President shows class, apologizes on behalf of us all

The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.
It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Obama stuck in in the Republicans face after he imposed the Obamacare Atrocity.

What did he say? Something like "elections have consequences and the Republicans can sit in the back of the bus".

Payback is a bitch.

The President is a highly respected leader in the WWE Universe, he knows how to administer a beat down and realizes how effective it can be in getting him over with the people.
His little bitch ass got a doctors excuse from going to war. Love how you think bitch ass draft dodgers are bad asses.. How fucking stupid are you?

Just because someone was an American with Disabilities doesn't mean he isn't a bad ass.

Hardly a "draft dodger" as an army doctor was the one who rejected him
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?

Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.

Great... Link please...

Four accusers of her lying...

There was far more accusers of Kavanaugh lying... Actually the FBI couldn't get around to all the accusers...

When is the President going to apologise to her...

If you are trying to say that she was too ugly to get assaulted, you might wanna rethink that one. I was a teenage boy once, and it didn't really matter much how she looked, just whether or not she was willing to make out, because there are lots of guys out there who have messed around with women who weren't in their social circle, but available. Hormones and horny teenage boys really aren't that choosy, unless there is a chance they can get caught with a homely girl.
Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.

The Real Perpetrators made a statement against their own interests- that gives them a lot more credibility than the broad.
The only pathetic thing I see is the shit show engineered by the Dems and their puppet Ford.

No one expects an apology from them because we all know they don't have enough class to apologize for anything.
Why should Ford apologize for nearly being raped? Why should Democrats apologize for Ford nearly being raped?
she never claimed she was nearly raped. are you ok?
Sounds like the bathing suit saved her... The point is that Supreme Court Justices are supposed to be great men, not another pervert hyper partisan GOP mediocrity..
what bathing suit?

The bathing suit she said she had on under her clothes. The party was supposed to be a pool party.
according to her story, she never lost her clothes, so how did a bathing suit save her? you all crack me up with your inability to have basic understanding of a statement. truly retarded, and I don't generally use that word any more in my life. but it truly fits here.
It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Obama stuck in in the Republicans face after he imposed the Obamacare Atrocity.

What did he say? Something like "elections have consequences and the Republicans can sit in the back of the bus".

Payback is a bitch.

The President is a highly respected leader in the WWE Universe, he knows how to administer a beat down and realizes how effective it can be in getting him over with the people.
His little bitch ass got a doctors excuse from going to war. Love how you think bitch ass draft dodgers are bad asses.. How fucking stupid are you?

Remember when Trump said he 'loathed' the American Armed Forces???

Oh....wait.....that was a Democrat President.

[Note: After the draft letter, below, there is a transcript of a February 1992 Nightline program in which then-Governor Bill Clinton discusses the controversial draft letter with Ted Koppel.]

"Dear Colonel Holmes,

I am sorry to be so long in writing. I know I promised to let you hear from me at least once a month, and from now on you will, but I have had to have some time to think about this first letter. Almost daily since my return to England I have thought about writing, about what I want to and ought to say. First, I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the draft, but for being so kind and decent to me last summer, when I was as low as I have ever been. One thing which made the bond we struck in good faith somewhat palatable to me was my high regard for you personally. In retrospect, it seems that the admiration might not have been mutual had you known a little more about me, about my political beliefs and activities. At least you might have thought me more fit for the draft than for ROTC. Let me try to explain.

From my work I came to believe that the draft system itself is illegitimate. No government really rooted in limited, parliamentary democracy should have the power to make its citizens fight and kill and die in a war they may oppose, a war which even possibly may be wrong, a war which, in any case, does not involve immediately the peace and freedom of the nation.

Because of my opposition to the draft and the war, I am in great sympathy with those who are not willing to fight, kill, and maybe die for their country, that is, the particular policy of a particular government, right or wrong.

I am writing too in the hope that my telling this one story will help you understand more clearly how so many fine people have come to find themselves loving their country but loathing the military, to which you and other good men have devoted years, lifetimes and the best service you could give. To many of us, it is no longer clear what is service and what is dis-service, or if it is clear, the conclusion is likely to be illegal.

Bill Clinton's Draft Letter | The Clinton Years | FRONTLINE | PBS
It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Obama stuck in in the Republicans face after he imposed the Obamacare Atrocity.

What did he say? Something like "elections have consequences and the Republicans can sit in the back of the bus".

Payback is a bitch.

The President is a highly respected leader in the WWE Universe, he knows how to administer a beat down and realizes how effective it can be in getting him over with the people.
His little bitch ass got a doctors excuse from going to war. Love how you think bitch ass draft dodgers are bad asses.. How fucking stupid are you?

Just because someone was an American with Disabilities doesn't mean he isn't a bad ass.

Hardly a "draft dodger" as an army doctor was the one who rejected him
He is a little bitch who did not show up for duty. Show me evidence of it being an army doctor. When the call was made poor Donny hurt his little feet. What a bitch and what a dumb ass for you to believe a coward is a bad ass.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Liberal Dictionary
Divisive talk - truth

Democrats are outnumbered by decent people. Thank God for that.
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Got proof she was nearly raped??

Thought not.
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.
well actually, how does she know it was kavanaugh? do you know how well she even knew him? want to know why? no one ever asked her. how fking stupid is that? BTW, psychologist will tell you that one never forgets where a traumatic event takes place along with the suspect. she can't remember. that is HUGE asshat HUGE,,, You're trying to argue in her behalf and looking the fool. time to leave it to the experts. she has zero evidence to support her story, her best friend screwed her worse than any male ever did in her life.
It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.


Obama stuck in in the Republicans face after he imposed the Obamacare Atrocity.

What did he say? Something like "elections have consequences and the Republicans can sit in the back of the bus".

Payback is a bitch.

The President is a highly respected leader in the WWE Universe, he knows how to administer a beat down and realizes how effective it can be in getting him over with the people.
There's where you and I differ. I don't want a WWE Clown destroying whatever cohesiveness we have left just to personally "win." It's wrong.
What is the value of "cohesiveness" if it means going along with Dim plans to destroy this country?
Got proof she wasn't?

Thought not.

Actually, she was sexually assaulted, not raped. By her own admission, she said that he tried to get her clothes off, but didn't succeed. In order for it to be considered rape, there has to be penetration, no matter how slight, but there DOES have to be penetration of some type.

She said she thought he was going to rape her, but she got away before it could happen.

I really wish that people would call things for what they actually are, rather than using hyperbolic language and inflating the incident into something it wasn't. When you do that, you give the other side room to disagree. If you call it for what it actually was, then they have to accept the reality of it. Exaggerating what happened, or using hateful hyperbole is no way to have any kind of debate or investigation.

And, that goes for BOTH sides.

Please remember to call the Kavanaugh accusation a lie, because her 4 witnesses said it was a Dr. Ford lie.
Actually they said they couldn't remember and couldn't corroborate. That does not make her a liar, they did not say she lied.. that would be Trump and your propagandists...

One of the defenses that they mounted that I though was totally bogus was when they had those 2 guys who said they were the ones that did it, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

Only problem is..................she's positive it was Kavanaugh, and considering the horrible thing that happened to her, she's never gonna forget who it was. Traumatic incidents are kinda like that. While she may not remember the exact date it happened, nor the exact house it was at, she does remember who was there and did it.
well actually, how does she know it was kavanaugh? do you know how well she even knew him? want to know why? no one ever asked her. how fking stupid is that? BTW, psychologist will tell you that one never forgets where a traumatic event takes place along with the suspect. she can't remember. that is HUGE asshat HUGE,,, You're trying to argue in her behalf and looking the fool. time to leave it to the experts. she has zero evidence to support her story, her best friend screwed her worse than any male ever did in her life.

She said she had ran in some of the same circles as him and knew who he was, because she was a cheerleader for his football team.

And, I've had some pretty horrific things happen to me that I couldn't tell you the exact date, and the only reason I can tell you where it happened is because my mother made me memorize my address at the time. I can't tell you exactly when each event happened, but they are burned into my memory. If my stepfather had ever decided to run for office, I would have spoken out against him as a child abuser, wife beater, and sexual abuser of girls. I've seen him do all 3 to my mother, my sister and myself. Whenever he started in on my mom or my sister, I would get his attention so he would focus all his anger on me.

Ever been beat with a bullwhip shortly after your 6th or 7th birthday? I have.
FInally, its great to see a US President apologizing for actual things our country has done, in this case to the great jurist, Justice Brett Kavanaugh. I can't imagine the Big O doing this.

Brett Kavanaugh receives apology from Trump for sexual misconduct allegations during confirmation - CNNPolitics
It was more divisive talk from the President. He called the Dems "evil" again yesterday and said the whole thing was made up. That whole confirmation "celebration" or whatever you call it was what Ed Sullivan would have called "A really big shoe...." which signified nothing. It just rubbed the Democrats' noses in the fact that they had been outnumbered again.

Facts are often considered ‘divisive’ by those who don’t like them and by those who don’t know what the word responsibility means. Too bad.
Trump seems to be under the delusion that Kavanaugh was proven innocent, but he wasnt. So there is nothing to apologize for.
Where did it happen?
I don’t know.

When did happen?
I don’t know.

What does your witness friend say?
She never met Kav and has no knowledge of the event.

Ya think he’d be found guilty in a court of law?
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