President Trump can start laying off furloughed workers after 30 days

How funny would that be? Former "gubermint" workers competing for jobs with illegals.........wanna bet that they would be for a wall then? LOL!!!!
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.Right?
It's not a gift. People everywhere are cheering and when the goons are laid off, they'll cheer even louder.
You think government employees are goons?

You don't even know them.
I think most federal agency employees are goons.
I think the vast majority of government employees are goons.

And yeah, I know them very well..that's how I know what they are.
That's a shame. I know many very nice people who are government employees. Also, I don't celebrate the misfortune of others.

Oh well. That's just me.
Then people’s anger is misplaced. They should chew out their house reps for being too inept to craft a bill that their counterpart Senators won’t even waste their time reading... Things are working exactly like they should. The House Democrats on the other hand... Just can’t seem to get the job done.

As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...
They didnt have the 60- votes from the Dems in the Senate, you worthless dumbass liberal(redundant statement I know)..
Are you like this in real life? It's always the other guy's fault?

Grow up.
Are you always a spineless coward in real life?
Wow, you're still going.

I made a point, you went drama queen.

Get over it.
I told you why the President didnt get the Dems in the Senate to pass the 5 billion and you went Rules for Radicals, and I just doubled down back at you. Dont like it, then act like a civilized person and not a petulant little spoiled liberal.
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.Right?
It's not a gift. People everywhere are cheering and when the goons are laid off, they'll cheer even louder.
You think government employees are goons?

You don't even know them.
I think most federal agency employees are goons.
I think the vast majority of government employees are goons.

And yeah, I know them very well..that's how I know what they are.
That's a shame. I know many very nice people who are government employees. Also, I don't celebrate the misfortune of others.

Oh well. That's just me.
1 in 5 may be nice, the other 4 can be FIRED....
As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...

Nobody that is not a partisan sheep that puts party before country likes the decision to make the POTUS the de facto leader of the Senate

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Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...

Nobody that is not a partisan sheep that puts party before country likes the decision to make the POTUS the de facto leader of the Senate

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Fret not. McConnell isn’t President. You can come out of your bunker now
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...

Nobody that is not a partisan sheep that puts party before country likes the decision to make the POTUS the de facto leader of the Senate

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Fret not. McConnell isn’t President. You can come out of your bunker now

You are correct, he is a spineless man who has given up leadership of the Senate to the president.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.

You missed the obvious one because you're a dumb hick. EPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not NASA. LMAO. Odium is a dumbass hick.
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.Right?
It's not a gift. People everywhere are cheering and when the goons are laid off, they'll cheer even louder.
You think government employees are goons?

You don't even know them.
I think most federal agency employees are goons.
I think the vast majority of government employees are goons.

And yeah, I know them very well..that's how I know what they are.
That's a shame. I know many very nice people who are government employees. Also, I don't celebrate the misfortune of others.

Oh well. That's just me.
Its the politics of expanding the federal employee hirings that is the issue. Individuals who have lives is understood. Do you believe there are men and women working at fast food or wal mart type of employment who are more qualified then many people working for government?
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.Right?
It's not a gift. People everywhere are cheering and when the goons are laid off, they'll cheer even louder.
You think government employees are goons?

You don't even know them.
I think most federal agency employees are goons.
I think the vast majority of government employees are goons.

And yeah, I know them very well..that's how I know what they are.
That's a shame. I know many very nice people who are government employees. Also, I don't celebrate the misfortune of others.

Oh well. That's just me.
Its the politics of expanding the federal employee hirings that is the issue. Individuals who have lives is understood. Do you believe there are men and women working at fast food or wal mart type of employment who are more qualified then many people working for government?
That's not the issue at all. Read the posts in this thread and others. Some people are perfectly fine with the fact that government employees are not being paid right now. The reason? Simply because those people are government employees, and many here are trained to automatically dislike anything that has to do with the government.

The same party like to wrestle over raising the debt limit to pay bills to which we are already obligated.

Not a lot of rational thought there.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!

President Trump isn't going to lay off government workers and they will all get paid when this is over. Just waiting for Democrats to cut the childish nonsense out.

There are two types of government workers; 1. Those that live paycheck to paycheck or don't have much in the savings. These people need Democrats to end this now. 2. Those that have a decent amount of savings. These people are taking a free vacation courtesy of the tax payer.
God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...

Nobody that is not a partisan sheep that puts party before country likes the decision to make the POTUS the de facto leader of the Senate

Sent from my iPhone using
Fret not. McConnell isn’t President. You can come out of your bunker now

You are correct, he is a spineless man who has given up leadership of the Senate to the president.
Or... He and the president are of like mind on the issue. Nah...!!! Impossible!
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.

You missed the obvious one because you're a dumb hick. EPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not NASA. LMAO. Odium is a dumbass hick.
Rather be a redneck hick than a spawn of satan you Jewess bitch.:fu:
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!

So much for your stupid far right wing wet dream...

Bill Announcement | The White House

S. 24, the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019,” which requires the compensation of government employees for wages lost, work performed, or leave used during a lapse in appropriations that begins on or after December 22, 2018, and entitles excepted employees to use leave during a lapse in appropriations.

That has nothing to do with the OP.


Also, the RIF does not apply to Emergency furloughs.

21.6 Emergency Furlough: A furlough because of lack of appropriations or lack of work due to unpredictable events such as natural disasters, fires, etc.

21.7 Furlough: The placement of an employee in temporary non-duty and non-pay status for not more than 30 consecutive days or 22 nonconsecutive work days during the twelve (12) month period beginning the day after the effective date of the furlough. For furloughs of more than 30 consecutive days or more than 22 nonconsecutive work days see Article 20 (RIF) of this Agreement.

Nothing in there says the employee can be layed off.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!

So much for your stupid far right wing wet dream...

Bill Announcement | The White House

S. 24, the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019,” which requires the compensation of government employees for wages lost, work performed, or leave used during a lapse in appropriations that begins on or after December 22, 2018, and entitles excepted employees to use leave during a lapse in appropriations.

That has nothing to do with the OP.


Also, the RIF does not apply to Emergency furloughs.

21.6 Emergency Furlough: A furlough because of lack of appropriations or lack of work due to unpredictable events such as natural disasters, fires, etc.

21.7 Furlough: The placement of an employee in temporary non-duty and non-pay status for not more than 30 consecutive days or 22 nonconsecutive work days during the twelve (12) month period beginning the day after the effective date of the furlough. For furloughs of more than 30 consecutive days or more than 22 nonconsecutive work days see Article 20 (RIF) of this Agreement.

Nothing in there says the employee can be layed off.

But everything in there says they do not fall under the RIF provision.
Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Whah! We get it. You don’t like his position, or decision. We get it. Too bad. Such is politics...

Nobody that is not a partisan sheep that puts party before country likes the decision to make the POTUS the de facto leader of the Senate

Sent from my iPhone using
Fret not. McConnell isn’t President. You can come out of your bunker now

You are correct, he is a spineless man who has given up leadership of the Senate to the president.
Or... He and the president are of like mind on the issue. Nah...!!! Impossible!

If they were liked minded he would not need to get prior approval before putting a bill up for a vote
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!

So much for your stupid far right wing wet dream...

Bill Announcement | The White House

S. 24, the “Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019,” which requires the compensation of government employees for wages lost, work performed, or leave used during a lapse in appropriations that begins on or after December 22, 2018, and entitles excepted employees to use leave during a lapse in appropriations.

That has nothing to do with the OP.


Also, the RIF does not apply to Emergency furloughs.

21.6 Emergency Furlough: A furlough because of lack of appropriations or lack of work due to unpredictable events such as natural disasters, fires, etc.

21.7 Furlough: The placement of an employee in temporary non-duty and non-pay status for not more than 30 consecutive days or 22 nonconsecutive work days during the twelve (12) month period beginning the day after the effective date of the furlough. For furloughs of more than 30 consecutive days or more than 22 nonconsecutive work days see Article 20 (RIF) of this Agreement.

Nothing in there says the employee can be layed off.

But everything in there says they do not fall under the RIF provision.

While only losers make being a Non essential employee for the government a career, even most of those losers won’t wait around to much longer not getting payed. Those mooches will find other jobs. This shut down is the best thing ever.

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