President Trump gives 400k to repair military cemeteries,media ignores it

He should donate it back to the Federal would go a long ways toward the multiple confirmation hearings we've had for his 2 Secretaries of State (so far), His 2 EPA chiefs (thus far), his CIA Directors (so far), his 2 HHS Secrataries (so far), His two DVA secretaries (so far)...
Trump has turned the White House into a cash register.


Wow, $73 million on golf so far.

Trump Golf Count

Why are so proud of your utter desperation?

Mar-a-Lago is his home. Are you denying the President the right to spend time at his home?

Looks like chump change compared to what failed former President Barack Hussein Obama and his cabal spent on just a single vacation.

Obama's Africa Trip Draws Ire
Trip to sub-Saharan region will cost $100 million.

By Kenneth T. Walsh, Contributor June 24, 2013, at 8:40 a.m.

PRESIDENT OBAMA'S TRIP to Africa starting Wednesday is drawing criticism for its vast expense, estimated at up to $100 million, but presidential travel has become an easy target for critics over the years no matter who is in the White House.

President Bill Clinton was roundly criticized for making his own Africa trip in 1998. The cost of the visit, which was considered excessive at the time, was $42.7 million, according to the Government Accountability Office, and that tabulation didn't include Secret Service expenses.

Clinton's trip to Asia in 2000 was even more expensive, and Clinton was a lame duck then, only months away from leaving office. His Asia visit cost taxpayers $63.5 million. This included not only the expenses for operating Air Force One but for more than 60 other aircraft to transport U.S. personnel and equipment halfway around the world.

Not to mention what Obama spent to get some ice cream.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump has turned the White House into a cash register.


Wow, $73 million on golf so far.

Trump Golf Count

Why are so proud of your utter desperation?

Mar-a-Lago is his home. Are you denying the President the right to spend time at his home?

Funny. What about all the other golf courses he visits?

Trump Golf Count

The other courses he owns?

So what? Should taxpayers pay for him to visit them every weekend?

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

Bill stayed home and played with interns.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump has turned the White House into a cash register.


Wow, $73 million on golf so far.

Trump Golf Count

Why are so proud of your utter desperation?

Mar-a-Lago is his home. Are you denying the President the right to spend time at his home?

Funny. What about all the other golf courses he visits?

Trump Golf Count

The other courses he owns?

So what? Should taxpayers pay for him to visit them every weekend?

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

All the great news is driving you crazy. Take a deep breath, take a break and take it easy. It won't be long and you'll grow accustomed to good news and realize how wrong you are even if you can't accept the fact!

That's from over a year ago. Why not catch up with the current article. What did CNN headline about the current donation?
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.

That's from over a year ago. Why not catch up with the current article. What did CNN headline about the current donation?
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.
Thread is about liberal media ignoring Trumps salary donations. I posted two articles, one from a year ago and one from 2 months ago of CNN reporting it. I’d say that’s related
If you want to know exactly why the media is the way it is, look at the conversation here.

1. Trump does something objectively good/kind
2. Republicans don't celebrate it, instead use it as an excuse to attack the media they don't like to feed their hate, which they do every day
3. Democrats ignore the objectively good/kind act and bring up something negative about Trump they complain about every day to feed their hate.

No one involved here is actually talking about what Trump did here. They're talking about the external forces around it and using those to attack one another. So the next time you complain about the biased media and the stupid repugs/dims, keep this in mind... then look in the mirror and ask yourself if you're actually helping make the situation better or not.
Trump has turned the White House into a cash register.


Wow, $73 million on golf so far.

Trump Golf Count

Why are so proud of your utter desperation?

Mar-a-Lago is his home. Are you denying the President the right to spend time at his home?

Looks like chump change compared to what failed former President Barack Hussein Obama and his cabal spent on just a single vacation.

Obama's Africa Trip Draws Ire
Trip to sub-Saharan region will cost $100 million.

By Kenneth T. Walsh, Contributor June 24, 2013, at 8:40 a.m.

PRESIDENT OBAMA'S TRIP to Africa starting Wednesday is drawing criticism for its vast expense, estimated at up to $100 million, but presidential travel has become an easy target for critics over the years no matter who is in the White House.

President Bill Clinton was roundly criticized for making his own Africa trip in 1998. The cost of the visit, which was considered excessive at the time, was $42.7 million, according to the Government Accountability Office, and that tabulation didn't include Secret Service expenses.

Clinton's trip to Asia in 2000 was even more expensive, and Clinton was a lame duck then, only months away from leaving office. His Asia visit cost taxpayers $63.5 million. This included not only the expenses for operating Air Force One but for more than 60 other aircraft to transport U.S. personnel and equipment halfway around the world.

It’s totally okay for Obama to do it. The best thing to do is roll your eyes and laugh whenever an anti-Trumper brings up their anger over Trump when Obama literally was no different regarding whatever they’re bitching about.

When Trump is photographed with young children, it’s a photo-op. When Obama is photographed with young children, it’s a great man loving on America’s youth.

That's from over a year ago. Why not catch up with the current article. What did CNN headline about the current donation?
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.
Thread is about liberal media ignoring Trumps salary donations. I posted two articles, one from a year ago and one from 2 months ago of CNN reporting it. I’d say that’s related

No, it’s about the liberal media ignoring THIS salary donation. So your attempts to discredit it are useless.
“Liberal media ignores it?”

Do you consider CNN liberal media?

Trump's salary to fund Antietam battlefield restorations - CNNPolitics

That's from over a year ago. Why not catch up with the current article. What did CNN headline about the current donation?
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.
Thread is about liberal media ignoring Trumps salary donations. I posted two articles, one from a year ago and one from 2 months ago of CNN reporting it. I’d say that’s related

No, it’s about the liberal media ignoring THIS salary donation. So your attempts to discredit it are useless.
Oh my bad. Did Fox cover it?
Trump has turned the White House into a cash register.


Wow, $73 million on golf so far.

Trump Golf Count

Why are so proud of your utter desperation?

Mar-a-Lago is his home. Are you denying the President the right to spend time at his home?

Funny. What about all the other golf courses he visits?

Trump Golf Count

The other courses he owns?

So what? Should taxpayers pay for him to visit them every weekend?

"I'm going to be working for you. I'm not going to have time to go play golf." --Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

Obama wasted much of the taxpayers money playing golf, as well as his wife's trips.

Big difference though: Trump is a workaholic. When he's not playing golf, he's getting things done. Actually more things done in two years, than 8 years of Obama.
That's from over a year ago. Why not catch up with the current article. What did CNN headline about the current donation?
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.
Thread is about liberal media ignoring Trumps salary donations. I posted two articles, one from a year ago and one from 2 months ago of CNN reporting it. I’d say that’s related

No, it’s about the liberal media ignoring THIS salary donation. So your attempts to discredit it are useless.
Oh my bad. Did Fox cover it?

I don’t watch Fox, but your idiotic assumption is noted.
How’s this from 2 months ago? Or is it fake news?

President Trump donates first quarter salary to VA - CNNPolitics

You posted it, not me. Over a year old and no relationship to the thread whatsoever.
Thread is about liberal media ignoring Trumps salary donations. I posted two articles, one from a year ago and one from 2 months ago of CNN reporting it. I’d say that’s related

No, it’s about the liberal media ignoring THIS salary donation. So your attempts to discredit it are useless.
Oh my bad. Did Fox cover it?

I don’t watch Fox, but your idiotic assumption is noted.
How is that idiotic? Y’all are bitching about the liberal media not covering the story when the conservative media is also not covering it. In fact the majority of articles that I’ve seen on the story are from the wing nut right media, and they aren’t even focusing on the salary donation but rather on the Liberal media not covering it. It’s all hyperbolic and divisive hit jobs trying to feed the drama and partisan divide. Y’all are falling right into their trap. Wake up
My google skills may be failing me today but does anybody have a link to the white house announcement of this donation? Everything I’ve found on this are right wing partisan news sites trying to dog on the liberal media.

I don’t see any major news outlet, including fox, reporting on this story
My google skills may be failing me today but does anybody have a link to the white house announcement of this donation? Everything I’ve found on this are right wing partisan news sites trying to dog on the liberal media.

I don’t see any major news outlet, including fox, reporting on this story

Yup, not seeing anything on major outlets.
My google skills may be failing me today but does anybody have a link to the white house announcement of this donation? Everything I’ve found on this are right wing partisan news sites trying to dog on the liberal media.

I don’t see any major news outlet, including fox, reporting on this story

Yup, not seeing anything on major outlets.
How about a link to an official White House announcement?

You just linked to 70news’ Wordpress site... I’m just looking for anything that verifies this dontation besides some dudes tweet
Of course they’ll ignore it. Or call it a publicity stunt.

White House sent their spending report to Congress. This was in it:

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries!”

Media gave this no coverage.
Of course they’ll ignore it. Or call it a publicity stunt.

White House sent their spending report to Congress. This was in it:

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs at military cemeteries!”

Media gave this no coverage.
What’s your source? Link to something credible like the White House or congress. Cause all I can find on this is right wingers trying to dog on the press.

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