wing judges? He and Clarence are pretty pathetic.
You know, the interesting thing about this case, is that there is no statute of limitations for sexual assault in MD. Ford could very possibly decide to file charges, and then Trump would have a sitting SC judge who is undergoing investigation for criminal behavior.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.
How could Kav prove he didn’t as she can’t even produce a date and location (just in case Kav could provide an alibi).
That was a calculated strategy on the part of the Dims who coached her testimony. If
she named a specific date, or even a narrow period, like the last half of August, it could easily be determined where Kavanaugh was and where she was.

This was a well planned and well financed smear.
No evidence of that, just a huge pile of BS propaganda.

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