President Trump gives NY AG the middle finger.

Ooooooh, look, Mommy... a right-wing Internet troll being a Big Meanie... oh, dearie-me... I'm gonna cry... :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, and by-the-way... I'm not the one with an ex-President being raided and deposed and cross-examined and being prepared to be hung-out and dried...

No butt-hurt on my end, slick... pity you can't say the same... :abgg2q.jpg:

Now... go take your clever little ad hominems and head back to the Kiddie Table, boy... you run a little too shallow to take seriously...
:itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
Funny how DAs want to put lawbreakers in jail.
Funny how they don’t want to put Law Breakers in Jail like Clinton, BRANDON, his DRUG ADDICT NYMPHO SON, Sandy Berger with a WELL ENDOWED CROTCH yet deliberately wait till He was out of State, NOT issued a search 🔍 warrant, and even forbid his lawyers from being there
In addition, they did a lot of damage. Maybe YOU can tell me why the FBI went through Malinda Trump’s underwear 🩲
No need for PMs or new threads MinTrut, I'll nip your far rightwing delusion in the bud here and now...

The fact that you hadn't a clue of these facts (or worse, pretended not to know) lets me know that you are caught up in the throws of your Republican bubble.

Carry on.

:TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113: :TH_WAY~113::TH_WAY~113:


Nice source! It has NOTHING to do with this case, and is a Washington state law!

lol ...

Donald Trump ‘took the Fifth.’ What does it actually mean?



Legally, it depends. In a criminal case, prosecutors can’t comment on a defendant’s refusal to testify, and a jury can’t be advised that it’s OK to take defendants’ silence as a sign of guilt. The Supreme Court has said that allowing that inference penalizes defendants for simply availing themselves of a constitutional protection.

But in civil cases, jurors generally are allowed to hold silence against a defendant or witness.


Indeed, his lawyers have already asserted that New York Attorney General Letitia James’ civil inquiry is essentially a fact-finding mission for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s parallel criminal probe.

James has said her investigation found evidence that the businessman-turned-politician’s company, called the Trump Organization, puffed up the value of real estate assets to snag loans, insurance and tax breaks for land donations. Trump has denied the allegations, and the Republican has slammed the investigation as a political “witch hunt” by Democratic officials.

Meanwhile, other fruits of James’ probe led the DA’s office to bring criminal tax fraud charges against the Trump Organization and its finance chief....
Donald Trump 'took the Fifth.' What does it actually mean?

it's a nationwide law dummy.
Just a matter of time before he wears a suit that matches his face.

bob ross.jpg
I hope Trump is feeling okay. He pleaded the Fifth (as in "The Fifth Avenue Rule") and then said "same answer" over 400 times.

He must have a sore throat. Hopefully he's taking throat lozenges.

By the way, who took the Fifth more, Daddy or Eric?
still TDSing I see. Dude, you simply can't get old Donald out of your head huh? Did you stay up all night to compose that post?

hahahahahaahahahahahahaha amazing.
you brought up the word 'fact' first. that's when i gave you one.

are we thru here?
again, my apologies, what fact were you trying to parlay there?

There is an infinite amount of facts in existence.
again, my apologies, what fact were you trying to parlay there?

There is an infinite amount of facts in existence.

last time. now read slooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, m'k?

donny has said on multiple occasions that no one should need to take the 5th unless you're mobbed up.

then donny took the 5th re:_ his criminality in NYS.

then donny tried to 'splain away why he was the hypocrite he has always been & will always be, including this time.

YOU said something about donny's excuse was somehow being a valid one.

to which I, ME, PLATIME, gave you a facst that it simply doesn't matter what donny ... or your support of what he said re: taking the 5th.

now we shirley are done.
ones you deem as alternate? hhahahaahahahahahaha when did you get your god license?
How much was it?
Where did you apply for it?

the fact i presented was a legal fact. so ummmmm.....

like the airplane dragging that banner over donny's precious mar a lago.....

also applies to you.
the fact i presented was a legal fact. so ummmmm.....

like the airplane dragging that banner over donny's precious mar a lago.....

also applies to you.
a legal fact about what?

you are truly immature. I will say.

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