President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019

In essence he told them to quit being obstructionists and do what is good for Americans rather than trying to punish him.


Trump’s Son: Border Wall Is Like A Zoo Fence Protecting You From Animals
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

How does one pay for a 2000mile wall? Tax cuts ?

The better question is how does our Congress send $50+BB to foreign country's and cannot secure our Southern Border? You would have to be Deaf, Dumb & Blind to deny the problem is real...

It's really about the fact that President Trump has delivered on so many of his promises and he makes them look like worthless pieces of shit...
It's even worse.....they refused to sit in a briefing room and listen to ICE and Border Patrol officials tell them the facts. They started yelling and stomped out of the room.
We need comprehensive border protection just like Israel and Egypt.

We're not Israel nor Egypt. We're talking about an "un guarded" 1000 mile wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built. All you need to do is listen to a Republican congressmen who's district is 840 miles of the border. He says technology would be much more effective and efficient at protecting the border.

Trump says NO to that.
Obviously you do not know what seismic sensors can do along with a little high explosive..

You are trying to design you're own wall--:auiqs.jpg: There are no plans for seismic sensors. No one has ever mentioned it but you. You WALL people, have clearly never been to the southern border, I have. You build a 40 foot wall, they'll bring ladders, ropes, block and tackle and or build stairs on their side of the wall, and repel down the other side.

This WALL will not be guarded and it would turn out to be the biggest boondoggle in American history. The only way to secure the border is with technology and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly.

Anything they can see, can, and will always be compromised. Something they can't see won't even be attempted.
You read the proposal?

What proposal? If you've got some kind of proposal, you can put a link right on this thread for it. All I have heard is WALL. It was originally designed to be concrete, now it's steel, but none of it matters because no matter what is built it will be compromised in one way or another.

The wall is the equivalent of putting you & others in prison with high walls, fences, barbed wire, etc. only there are no guards, and you & other prisoners have heavy equipment and a Home Depot inside of the prison. It's won't take long to get out of it.
There is a Bill.
There is also a nice tunnel from Mexico to the US that was built by a team that knew what they were doing.
We need comprehensive border protection just like Israel and Egypt.

We're not Israel nor Egypt. We're talking about an "un guarded" 1000 mile wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built. All you need to do is listen to a Republican congressmen who's district is 840 miles of the border. He says technology would be much more effective and efficient at protecting the border.

Trump says NO to that.
Obviously you do not know what seismic sensors can do along with a little high explosive..

You are trying to design you're own wall--:auiqs.jpg: There are no plans for seismic sensors. No one has ever mentioned it but you. You WALL people, have clearly never been to the southern border, I have. You build a 40 foot wall, they'll bring ladders, ropes, block and tackle and or build stairs on their side of the wall, and repel down the other side.

This WALL will not be guarded and it would turn out to be the biggest boondoggle in American history. The only way to secure the border is with technology and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly.

Anything they can see, can, and will always be compromised. Something they can't see won't even be attempted.
You read the proposal?

What proposal? If you've got some kind of proposal, you can put a link right on this thread for it. All I have heard is WALL. It was originally designed to be concrete, now it's steel, but none of it matters because no matter what is built it will be compromised in one way or another.

The wall is the equivalent of putting you & others in prison with high walls, fences, barbed wire, etc. only there are no guards, and you & other prisoners have heavy equipment and a Home Depot inside of the prison. It's won't take long to get out of it.
What does a wall do?
It makes it easier to defend the border.
This is simple stuff, but ignorance rules the day.
A wall will cause an entry point to be created by drug cartels that can be easily closed and shut down.
There are places that people can just walk thru that has no barriers. In some places it's just a fence to stop vehicles and horses. A person on foot can easily go thru it.
Does anyone belive drug cartels who have bizilllions of pesos is going to care if there's a wall?

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

How does one pay for a 2000mile wall? Tax cuts ?

The better question is how does our Congress send $50+BB to foreign country's and cannot secure our Southern Border? You would have to be Deaf, Dumb & Blind to deny the problem is real...

It's really about the fact that President Trump has delivered on so many of his promises and he makes them look like worthless pieces of shit...
It's even worse.....they refused to sit in a briefing room and listen to ICE and Border Patrol officials tell them the facts. They started yelling and stomped out of the room.
Oh really? You were there?
The face of pure evil. Especially Schumer.
Imagine how much you could make if you stamped this pic on clay pigeons.
Well, I'm sure you could make a fair amount since deplorables and trumpanzees are easily conned out of their money.
That's rich!!! LOL!!

People like you buy every fucking scam the Democrats dream up.

  • Global warming
  • Government funded abortions
  • Government funded birth control
  • Sanctuary Cities
  • Affirmative Action
  • Medicaid for illegals
  • Obamacare
  • Open borders

The criminal fraudulent expenses that Democrats have added have become a burden to taxpayers and will be passed on to our kids and their kids and their kids.
Dem's sure are STUPID. Trump threw down the gauntlet, cough up the money for border security or Trump will make them famous on national TV for the thousands of Americans killed, raped, and victimized by illegals. Test him Demshits DO IT! :auiqs.jpg:
the Great Douche got 1.6B from the last Gobmint Shutdown when DOPers were in charge of it all.

The Great Douche got 1.6B. All the time that has passed from 2017, most of that money is not spent.

We have no plans from team DOUCHE, where that money will be spent building this great Douche Wall then
or now.

At this time the great Douche has money to spend on some wall and has not done shit.

Now Gobmint is shut down partly due to Mexico is not giving billions in pesos to build the wall.

If the Great Douche can't get a wall started with that money from 2017. The Dems should say start by providing
where will it start, how many miles can you build with the approved funds in 2017. After you got 1/3 of
that mile built, come back to the house with a progress report and plans. We will talk about more funds.


It would be fun if the Great Douche sends the
U.S. Rapid deployment force
to the Border Thursday where IT will be.
And enacts a National Emergency standing at the Mexican Border with armed forces.
That would be a nice great Douche Crazy day.
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