President Trump gives NY AG the middle finger.

Hypocrites are bad faith actors. Magaturds are too dumb to notice.
No at all. Leftist scum cannot be told anything because they will twist it into whatever they want it to be just like they do here and corrupt judges will play right along. None of you vermin can be trusted.
You should always take the 5th because if you don't, they have developed this thing called a perjury trap to catch you unintentionally giving false testimony so they can nail your ass to the wall!

Don't believe me, ask Michael Flynn, Carter Page, and every other person they have tried to railroad!
"Unintentially giving false testimony."
Now THAT'S hillarious!
Trump has basically admitted he committed a crime. But of what crime?
Trump took the 5th during a deposition yesterday, by the New York AG.
Trump said in 2016, “The mob takes the Fifth,” Trump told a campaign crowd in Iowa last September. “If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”
What crime is Trump refusing to discuss through using the 5th amendment?

Unlike Trump, she wasn’t guilty of any crimes, just bad judgement that cost her a job.
Lerner publicly confessed to illegally targeting Cinservatives - during an interview with CNN she actually apologized for doing so.

Your version of what happened is interesting, but I prefer the non-fiction version.
No at all. Leftist scum cannot be told anything because they will twist it into whatever they want it to be just like they do here and corrupt judges will play right along. None of you vermin can be trusted.
You mean like "twist" it into a demand for something like truth?
Looks like your LDS is showing.
Lerner publicly confessed to illegally targeting Cinservatives - during an interview with CNN she actually apologized for doing so.

Your version of what happened is interesting, but I prefer the non-fiction version.
Trump and Trumpism is not conservatism, it is fascism. It is a criminal mob led by the biggest criminal in the history of US politics.
"If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
-- Donald J. Trump

"You see the mob takes the Fifth."
-- Donald J. Trump

Sort of like this bitch from the fbi?

Good for him. He should cut off all cooperation with all these Banana Republic smear campaigns.

Trump says he refused to answer questions from New York attorney general's office​

Former President Donald Trump, in a statement Wednesday, said he refused to answer questions from the New York attorney general's office during a deposition in the civil investigation into the Trump family’s business practices

"Accordingly, under the advice of my counsel and for all of the above reasons, I declined to answer the questions under the rights and privileges afforded to every citizen under the United States Constitution," he said.

"What Letitia James has tried to do the last three years is a disgrace to the legal system, an affront to New York State taxpayers, and a violation of the solemn rights and protections afforded by the United States Constitution," Trump added. "I did nothing wrong, which is why, after five years of looking, the Federal, State and local governments, together with the Fake News Media, have found nothing."

Yep, and unlike a criminal case, in a civil suit taking the 5th can be used against you. Letitia James just played him like a cheap banjo.

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