President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Before the election, Biden said on live TV that he had the most extensive voter fraud mechanism in history. Also before the election he said he didn't need our votes to get elected ... just support once he was. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, and being the utter moron that he is, he incriminated himself both times. Now we know what he meant. It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM. THERE AREN'T THAT MANY REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! FRAUD! PURE AND SIMPLE! And Arizona will PROVE it BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT. And so will Georgia before all is said and done. And more states will follow. Biden will not make it to 2024. He will be out on his ear long before that, one way or another. Hopefully we can get rid of the fraudulent ass hole without out and out civil war, but if it comes to that it can certainly happen.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! And resolving the election fraud is just one drop in a big bucket. What is coming is going to have liberals wondering what hit them. Those who can't see past CNN do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the New World Order is do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what NESARA/GESARA is don't have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the Quantum Financial System is don't have even the slightest clue. And I am not going to even attempt to clue you in because you woudn't believe me if I did, all it would get me is derision, smart-ass insults, denial, obfuscation, the usual fare on this forum. Just know that NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage.
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Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

That's idiotic. Trump was a building contractor most of his life, and probably has a bad back. You think that in all those years, he never picked up some heavy loads?

Never.... at 35 Trump was still riding around in his father's chauffer driven Cadillac. Trump has NEVER worked. Of course he was a vice president in his father's company.
/——/ Dementia Joe has been on the public tit since day one. That point gets right past you.

So was Cheney. Did that bother you?
/——/ I don’t care for any career bureaucrat, regardless of party.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.
Before the election, Biden said on live TV that he had the most extensive voter fraud mechanism in history. Also before the election he said he didn't need our votes to get elected ... just support once he was. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, and being the utter moron that he is, he incriminated himself both times. Now we know what he meant. It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM. THERE AREN'T THAT MANY REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! FRAUD! PURE AND SIMPLE! And Arizona will PROVE it BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT. And so will Georgia before all is said and done. And more states will follow. Biden will not make it to 2024. He will be out on his ear long before that, one way or another. Hopefully we can get rid of the fraudulent ass hole without out and out civil war, but if it comes to that it can certainly happen.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! And resolving the election fraud is just one drop in a big bucket. What is coming is going to have liberals wondering what hit them. Those who can't see past CNN do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the New World Order is do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what NESARA/GESARA is don't have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the Quantum Financial System is don't have even the slightest clue. And I am not going to even attempt to clue you in because you woudn't believe me if I did, all it would get me is derision, smart-ass insults, denial, obfuscation, the usual fare on this forum. Just know that NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage.

Pinhead, there have been many, many new world orders. You don't even know what you are raving about.
Before the election, Biden said on live TV that he had the most extensive voter fraud mechanism in history. Also before the election he said he didn't need our votes to get elected ... just support once he was. Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, and being the utter moron that he is, he incriminated himself both times. Now we know what he meant. It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM. THERE AREN'T THAT MANY REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! FRAUD! PURE AND SIMPLE! And Arizona will PROVE it BEYOND ANY SHADOW OF DOUBT. And so will Georgia before all is said and done. And more states will follow. Biden will not make it to 2024. He will be out on his ear long before that, one way or another. Hopefully we can get rid of the fraudulent ass hole without out and out civil war, but if it comes to that it can certainly happen.

NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING! NOTHING! And resolving the election fraud is just one drop in a big bucket. What is coming is going to have liberals wondering what hit them. Those who can't see past CNN do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the New World Order is do not have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what NESARA/GESARA is don't have even the slightest clue. Those who don't know what the Quantum Financial System is don't have even the slightest clue. And I am not going to even attempt to clue you in because you woudn't believe me if I did, all it would get me is derision, smart-ass insults, denial, obfuscation, the usual fare on this forum. Just know that NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage.
Not sure what's funnier...what you wrote or that you actually edited it at 2:48 in the morning after a national holiday.

"Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud...."
So, poster Rancid......are you suggesting then that both William Barr AND Joe Biden will be executed on August 2nd?
And...I realize my next question is perhaps a bit macabre, but.....but how do you think it will be done? Lethal injection down at Terre Haute? Firing squad at some military base? Hung?

"It is a fact that Trump got 75 million votes. To beat him, Biden had to get more. That means 350 million voters BARE MINIMUM..."
Oh merde'!!
Not only do we have the New World Order to fret about, we now have the new New Math!
'Rancid' Math.
That's gonna be a challenge for any number of us old folks who learned arithmetic on the school chalkboard.
You see in Rancid Math......... Don Trump's 74,111,419 votes ....combined with.......Joe Biden's 81,009,468 votes does NOT total 155,120,887 votes.
Noper. In Rancid Math they total ---at minimum ---- 350,000,000 votes.

Yeah, I know.
Me too.


"NOTHING can stop what is coming and it is going to rock your world and rattle your cage."

Well, as mentioned in the response just above, if the poster is alluding to the need to learn the new Rancid Math, OK, we get it.
He is probably right. Arithmetic is hard, even real arithmetic. But Rancid Math takes difficulty to a whole new level.

True that?
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.

Democrats are the weirdest people. And I was talking about how you subjugate and exploit blacks. You target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation. You're Archie Bunker. Blacks are to think what you do or let em know you still believe in slavery.

You know what the difference between a Democrat in 1860, 1920 and 2015 is in your attitude to blacks? Nothing, you're still racists and believe blacks are your property
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?


Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Psst, dummy, it was cheap because were in a fucking recession.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?


Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Psst, dummy, it was cheap because were in a fucking recession.

Psst dummy. It was cheap because President Trump took the restraints off the energy sector.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Runaway inlation like we are seeing since the Socialists stole the election is usually a trademark of Socialist takeovers.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.

Democrats are the weirdest people. And I was talking about how you subjugate and exploit blacks. You target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation. You're Archie Bunker. Blacks are to think what you do or let em know you still believe in slavery.

You know what the difference between a Democrat in 1860, 1920 and 2015 is in your attitude to blacks? Nothing, you're still racists and believe blacks are your property
You know who doesn't agree with you? --- Blacks.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?


Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Psst, dummy, it was cheap because were in a fucking recession.

Psst dummy. It was cheap because President Trump took the restraints off the energy sector.

That's a fantasy, as anyone actually familiar with oil price record well knows.

Demand cratered during the recession and prices correspondingly collapsed just like they did in 2008.

Recessions are bad ok? Cheap gas during recessions is not an indicator of a good economy. More expensive gas as demand returns in a growing economy is not indication of "socialism" it's a indication of basic economics dummy.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.

Democrats are the weirdest people. And I was talking about how you subjugate and exploit blacks. You target any black who tries to leave the Democrat plantation. You're Archie Bunker. Blacks are to think what you do or let em know you still believe in slavery.

You know what the difference between a Democrat in 1860, 1920 and 2015 is in your attitude to blacks? Nothing, you're still racists and believe blacks are your property
You know who doesn't agree with you? --- Blacks.

You couldn't have more completely proven my point, could you, racist? You polled your plantation and they told you blacks like slavery, so that justifies your hunting down and dragging back any black who's tried to leave. You're a sick fuck
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?


Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Psst, dummy, it was cheap because were in a fucking recession.

Psst dummy. It was cheap because President Trump took the restraints off the energy sector.

It was cheap because of the pandemic and NO MARKET DEMAND.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

We had a year of cheap gas because of the pandemic and NO market demand.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?


Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.

If we don't punish the assholes that stole this election then our Republic has been lost. Stolen by Socialist revolutionists like they have stolen other countries.

LOLOL.. You have socialists on the brain, but you are demanding cheap gasoline.

Socialism doesn't give anyone a "cheap" anything, except for cheap misery. It's because of Biden's socialist policies that gas isn't cheap right now.

It was cheaper under Trump. Was he a "socialist"?

Psst, dummy, it was cheap because were in a fucking recession.

Psst dummy. It was cheap because President Trump took the restraints off the energy sector.

It was cheap because of the pandemic and NO MARKET DEMAND.

Demand was down, but there is no question that supply was up, racist.

What a moron.

And your demand we continue to buy from and fund repressive governments rather than expanding production at home more is more of your moral depravity

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