President Trump Drawing HUGE Support Today!

Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
I'm sure that will happen as soon as you can find something wrong with the last election. The fact that trump is a loser isn't proof of wrongdoing.
Wait until the results of the AZ audit come out ... you will have more proof than you liberal conspirators can stand and the GA audit will provide the final nail in Biden's coffin. :cul2:
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
Like I said...get help! And get the fuck over it.

Stop being a fucking idiot. We are not going to get over the fact that the filthy ass Democrats stole an election from the American people.
And WE ARE NOT GOING TO STAND FOR IT! Either the AZ and GA audits and the Supreme Court will fix the mess, or our military will act on the audit results to enforce the Insurrection Act of 1807 and Trump's EO of 2018 which is still in play ... or there is going to be a civil war.
You don't have to try so hard. You've already proven you are nuts. Nobody would dare contest that fact.

So tell me Smokin' Op...
What democrat could draw this big of a crowd?
Seems trump supporters put so much stock in how many attend his rallies. It's almost as silly a fox viewers who think viewers are the same thing as credibility.

I wasn't even talking to you.
But you still cant answer the question.
Tell me the name of one dem that can draw a crowd like Trump.
I'll take your non answer as a win.
Exactly what do you think you will win? The last election shows that a crowd attending a rally means nothing in an election.
Means nothing in a fraudulent election. Massive indicator in a real election.
Perhaps that is so in your alternative world.
Wait until the results of the AZ audit come out ... you will have more proof than you liberal conspirators can stand and the GA audit will provide the final nail in Biden's coffin. :cul2:
And when it is proven YET AGAIN that there was no fraud? What then? You Trump loons still go 'nah, nah, nah, nah, nah' like five-year olds? When even judges you appointed say you lost the election, and you still don't accept the result - then you really are in cuckoo land. Trumplethinskin has been there for a while...
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
I'm sure that will happen as soon as you can find something wrong with the last election. The fact that trump is a loser isn't proof of wrongdoing.
Wait until the results of the AZ audit come out ... you will have more proof than you liberal conspirators can stand and the GA audit will provide the final nail in Biden's coffin. :cul2:
Right. The Cyber Ninja's are going to prove everything. I thought it was just their name that made me think of a Saturday morning cartoon show.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
Like I said...get help! And get the fuck over it.

Stop being a fucking idiot. We are not going to get over the fact that the filthy ass Democrats stole an election from the American people.
Nah, you’re just sore losers. Biden is your president.
Well, that "huge" crowd he allegedly drew got a bit of snark-attack with that plane flying overhead.

Trump Rally Florida Plane Message "Loser Palooza" | Plane Rally Trump Message Loser Palooza There is a plane flying above Trump and his rally that says LOSER PALOOZA.


Haven't we seen that "LoserPalooza" tag line on this very forum before?

It seems other folks than just this forum are thinking 'LoserPalooza' too.

Who knew?
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
Like I said...get help! And get the fuck over it.

Stop being a fucking idiot. We are not going to get over the fact that the filthy ass Democrats stole an election from the American people.
Nah, you’re just sore losers. Biden is your president.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.
Every now and then a 'treasure chest' of a thread comes along......packed full of jewels.
Let's un-pack a few:

",,,,pathetic Pitty Party in Sarasota. Trump lost and Biden won."
'Pity Party'?
OK, but LoserPalooza has been used on this very forum too.
If the shoe fits.

If the number of disqualified ballots give the win to Trump the state must change it declaration....and the state will go to Trump...
It doesn't seem the Constitution supports that poster's assertion. But, the poster may be a Constitutional lawyer. I'm not. Is he?

the auditing outfit is the same one the Dems have used a multitude of times.
It's been asked by others, but I'll chime in too: Source?
Who or where did this 'fact' come from?
Was it simply made up by someone else....or by the poster himself?
Time to saddle-up Skippy, and show if your pony can carry the load you put on it.

You're goofy crap just isn't worth the effort.
You know, poster Bulldog, I hear you. Some of these posters are so into their own personal Twilight Zone that there's no use responding with either facts....or even just sincerity. But, on the other hand, some of the nutters do offer stuff like "Oathkeepers are really Kosher Drag Queens" or "Bill Barr is gonna be executed for treason on August 2nd".
Those are jewels (really click-bait?) that keep those of us who savor internet loon-think ---and satire fodder --coming back.

(Don Trump) -----he still holds the nuclear football,
(Joe Biden) he was elected as "President" of the US CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED a few days prior to his fake inauguration. Our military officially recognized Trump as their Commander In Chief in early March. (Biden) recently threatened dissenting Americans with nukes.
Are those not treasures?
Most all will have a smirk-fest over such.
However, there is a negative side.
And that is such postings sadly re-enforce the American public's (probably a good share of the world's, too).....anyway it re-enforces the now worn cliche' that Trump supporters are the under-educated, un-informed, and the mis-informed. The HoneyBooBoo demographic. Now, I don't totally subscribe to that but too many real Trump supporters validate that cliche'. It's sad, really.

counted by corrupt Democrats in Democrat swing districts.
That sounds awfully dire, poster Flash.
Can you name names?
Just exactly who did these despicable deeds?

Any arrests been made?
Have you informed authorities on any of these miscreants that you may know personally?
If not, why not?

I love this bar!
Oh, how I love the chronic delusional liberal mind. Poor oaf. Have pity on him, lord. And when the Eagle comes home to roost, help him find a way to put himself out of his misery. The Supreme Court has already said that if Election Fraud is proven, they will over-turn the election and Trump will be reinstated. Of Course you never will see that on the lying, criminally corrupt MSM. And if the chicken-shit sold-out Supreme Farce won't do so, the Insurrection Act of 1807 and our military will damned straight get that little job done. So watch the Arizona audit, and buckle up.
View attachment 508580
Holy bag of crazy.

Election is over idiot. Trump lost. Time to get with reality and move on.
The election isn't over until the Arizona audit and the one soon to take place in Georgia say it was valid. And the military has the same hard actual forensic evidence of massive voter fraud and foreign intervention that Mike Lindell shows in his Absolute Proof video. Biden's days are numbered. It is only buffoons like yourself with your heads up CNN's corrupt ass who don't know that. Buckle up, cupcakes. Denial will get you nowhere.
View attachment 508590

Perris Leathers P25XXLS-201​

You need to get help from a mental health professsional with the voices in your head that are telling you that horseshit. Please explain exactly how the outcome of the election can be overturned at this point.

The reason why the Democrat filth wanted to rush through the certification was they knew that the results could never withstand the scrutiny of an audit in the districts where the ballots were fraudulent.

Now that several of the states are being audits and the results are showing the fraud we need to do the right thing.

If we don't then that is a great injustice to the American people. The Democrats should not be able to get away with stealing the election. Not only reversing but also the sonofabitches need to go to prison for betraying the Republic.
Like I said...get help! And get the fuck over it.

Stop being a fucking idiot. We are not going to get over the fact that the filthy ass Democrats stole an election from the American people.
Nah, you’re just sore losers. Biden is your president.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.
I'll bet you $100 that the only thing different from all his other rallies is perhaps he will add a few to the list he thinks didn't praise him enough.

You're trying too hard. You can unclench now
Well, his little sideshow has come and gone. Would you care to point out anything new he had to say?

Biden couldn't get anyone to show up when he was running for President. He needed Democrats to stuff the ballot box to win. Trump can pack them in when he's not even running yet.

The butt hurt is strong in this one ...
So you didn't see anything new from that orange pig either. He had a few thousand come to see his snake oil show. How many voters do you think there are in the US?

Hate makes you ugly
So does a fake orange tan and hair.

True. I'd rather get the Trump tan though than spend my life full of hate like you racist fuck wads
Lol yes I am such a racist when it comes to fake orange tans on insecure, desperate idiots in their 70’s like Trump.
At least he isn't such a total dumb shit that he manages to fall UP the stairs. :auiqs.jpg:
Wait until the results of the AZ audit come out ... you will have more proof than you liberal conspirators can stand and the GA audit will provide the final nail in Biden's coffin. :cul2:
And when it is proven YET AGAIN that there was no fraud? What then? You Trump loons still go 'nah, nah, nah, nah, nah' like five-year olds? When even judges you appointed say you lost the election, and you still don't accept the result - then you really are in cuckoo land. Trumplethinskin has been there for a while...
It has NEVER BEEN proven that there was no fraud. Arizona will prove that there was MASSIVE fraud. And no judge we appointed has ever said we lost the election ... they just took the chicken-shit way out and refused to look at the evidence. So Arizona is looking at it FOR them.
Trump has a lot of enthusiastic followers who will vote for him if he runs in 2024. Biden would be lucky if he could draw 500 people as would Kamala.
A Trump-DeSantis ticket would easily win in 2024.
I agree. I don’t see any potential democrats who could win in 2024. Kamala is proving to be a loser and Joe will definitely be too old. Joe is already too old.
Trump is supposed to be an also ran. I doubt our President, Joe Biden, could attract a crowd half that size even if he offered free beer.
Huge populist rallies...another thing Trump has in common with such wildly popular leaders as Mussolini, along with an unquenchable thirst for power and a delusional grip on reality.
Perhaps Trump draws large crowds because he was a damn good President if not a great President.

With all this thirst for power you suggest it amazes me Trump didn’t start any wars like Hillary dId.

It is also interesting that Russia and China are now threatening us. That might be because we have this weak, old, senile grifter in office and they realize now is the time to make a move on places like the Ukraine and Taiwan.

Nope. That's not it. He draws crowds because it's a circus.

And they aren't large crowds.
For a guy who supposedly lost the Presidential Election 20,000 to 25,000 is a LARGE crowd. Could Hillary or Al Gore draw such a crowd six months after they lost?


Trump has a lot of enthusiastic followers who will vote for him if he runs in 2024. Biden would be lucky if he could draw 500 people as would Kamala.
A Trump-DeSantis ticket would easily win in 2024.
I agree. I don’t see any potential democrats who could win in 2024. Kamala is proving to be a loser and Joe will definitely be too old. Joe is already too old.
Unless the fraudulent, corrupt, rigged 2020 election is overturned, cleaned up, those responsible prosecuted, and such fraud made impossible by outlawing dominion machines and their ilk, there is no point in even bothering to vote in 2022 or 2024 and no conservative will ever win an election ever again. And if all that is done, Trump will be back in the saddle long before 2022.
Biden is not my president, he is our BUFFOON.

Where ya been Rancid, the Buffoon got voted out in November. And while the current incumbent in the WH may not be 100 per cent what people wanted, he is still 100 times better than the Moron 45...
Well, obviously I don't agree. Compared to Biden, Trump is an Einstein. Rigging an election is treason, and Biden was aware of it from the get-go, so in my book he deserves a firing squad and I will dance a jig and applaud if that's what happens to him.
There's not a liberal out there that could draw that much support!!
And yet he got 7 million fewer votes. So no one gives a flying except his trumpscum
They confuse how many people you can get to show up for events like a rally, but not an inauguration. that how you explain away xidens unpopular presidency??

Rambunctious LOL! Are you in Arkansas or Mississippi drowning in Covid? Idiots for Trump.
No I'm in AZ watching the audit that's about to turn the state to Trump.....
The audit that never ends..
Like the orange, tax dodger's tax returns

You mean the ones that Madcow said were a bombshell and they showed Trump was current on his taxes?
No, moron.

Those tax returns were for 2005, far from current and only partial.

15 years since?

Crickets and lawsuits.

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