President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019

Right, clearly not a citizen, he is brown.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will have two things to say.
Everything Trump said is a lie and they will tell us how great it will be if we give them a shitload more of our money in taxes.

They will say with a big smile that we should give them their crumbs back.

They didnt ask for money and boy do you look foolish now. Trump is lieing though. The support for the wall...not border security...the wall is built on lies and exaggerations about illegal immigration. That's one reason it wouldnt be acceptable for sound of mind dems to support it. By now we should all realize that lie number 1 is that dems want open borders and no border security. That they would support no border security initiative. That's a lie. Do you agree or have you been compromised?
We have no border security, it’s obvious the numbers don’t lie
Depends on how you use them.

Trump said terrorists were pouring in through the border.

Turns out it was six.

Are six worth 20 billion?

What about the other 3,996? Where are they?
Illegal aliens of all types are pouring across the border every single day, it is a fucking clown show down there. An absolute failure. Trump knows this to be true that is why he’s pushing so hard… He’s responsible. The pressure needs to be ratcheted up on him to do something about it.
That's some sad language. Why do you feel you need to exaggerate on the game border crisis? Do the facts not speak for themselves?
Most illegal aliens cross and don’t get caught,we Have no border security
Are you fucking retarded?
Now you’re just trying to save face.
You think unscable mountains on the border need a barrier?
You are a phony and a moron.
Trump has stated from day 1 that less than 900 miles need a barrier, but you’re too much of a faggot Liberal to admit you know shit about Trump’s positions on anything.

I am watching Republican congressmen on CNN right now, who's districts cover 840 miles along the southern border that state that a wall won't work. In fact we have plenty of experience knowing walls and fences don't work. Here is a 2-1/2 minute video explaining it.

They found 240 of these in the San Diego region alone.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels

Technology with more border patrol that can respond quickly is the ONLY way to go. Schumer & Pelosi already offered this up on the advice of border security experts, and Trump has dug in deep on a wall that would never work.

We need comprehensive border protection just like Israel and Egypt.

We're not Israel nor Egypt. We're talking about an "un guarded" 1000 mile wall that would have a 1000 tunnels underneath it as soon as it was built. All you need to do is listen to a Republican congressmen who's district is 840 miles of the border. He says technology would be much more effective and efficient at protecting the border.

Trump says NO to that.

Obviously you do not know what seismic sensors can do along with a little high explosive..

You are trying to design you're own wall--:auiqs.jpg: There are no plans for seismic sensors. No one has ever mentioned it but you. You WALL people, have clearly never been to the southern border, I have. You build a 40 foot wall, they'll bring ladders, ropes, block and tackle and or build stairs on their side of the wall, and repel down the other side.

This WALL will not be guarded and it would turn out to be the biggest boondoggle in American history. The only way to secure the border is with technology and more border patrol stations that can respond quickly.

Anything they can see, can, and will always be compromised. Something they can't see won't even be attempted.

So you have not read the RFQ? (Request for Quote) Every federal project requires minimum requirements. There are 22 RFQ's for the border wall system.. Seismic sensors and other hi-tech devices are in them for use.. Keep your head rectally impacted, its your standard defense position.
Couple of Lying Sacks.................They talk big on border security when they need the votes......other that that.....

Meet Mr and Mrs. Open Borders.
Just thought of something when you said what you said about them two doing things just for votes.

Blasio of New York coming up with this free health-care for all citizens bullcrap, and it costing only 100 million dollars (in which is just highly unrealistic), right ???

Well that's right it is "unrealistic", but here is the deal with what's going down with these elites in New York and Californication I think.

You see they are only looking at two years of this free bullcrap crap offer, and so it will last just long enough to get Trump voted out of office because the people/leftist/liberals/Demon-crats love the free stuff right ? So right on time are these Demon-crats with their free bullcrap offers, and as long as they (the base), are getting it from these elites, then they will vote for who is handing it out right ??

New York and Californication are teaming up to oust Trump one way of the other, and they are going to pull every trick out of the book in order to get it done including this radical move on healthcare.

They fear Trump so bad, that they are exposing years of their own corruption in an attempt at getting him out somehow or someway. Open your eyes America, it's just so easy to see.
Couple of Lying Sacks.................They talk big on border security when they need the votes......other that that.....

Meet Mr and Mrs. Open Borders.
Just thought of something when you said what you said about them two doing things just for votes.

Blasio of New York coming up with this free health-care for all citizens bullcrap, and it costing only 100 million dollars (in which is just highly unrealistic), right ???

Well that's right it is "unrealistic", but here is the deal with what's going down with these elites in New York and Californication I think.

You see they are only looking at two years of this free bullcrap crap offer, and so it will last just long enough to get Trump voted out of office because the people/leftist/liberals/Demon-crats love the free stuff right ? So right on time are these Demon-crats with their free bullcrap offers, and as long as they (the base), are getting it from these elites, then they will vote for who is handing it out right ??

New York and Californication are teaming up to oust Trump one way of the other, and they are going to pull every trick out of the book in order to get it done including this radical move on healthcare.

They fear Trump so bad, that they are exposing years of their own corruption in an attempt at getting him out somehow or someway. Open your eyes America, it's just so easy to see.
Socialist use it because it sounds good..............Not realistic........but to the uniformed it's SOUNDS SO GOOD......until they run out of other people's money......and it all comes crashing down. Happens all the time in history
Couple of Lying Sacks.................They talk big on border security when they need the votes......other that that.....

Meet Mr and Mrs. Open Borders.
Just thought of something when you said what you said about them two doing things just for votes.

Blasio of New York coming up with this free health-care for all citizens bullcrap, and it costing only 100 million dollars (in which is just highly unrealistic), right ???

Well that's right it is "unrealistic", but here is the deal with what's going down with these elites in New York and Californication I think.

You see they are only looking at two years of this free bullcrap crap offer, and so it will last just long enough to get Trump voted out of office because the people/leftist/liberals/Demon-crats love the free stuff right ? So right on time are these Demon-crats with their free bullcrap offers, and as long as they (the base), are getting it from these elites, then they will vote for who is handing it out right ??

New York and Californication are teaming up to oust Trump one way of the other, and they are going to pull every trick out of the book in order to get it done including this radical move on healthcare.

They fear Trump so bad, that they are exposing years of their own corruption in an attempt at getting him out somehow or someway. Open your eyes America, it's just so easy to see.
Socialist use it because it sounds good..............Not realistic........but to the uniformed it's SOUNDS SO GOOD......until they run out of other people's money......and it all comes crashing down. Happens all the time in history
Well they figure for two years they'll be happy to use other people's money in order to get their way, so free crap in every way imaginable will be for the next two years.

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