President Trum probably does have the power to pardon himself

So, before the headline is finished, you distinguish yourself as a liar. Certainly no less than we have become accustomed to from my panicking and Desperate Progressive good friends.

In my opinion, I think Mr. Giuliani threw this out like chum in the water for amusement in watching the Progressives react just as you have risen to the chum! :D

Another one who has no problem giving the president unchallenged power because he likes to watch patriots react. Brilliant.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?
Another one who has no problem giving the president unchallenged power because he likes to watch patriots react. Brilliant.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

The question I have is, why would a president write about pardoning himself, if he hadn't done anything wrong?

Absolutely. And the reason he says, "no collusion," every 15 minutes is because he knows repetition works with propaganda slurpers. It's all marketing with him.

It's undeniable that Junior, Jared and Manafort intended to collude, or conspire, with Russians, and that Trump the Elder tried to hide it with the dishonest statement he dictated.
So, before the headline is finished, you distinguish yourself as a liar. Certainly no less than we have become accustomed to from my panicking and Desperate Progressive good friends.

In my opinion, I think Mr. Giuliani threw this out like chum in the water for amusement in watching the Progressives react just as you have risen to the chum! :D

Another one who has no problem giving the president unchallenged power because he likes to watch patriots react. Brilliant.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

was this in the original article?
Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Guliani kind of has a point. Trump could pardon himself and everyone else involved, and the only redress the Congress would have is impeachment, which would only remove him from office.

And that assumes you could get 67 Senators to go along with removing him from office, which you probably can't at this point.

Three things would have to happen for Trump to be impeached

1) They'd need really good evidence of his commiting a crime, personally.
2) They'd need Democratic control of the House
3) His approval ratings would have to be low enough (like lower 20's) for Republican Senators to go along with removing him.

Those things aren't likely to happen as long as the economy is running the way it is.

No, he doesn't have a point. He can't pardon himself.

You can pardon someone who been convicted of a crime.
Ford Preemptively Pardoned Nixon. Nixon had not been convicted of a crime.
Another one who has no problem giving the president unchallenged power because he likes to watch patriots react. Brilliant.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

was this in the original article?

Nope, your gotcha - focusing on wording - is intact. I think those posters who pointed out Rudy was speaking as Donny's attorney had a valid point.
Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Guliani kind of has a point. Trump could pardon himself and everyone else involved, and the only redress the Congress would have is impeachment, which would only remove him from office.

And that assumes you could get 67 Senators to go along with removing him from office, which you probably can't at this point.

Three things would have to happen for Trump to be impeached

1) They'd need really good evidence of his commiting a crime, personally.
2) They'd need Democratic control of the House
3) His approval ratings would have to be low enough (like lower 20's) for Republican Senators to go along with removing him.

Those things aren't likely to happen as long as the economy is running the way it is.

No, he doesn't have a point. He can't pardon himself.

You can pardon someone who been convicted of a crime.
Ford Preemptively Pardoned Nixon. Nixon had not been convicted of a crime.

Yes, I know.

The problem here is, does a preemptive pardon exist? Or did Ford just make it up? Did the Supreme Court simply ignore it because they could?
Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Guliani kind of has a point. Trump could pardon himself and everyone else involved, and the only redress the Congress would have is impeachment, which would only remove him from office.

And that assumes you could get 67 Senators to go along with removing him from office, which you probably can't at this point.

Three things would have to happen for Trump to be impeached

1) They'd need really good evidence of his commiting a crime, personally.
2) They'd need Democratic control of the House
3) His approval ratings would have to be low enough (like lower 20's) for Republican Senators to go along with removing him.

Those things aren't likely to happen as long as the economy is running the way it is.

No, he doesn't have a point. He can't pardon himself.

You can pardon someone who been convicted of a crime.
Ford Preemptively Pardoned Nixon. Nixon had not been convicted of a crime.

By the President of the United States of America a Proclamation

Richard Nixon became the thirty-seventh President of the United States on January 20, 1969 and was reelected in 1972 for a second term by the electors of forty-nine of the fifty states. His term in office continued until his resignation on August 9, 1974.

Pursuant to resolutions of the House of Representatives, its Committee on the Judiciary conducted an inquiry and investigation on the impeachment of the President extending over more than eight months. The hearings of the Committee and its deliberations, which received wide national publicity over television, radio, and in printed media, resulted in votes adverse to Richard Nixon on recommended Articles of Impeachment.

As a result of certain acts or omissions occurring before his resignation from the Office of President, Richard Nixon has become liable to possible indictment and trial for offenses against the United States. Whether or not he shall be so prosecuted depends on findings of the appropriate grand jury and on the discretion of the authorized prosecutor. Should an indictment ensue, the accused shall then be entitled to a fair trial by an impartial jury, as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution.

It is believed that a trial of Richard Nixon, if it became necessary, could not fairly begin until a year or more has elapsed. In the meantime, the tranquility to which this nation has been restored by the events of recent weeks could be irreparably lost by the prospects of bringing to trial a former President of the United States. The prospects of such trial will cause prolonged and divisive debate over the propriety of exposing to further punishment and degradation a man who has already paid the unprecedented penalty of relinquishing the highest elective office of the United States.

Now, THEREFORE, I, GERALD R. FORD, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-ninth.

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Guliani kind of has a point. Trump could pardon himself and everyone else involved, and the only redress the Congress would have is impeachment, which would only remove him from office.

And that assumes you could get 67 Senators to go along with removing him from office, which you probably can't at this point.

Three things would have to happen for Trump to be impeached

1) They'd need really good evidence of his commiting a crime, personally.
2) They'd need Democratic control of the House
3) His approval ratings would have to be low enough (like lower 20's) for Republican Senators to go along with removing him.

Those things aren't likely to happen as long as the economy is running the way it is.

No, he doesn't have a point. He can't pardon himself.

You can pardon someone who been convicted of a crime.
Ford Preemptively Pardoned Nixon. Nixon had not been convicted of a crime.

Yes, I know.

The problem here is, does a preemptive pardon exist? Or did Ford just make it up? Did the Supreme Court simply ignore it because they could?
It exists because Ford set the precedent and no one challenged it in court. I suspect that if Trump ever tries to pardon himself for anything that it will be challenged though.
I think a big point many are missing is that accepting a pardon means ACCEPTING GUILT. Trump pardoning himself would be a declaration of guilt and pretty much auto-ejection from office.

No it would be around the same as Ford pardoning Nixion, or have we discussed before Trump pardoning Hillary .

aaaaand? Nixon has accepted the guilt by accepting the pardon.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump never stated that he thinks that he can pardon himself, you stupid ass. One of his former lawyers made the statement in a letter sent to the witch hunter. You worthless leftist traitors will post anything to demean Trump. Suck it, fool. Trump ain't going anywhere for the next seven years.

His lawyer, representing him made the statement. Unless he fires Rudy, Rudy is legally speaking for him.
Maybe in a fukin courtroom. Not in front of a microphone.

Nope. Doesn't work that way. A lawyer making remarks concerning his client's case is legally representing that client. Doesn't matter where he is, or who he is talking to.
Bullshit. Trump cannot control what other people say dumass.
Trump: I have 'absolute right to pardon myself' - CNNPolitics

Bwaa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, hee, chuckle, chuckle, bwaa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, !!!

What an absolute moron! Bigly!!!

Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

Trump is truly this stupid.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.

The Democrat coup attempt has failed, so now the Left Wingers have become even crazier.

Democrat coup? What coup?

Were Trump to be impeached, he'd be replaced by A REPUBLICAN ffs.
Obviously most Trump sycophants are just as stupid.
I think a big point many are missing is that accepting a pardon means ACCEPTING GUILT. Trump pardoning himself would be a declaration of guilt and pretty much auto-ejection from office.

No it would be around the same as Ford pardoning Nixion, or have we discussed before Trump pardoning Hillary .

aaaaand? Nixon has accepted the guilt by accepting the pardon.

What constitutes accepting a pardon, particularly one issued preemptively?
This just in: President Trump pardons himself but claims he is innocent.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump 'could pardon himself but won't'

Trump 'could pardon himself over Russia but won't', says Giuliani"

Giuliani has claimed that Trump thinks he can pardon himself. Coming from a lawyer, this is a little bemusing.

Firstly because Trump, as president, could only be impeached.

If he were impeached, he'd no longer be president. If he were tried in a court of law, he'd not be president, if he were found guilty, he's still not be president, and not being president means he can't pardon himself.
Trump never stated that he thinks that he can pardon himself, you stupid ass. One of his former lawyers made the statement in a letter sent to the witch hunter. You worthless leftist traitors will post anything to demean Trump. Suck it, fool. Trump ain't going anywhere for the next seven years.

Someone can't read, I see. But you certainly know how to insult.

It's funny when someone calls another person an insult like "fool" and yet they didn't read the OP, they don't know what they're talking about.

We call it IRONY.
what's even funnier is when someone posts what you did. In your OP, Who said it? come on 'fool' let's see whose name you mention.
You lefties had no problem not holding Obama or anyone in his administration accountable for their actions on anything. Not sure why you are whining about this now.

I had a problem with it. I'm on the left.
but you have no problem lying in a subject line. still looking for where trump says he can pardon himself directly. where is it, please. all i've seen are RILE UP THE LEFT suggestions he said it and that's all the left, hell the right also needs anymore to prop up as "proof".

given the nature of fake news's biggest goal of getting people to spread it, way to go dude. it's not verified, not proven he said it but you're parading it around like its fact so you can show off your righteous indignation.

As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 4, 2018

13 minutes ago, so frigid was just prescient.

was this in the original article?

Nope, your gotcha - focusing on wording - is intact. I think those posters who pointed out Rudy was speaking as Donny's attorney had a valid point.
nope. trump did say something stupid. again. but my point was i *did* read through the article he referenced in the OP and there was *not* a trump quote so his headline didn't match his story at first.

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