President Trump and his vision for America

Do you believe this budget proposal will make America Great

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
President Trump's 2019 Budget Proposal:

  • Slashes Medicare by nearly $500 billion over ten years and Medicaid by $1.4 trillion;
  • Attacks our clean air, clean water, and public health bycutting funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by 30% and eliminates 30 environmental protection programs, including programs for climate change research, environmental education, protecting beaches, reducing lead risks, and protecting national estuaries;
  • Eliminates vital housing and community development programs, including capacity building for affordable housing, Community Development Block Grants, and the HOME Investment Partnerships program, all at a time when we urgently need to increase our supply of affordable housing. The HOME program alone has created 1.5 million jobs nationwide and generated $94 billion in local income while helping more than 270,000 families at risk of homelessness since its creation in 1992;
  • Cuts SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, by nearly 30% over the next ten years;
  • Undermines the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) programs that help lift thousands out of poverty every year by requiring participants to have a Social Security Number;
  • Eliminates 17 K-12 programs, for a total of $4.4 billion in cuts, including complete elimination of funding for afterschool programs and teacher development programs;
  • Eliminates the following programs:
    • Chemical Safety Board - the only safety agency to be eliminated
    • Special Olympics
    • National Endowment of the Arts
    • National Endowment of the Humanities
    • Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps, SeniorCorps, etc.);
  • Abandons the President's campaign promise to balance the budget and adds $7 trillion to the national debt.
President Trump's Infrastructure Plan:

  • Increases spending by only $200 billion, which barely makes up for the cuts in other infrastructure programs proposed in his budget ($168 billion) and falls short of our infrastructure needs;
  • Shifts responsibility for infrastructure funding and maintenance to state and local governments and requires them to come up with 80% of funds, which likely will result in increased tolls on working families;
  • Privatizes the Air Traffic Control, which increases the national debt by $57 billion.
The budget proposal was included in a letter I received from a member of Congress.

This truly great. Look how the Trotskyites howl about it. If the Ds hate something you know it is good.
Those "dual citizens" and the other "dual citizens", who defend them, will dig it. You think streets are bloodied now ?
This budget, even after it has been diluted by panicky GOP incumbents, will damage Trump's support base to such a degree, he'll be facing a hostile Congress after the mid-terms.
Just look at Pennsylvania...
This budget, even after it has been diluted by panicky GOP incumbents, will damage Trump's support base to such a degree, he'll be facing a hostile Congress after the mid-terms.
Just look at Pennsylvania...

What about PA he obliterated Hillary and took PA away from the Dem's. Also kicked the shit out of the Dem's in MI and WI. Left them bruised and batter lying in a puddle of their own filth.
Privatizing air traffic control doesn't seem like a good idea. Air safety in the hands of one or more companies.
President Trump's 2019 Budget Proposal:

  • Slashes Medicare by nearly $500 billion over ten years and Medicaid by $1.4 trillion;
  • Attacks our clean air, clean water, and public health bycutting funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by 30% and eliminates 30 environmental protection programs, including programs for climate change research, environmental education, protecting beaches, reducing lead risks, and protecting national estuaries;
  • Eliminates vital housing and community development programs, including capacity building for affordable housing, Community Development Block Grants, and the HOME Investment Partnerships program, all at a time when we urgently need to increase our supply of affordable housing. The HOME program alone has created 1.5 million jobs nationwide and generated $94 billion in local income while helping more than 270,000 families at risk of homelessness since its creation in 1992;
  • Cuts SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps, by nearly 30% over the next ten years;
  • Undermines the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) programs that help lift thousands out of poverty every year by requiring participants to have a Social Security Number;
  • Eliminates 17 K-12 programs, for a total of $4.4 billion in cuts, including complete elimination of funding for afterschool programs and teacher development programs;
  • Eliminates the following programs:
    • Chemical Safety Board - the only safety agency to be eliminated
    • Special Olympics
    • National Endowment of the Arts
    • National Endowment of the Humanities
    • Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps, SeniorCorps, etc.);
  • Abandons the President's campaign promise to balance the budget and adds $7 trillion to the national debt.
President Trump's Infrastructure Plan:

  • Increases spending by only $200 billion, which barely makes up for the cuts in other infrastructure programs proposed in his budget ($168 billion) and falls short of our infrastructure needs;
  • Shifts responsibility for infrastructure funding and maintenance to state and local governments and requires them to come up with 80% of funds, which likely will result in increased tolls on working families;
  • Privatizes the Air Traffic Control, which increases the national debt by $57 billion.
The budget proposal was included in a letter I received from a member of Congress.

Trump is an idiot.

An imbecile.

He is a sick joke that got out of hand.

He has NO VISION except to better himself.

He is known as not only an incompetent businessman, inept at all aspects of business except maybe bankruptcy, he's also a terrible human being -- ACCORDING TO ANYONE WHO HAS LOANED HIM MONEY OR DONE BUSINESS WITH HIM.

We elected a "businessman" you CAN'T GET A LINE OF CREDIT FROM ANY BANK IN NYC.

WTF does that tell you.

The White House is now Lord of the flies.

You wanted a chaos disruption candidate and you got it... Nihilism!
Privatizing air traffic control doesn't seem like a good idea. Air safety in the hands of one or more companies.
Air Trump. (-:

It's a political document, but cutting medicare and public education is a win for Dems.

And Krazy Kevin Brady is proposing another round of income tax cuts before Nov.
About ten years ago the president's vision for America seemed to be related to his upbringing in Africa and Indonesia. While American industries were struggling with the cost of fuel the president told Americans that they would be weaned off fossil fuel while the rest of the world's economy was related to the production of oil. You never heard a chant of "USA-USA" in an Obama rally because Obama Sotoro Hussein had a 3rd world vision for America. Hypocrite lefties enjoy a thriving economy under the Trump presidency and a return on their 401k retirement which is tied to the stock market but they nit-pick about the budget and the agenda with simplistic polls that six year old kid would laugh at.
About ten years ago the president's vision for America seemed to be related to his upbringing in Africa and Indonesia. While American industries were struggling with the cost of fuel the president told Americans that they would be weaned off fossil fuel while the rest of the world's economy was related to the production of oil. You never heard a chant of "USA-USA" in an Obama rally because Obama Sotoro Hussein had a 3rd world vision for America. Hypocrite lefties enjoy a thriving economy under the Trump presidency and a return on their 401k retirement which is tied to the stock market but they nit-pick about the budget and the agenda with simplistic polls that six year old kid would laugh at.
Left a mark, he did. LOL
About ten years ago the president's vision for America seemed to be related to his upbringing in Africa and Indonesia. While American industries were struggling with the cost of fuel the president told Americans that they would be weaned off fossil fuel while the rest of the world's economy was related to the production of oil. You never heard a chant of "USA-USA" in an Obama rally because Obama Sotoro Hussein had a 3rd world vision for America. Hypocrite lefties enjoy a thriving economy under the Trump presidency and a return on their 401k retirement which is tied to the stock market but they nit-pick about the budget and the agenda with simplistic polls that six year old kid would laugh at.

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