President Trump gives NY AG the middle finger.

he addressed that. But you don't know how to look at facts.

“Once a witness in a civil suit has invoked his or her Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, the trier of fact is entitled to draw an adverse inference from the witness’s refusal to testify.” Chaffee v. Keller Rohrback LLP, 200 Wash.App. 66, 83-84 (2017) (citing King v. Olympic Pipeline Co., 104 Wash.App. 338, 355-56 (2000) and Ikeda v. Curtis, 43 Wash.2d 449, 261 P.2d 684 (1953)).

And it's nice to know you support a man who doesn't pay his contractors for work performed and runs his casinos into the ground...thereby making more unemployed Americans....

See how that cuts both ways, Derp?
It's nice to know that Bill Gates and every other billionaire under the sun have been sued 10s of 1000s of times for the same thing.
He really put that uppity black whore in her to go Trump!!!

..Like remember when Hillary was under oath for 11 hours and plead the 5th the whole time..oh wait!
Think a slew of Trump associates didn't just breathe a sigh of relief that The Mobster Trump took the 5th instead of fingering them? Such as Ivanka, Don jr. & Eric.
Patriots don’t talk to fascists. I applaud President Trump for invoking the 5th Amendment. It was the right thing to do!

And it's nice to know you support a man who doesn't pay his contractors for work performed and runs his casinos into the ground...thereby making more unemployed Americans....

See how that cuts both ways, Derp?
By the way, schmuck, just about every business person that tried to bring business Atlantic City 40 years ago went broke.

If he committed no crimes, then nothing he says could be a confession of a crime
Two scenarios:

"Attorney: Mr. Trump. is it true that you overestimated the value of the property at 1111 5th Avenue owned by $10 million dollars.

Trump: I'm sorry. On the advise of counsel, I must invoke my right not to answer under the 5th Amendment."


"Attorney: Mr. Trump. is it true that you overestimated the value of the property at 1111 5th Avenue owned by $10 million dollars.

Trump: No, I estimated the value of the property as best I could based on the banks valuation of the property.

Attorney: Aha! The bank estimated the property at a higher value than you did, so you lied! Your honor, I would like to amend the charges to include perjury."

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