President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave an excellent rebuttal to Trump's lies on Rachel Maddow.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

How does one pay for a 2000mile wall? Tax cuts ?

The better question is how does our Congress send $50+BB to foreign country's and cannot secure our Southern Border? You would have to be Deaf, Dumb & Blind to deny the problem is real...

It's really about the fact that President Trump has delivered on so many of his promises and he makes them look like worthless pieces of shit...
With the moronic statement that they believe the symbol of America - with 20+ million illegals here / 11 million unidentified / 150p more coming each day & with democrats giving them illegal safe haven - should be the statue of liberty and not a wall Pelosi and Schumer declared tonight they have no intention of doing anything to stop the continued flow of illegals into the country.

They signaled their arms, like the border, is open wide to welcome drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, thieves, pedophiles, racists, and cop killers....

I say...




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Nnothing personal, but I hope one of your family members gets raped or murdered by an illegal. That seems to be the only way you will get it...

Funny. Statistics have proven that homegrown criminals and terrorists are a much greater threat.

That's not an excuse to import more, four thousand dead Americans at the hands of illegals, people who shouldn't have been here, the last two years. To say you're scum is an understatement and an insult to scum.

With the moronic statement that they believe the symbol of America - with 20+ million illegals here / 11 million unidentified / 150p more coming each day & with democrats giving them illegal safe haven - should be the statue of liberty and not a wall Pelosi and Schumer declared tonight they have no intention of doing anything to stop the continued flow of illegals into the country.

They signaled their arms, like the border, is open wide to welcome drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, thieves, pedophiles, racists, and cop killers....

I say...




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Nnothing personal, but I hope one of your family members gets raped or murdered by an illegal. That seems to be the only way you will get it...

Funny. Statistics have proven that homegrown criminals and terrorists are a much greater threat.
Why continue to leave your window open and let criminals in your house when you already have troublemakers there? We don't need to import cop killers, rapists, pedophiles...

Duh, maybe because America is a land of immigrants. Where did you come from?

And we have the most generous legal immigration system in the world. Illegal aliens have no place here.

With the moronic statement that they believe the symbol of America - with 20+ million illegals here / 11 million unidentified / 150p more coming each day & with democrats giving them illegal safe haven - should be the statue of liberty and not a wall Pelosi and Schumer declared tonight they have no intention of doing anything to stop the continued flow of illegals into the country.

They signaled their arms, like the border, is open wide to welcome drug smugglers, human traffickers, MS13, thieves, pedophiles, racists, and cop killers....

I say...




View attachment 239097
Nnothing personal, but I hope one of your family members gets raped or murdered by an illegal. That seems to be the only way you will get it...

Funny. Statistics have proven that homegrown criminals and terrorists are a much greater threat.

Actually, statistics prove that every time Trump's polls drop one point, another million illegal aliens have crossed the border and voted for Hillary....
Dem's sure are STUPID. Trump threw down the gauntlet, cough up the money for border security or Trump will make them famous on national TV for the thousands of Americans killed, raped, and victimized by illegals. Test him Demshits DO IT! :auiqs.jpg:

Smucky and the palousey reminded me of Chairman Kim or the ayatollahs of Iran, give us what we want, then we'll talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, tal,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, about what we won't give up. Damn commies.

Next event begins at 9:00 PM EST.

We will be able to watch the President from the Oval Office here

It appears some fool's so-called president and tyrant against humanity has earned their address in a burning down low hell. Enjoy dining and celebrating with the devil but I don't think it would be a comfortable event.
Next event begins at 9:00 PM EST.

We will be able to watch the President from the Oval Office here

Your fake and treasonous so-called president tRump in violation of U.S. Constitutional law isn't fit to address a rat.

      • Levin Blasts Schumer-Pelosi Response to Trump: 'Pathological Liars' Have 'Done Nothing' for Border Security in 40 Years

      "Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin said Democratic leaders Charles Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are "pathological liars" and have done nothing constructive for immigration or border control policy in nearly "half a century."

      Levin said President Trump gave an "outstanding speech" on the importance of the wall and solid border security policy Tuesday night.

      However, he said Schumer and Pelosi achieved the opposite.

      Levin said that the two leaders have been in Congress for decades with little accomplishment to show for themselves in this regard.

      Schumer began his term on Capitol Hill as a congressman in 1981, and later the Senate after defeating popular Republican Sen. Alfonse "Al" D'Amato in 1998. Schumer's House seat was filled by his then-longtime aide, Anthony Weiner.

      Pelosi was first elected in 1987 as the endorsed successor of Rep. Sala Burton (D-Calif.).

      Levin said the two Democrats and their caucus successfully "fooled" every Republican president from Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush.

      "[Schumer and Pelosi] are part of the scam artists. They get amnesty, legalization, citizenship -- and never secure the border," Levin said.

      "They're not going to fool Donald Trump," he said, noting that in the past, Reagan and the Bushes assented to amnesty-type legislation with the promise of border control in the future.

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