President Trump could make a world of troubles....a lot worse.

Yeah, i'm pretty sure this OP and others are gonna claim he's made it worse regardless of what actually happens. Am i way off-base thinking that?
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There's another one of Jim's "could" posts. He uses posts that inclue the words, "could", "if", "might", etc. He has no substance at all, just a lot of butt hurt.
There's another one of Jim's "could" posts. He uses posts that inclue the words, "could", "if", "might", etc. He has no substance at all, just a lot of butt hurt.

He or she desperately wants it to be. They're gonna claim he's made troubles worse, no matter what actually happens. He hasn't even been sworn in yet, and they're already screeching 'Impeachment.' They're deranged children. By far, the worst sore losers in the history of US Elections. That's the reality.
There's another one of Jim's "could" posts. He uses posts that inclue the words, "could", "if", "might", etc. He has no substance at all, just a lot of butt hurt.

He or she desperately wants it to be. They're gonna claim he's made troubles worse, no matter what actually happens. He hasn't even been sworn in yet, and they're already screeching 'Impeachment.' They're deranged children. By far, the worst sore losers in the history of US Elections. That's the reality.

Actually they did a survey just a couple of days ago and found that the Liberals were far more prone to hating those who oppose their views than Conservatives are. It's a class thing. Liberals are totally absent class.
aw whats the big deal , TRUMP could keep walking around apologizing and kissing azz as mrobama does or TRUMP could do as i hope he does and reassert the USA to its proper place . If the TRUMP does as i hope he is liable to pizz off all the right people , countries , nations , despots , tyrants , leaders and enemies of the USA and i like that !!
After 8 years of that meat puppet faggot making everything worse, all Trump has to do is NOT SHOW UP, and he'd still be a better president than obozo.

There's another one of Jim's "could" posts. He uses posts that inclue the words, "could", "if", "might", etc. He has no substance at all, just a lot of butt hurt.

Probably because he's talking about the future which hasn't happened yet. I mean, if he says "will" then you'll criticize him if it doesn't happen, in fact you'll probably do it anyway.

So you fucked if you do, and fucked if your don't. Any old excuse to fight the partisan bullshit fight, right?
Diplomacy through Twitter at 3:00 am...what could possibly go wrong?'
Any one bother to read the link? I stopped when I came to this..

America is just another nation among many.

Trump has assembled the conservative dream cabinet

as a conservative, one of the things I have complained bitterly about over the years is the failure to reign in federal agencies that have over-reached in the enforcement of their policies.

it looks like we are finally going to see it

I'm starting to get all tingly legged like Chris Matthews did for Barry Hussein Obama; but for different reasons

hell, Trump just backed Israel in a tweet; so his foreign policy is already better than President Fucknuts with his abstention...
Any one bother to read the link? I stopped when I came to this..

America is just another nation among many.

Trump has assembled the conservative dream cabinet

as a conservative, one of the things I have complained bitterly about over the years is the failure to reign in federal agencies that have over-reached in the enforcement of their policies.

it looks like we are finally going to see it

I'm starting to get all tingly legged like Chris Matthews did for Barry Hussein Obama; but for different reasons

hell, Trump just backed Israel in a tweet; so his foreign policy is already better than President Fucknuts with his abstention...
Trump Since The Election-What We Have Learned (Not Good)
It s hard to see where Trump will go. Rhetorically he has been isolationist where he can't do much damage

If he gets like Bush where he is trying to use the military to establish his historical legacy....we are in big trouble
There's another one of Jim's "could" posts. He uses posts that inclue the words, "could", "if", "might", etc. He has no substance at all, just a lot of butt hurt.

Probably because he's talking about the future which hasn't happened yet. I mean, if he says "will" then you'll criticize him if it doesn't happen, in fact you'll probably do it anyway.

So you fucked if you do, and fucked if your don't. Any old excuse to fight the partisan bullshit fight, right?

He could just simply keep his mouth shut until he has something credible to piss and moan about.

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