President Trump can start laying off furloughed workers after 30 days

CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing you didn't know that Space X (not Tesla) worked WITH NASA?

U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it

There it is! A Holocaust denier....probably a supporter of James Von Brunn.

National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.

Not an art appreciator, are you? Too high level for you? Silly me asking.....
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
NASA- Tesla has shown they can do just as good of a job NASA can no reason to keep funding that when a private company can do the same thing
TSA-Should be a state or private company thing
U.S. Agency for global media-WTF we need this for?
Peace Corps- WHY is the government paying for this? PLENTY of rich folks who like helping the poor in other countries let them pay for it
Holocast museum-shut it down personally or just let a private entity control it
National Gallery of Arts and the National Endowment for the arts-again we should not be funding art and music let private entities do this.
As for almost ALL other agencies slash their budgets AND how many workers they have.
So you don't appreciate exploration, safety in transportation, history or art.
Takes too much brain work for him.........
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.

By now you KNOW President Trump doesn't care what the leftists think,he does what is best for the country and shrinking government is best. How many of these workers are already gonna be looking for new jobs anyways.
Trump does what's best for himself & his mob, dickweed.:1peleas:
This guy also a few weeks ago posted some bullshit about the reckless deficit. President is trying to reduce it, and the dumbass is still bitching...PTDS..

Trump added 1.38 trillion dollars to the debt in 2018 and you think he is trying to reduce the deficit?

Fuck, you are stupid.
A conservative republican trump voter stupid? Repetitious poster is repetitious.
And by the "President is trying to reduce it", you mean DOUBLE it since taking office.
How the FUCK are you people so ignorant? Seriously. No wonder your propagandists are able to get you to drink the Kool-Aid so easily!
Trump added 1.38 trillion dollars to the debt in 2018 and you think he is trying to reduce the deficit?
Fuck, you are stupid.

And who is in charge of the purse strings of the government again?

You are no moderate, you are a dumbass liberal, sorry you are too cowardly to face the truth....
View attachment 240532

You're right. The Democrat controlled House has been in charge of the purse strings for an entire week now. Why are they moving so slow?
The Democrat controlled House has, since the shut down started, sent budget bills to the Senate TWICE....why hasn't McConnell brought them up for a vote? Is he tiny trump's sex slave?
And by the "President is trying to reduce it", you mean DOUBLE it since taking office.
How the FUCK are you people so ignorant? Seriously. No wonder your propagandists are able to get you to drink the Kool-Aid so easily!
Trump added 1.38 trillion dollars to the debt in 2018 and you think he is trying to reduce the deficit?
Fuck, you are stupid.

And who is in charge of the purse strings of the government again?

You are no moderate, you are a dumbass liberal, sorry you are too cowardly to face the truth....
View attachment 240532

You're right. The Democrat controlled House has been in charge of the purse strings for an entire week now. Why are they moving so slow?
The Democratic House has passed a spending bill, dipshit. Right after they were all sworn in a couple weeks ago. They passed the very same bill the Republican Senate passed in December.

All McConnell had to do after the House passed the bill was bring it up for a vote in the Senate.

So the right question is, "Why is MCCONNELL moving so slowly?"

McConnell and Trump are the two people responsible for the shutdown.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
/---- / Start with the Dept of Education and then the Dept of Energy or maybe the EPA.
I agree with all 3! Especially Education department. The parents in my county have a LOT of say so over things and we do pretty good dealing with things here. Return it to the states.
Get rid of the National Parks Service as well. Give this land back to the States to manage. Where it belongs. Let them pay for its management, and upkeep. As well as reaping the profits for their efforts. The Federal government has almost no business owning land outside of military bases, court houses, and other clerical types of properties.

Sure....that's working out well.
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!
Which workers would you like to see unemployed? Which services should be eliminated?
/---- / Start with the Dept of Education and then the Dept of Energy or maybe the EPA.
I agree with all 3! Especially Education department. The parents in my county have a LOT of say so over things and we do pretty good dealing with things here. Return it to the states.
Get rid of the National Parks Service as well. Give this land back to the States to manage. Where it belongs. Let them pay for its management, and upkeep. As well as reaping the profits for their efforts. The Federal government has almost no business owning land outside of military bases, court houses, and other clerical types of properties.
View attachment 240598 View attachment 240599

Sure....that's working out well.
Sure is.
Hyperbole isn’t gonna cut it. The reality is that 2.4 branches are in agreement. House Reps, Senate, and the President. And you have The Democrat House representative whining, and crying “foul” because everyone else not only disagrees with them; they’re “Gasp!”... working together! Oh! Noooohs!!!
Grow up. The Demsneed to get their shit together; and write a bill worthy of their colleagues times. It’s that simple.

Republicans are not a branch of government, there is only the House, the Senate and the POTUS.

Right now none of them are doing their job, But so far only one of them has had the balls to say they are no longer an independent entity, they are now just the lapdog for the POTUS and will only vote on things he tells them to.
To correct things are make them less intrusive not a lapdog thing. The real tough decisions need to be made. And they would have been less tough if politicians from both sides kept their promises in recent years that most of Trump's agendas promote.
Hyperbole isn’t gonna cut it. The reality is that 2.4 branches are in agreement. House Reps, Senate, and the President. And you have The Democrat House representative whining, and crying “foul” because everyone else not only disagrees with them; they’re “Gasp!”... working together! Oh! Noooohs!!!
Grow up. The Demsneed to get their shit together; and write a bill worthy of their colleagues times. It’s that simple.

Republicans are not a branch of government, there is only the House, the Senate and the POTUS.

Right now none of them are doing their job, But so far only one of them has had the balls to say they are no longer an independent entity, they are now just the lapdog for the POTUS and will only vote on things he tells them to.
To correct things are make them less intrusive not a lapdog thing. The real tough decisions need to be made. And they would have been less tough if politicians from both sides kept their promises in recent years that most of Trump's agendas promote.

To state you will not submit a bill that the POTUS has not agreed ahead of time to sign is being a lapdog.
Has the Senate voted on it?

The Senate will not vote on anything unless Trump tells them it is ok to do so.

That is not really the way it is supposed to work.
Then people’s anger is misplaced. They should chew out their house reps for being too inept to craft a bill that their counterpart Senators won’t even waste their time reading... Things are working exactly like they should. The House Democrats on the other hand... Just can’t seem to get the job done.

As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote.....which McConnell REFUSES to let take place. Is McConnell tiny trump's sex slave?
Has the Senate voted on it?

The Senate will not vote on anything unless Trump tells them it is ok to do so.

That is not really the way it is supposed to work.
Then people’s anger is misplaced. They should chew out their house reps for being too inept to craft a bill that their counterpart Senators won’t even waste their time reading... Things are working exactly like they should. The House Democrats on the other hand... Just can’t seem to get the job done.

As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote.....which McConnell REFUSES to let take place. Is McConnell tiny trump's sex slave?
I’m sure that’s it...
Hyperbole isn’t gonna cut it. The reality is that 2.4 branches are in agreement. House Reps, Senate, and the President. And you have The Democrat House representative whining, and crying “foul” because everyone else not only disagrees with them; they’re “Gasp!”... working together! Oh! Noooohs!!!
Grow up. The Demsneed to get their shit together; and write a bill worthy of their colleagues times. It’s that simple.

Republicans are not a branch of government, there is only the House, the Senate and the POTUS.

Right now none of them are doing their job, But so far only one of them has had the balls to say they are no longer an independent entity, they are now just the lapdog for the POTUS and will only vote on things he tells them to.
To correct things are make them less intrusive not a lapdog thing. The real tough decisions need to be made. And they would have been less tough if politicians from both sides kept their promises in recent years that most of Trump's agendas promote.

To state you will not submit a bill that the POTUS has not agreed ahead of time to sign is being a lapdog.
Or a sex slave. Who knew tiny hands was into turtles.......
CONFIRMED: President Trump Can Start Laying Off Furloughed Workers After 30 Days With 'Reduction In Force' Procedure - Big League Politics

AWESOME! Let's start reducing size of government! I got a feeling this was part of the plan from the beginning! Shrink the hell out of government!

President Donald Trump signed legislation Wednesday guaranteeing that furloughed workers will be paid retroactively.

Furloughed workers to get back pay once government shutdown is over
Hyperbole isn’t gonna cut it. The reality is that 2.4 branches are in agreement. House Reps, Senate, and the President. And you have The Democrat House representative whining, and crying “foul” because everyone else not only disagrees with them; they’re “Gasp!”... working together! Oh! Noooohs!!!
Grow up. The Demsneed to get their shit together; and write a bill worthy of their colleagues times. It’s that simple.

Republicans are not a branch of government, there is only the House, the Senate and the POTUS.

Right now none of them are doing their job, But so far only one of them has had the balls to say they are no longer an independent entity, they are now just the lapdog for the POTUS and will only vote on things he tells them to.
To correct things are make them less intrusive not a lapdog thing. The real tough decisions need to be made. And they would have been less tough if politicians from both sides kept their promises in recent years that most of Trump's agendas promote.

To state you will not submit a bill that the POTUS has not agreed ahead of time to sign is being a lapdog.
Or a sex slave. Who knew tiny hands was into turtles.......
Sounds legit. You’ve probably solved the mystery...
Has the Senate voted on it?

The Senate will not vote on anything unless Trump tells them it is ok to do so.

That is not really the way it is supposed to work.
Then people’s anger is misplaced. They should chew out their house reps for being too inept to craft a bill that their counterpart Senators won’t even waste their time reading... Things are working exactly like they should. The House Democrats on the other hand... Just can’t seem to get the job done.

As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??
The Senate will not vote on anything unless Trump tells them it is ok to do so.

That is not really the way it is supposed to work.
Then people’s anger is misplaced. They should chew out their house reps for being too inept to craft a bill that their counterpart Senators won’t even waste their time reading... Things are working exactly like they should. The House Democrats on the other hand... Just can’t seem to get the job done.

As long as we have people like you that will never blame "their side" and will always just blame the other side our country will continue to go down hill.

you are part of the problem as long as you keep putting party before country,.
Wrongo...Dems are the house majority. It’s “their” bill to write. No one else’s. That’s just the way it is. If they can’t write one worthy of their colleagues time; that’s on them fully. And no one else.
And they DID write and vote on a bill...twice...but the way our federal government works, it then goes to the Senate for a vote...

God damned those policies, procedures and separations of power! God damn them to Hell!!!! Whyyyyy!!!!!??

Thanks to the senate leader abdicating leadership of the Senate there is now less separation than there should be.
Surely he has the sense not to hand the Dems a gift like that.Right?
It's not a gift. People everywhere are cheering and when the goons are laid off, they'll cheer even louder.
You think government employees are goons?

You don't even know them.
I think most federal agency employees are goons.
I think the vast majority of government employees are goons.

And yeah, I know them very well..that's how I know what they are.

"As the video below shows, the park ranger couldn’t give them a good reason for making them leave. He explained that the park is open and that they could go wherever they would like. However, if they tried to make the place look nicer by picking up trash and debris along the way, then they were crossing a line."

WATCH: Volunteers Kicked Out of Nat'l Park for Cleaning It During Shutdown—Without a Permit
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