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President Trump is a Man of GREAT Courage

Unbelievable the Left-Wing Kooks have no shame, and feel no blame.

The police need to keep these anarchists from disrupting nonviolent, CONSTITUTIONAL demonstrations. ANTIFA is 90% responsible for getting that woman killed.

Nonviolent? Running a car through a crowd is non-violent? Were you dropped on your head when you were born? They did not disrupt anything. The white supremacists are 100% responsible for the violence. Nazi thugs like you are the ones we need to go after and get rid of.

Sure, as the usual defense of the COWARD goes: The fight started when the other guy hit back.

Thing is, these people are never going to tell the truth.
At the end of the day, Trumps sentiments prevail with this shit.

Watch............ :deal:.....we'll see a good dose of it this weekend in major cities. Watching some snowflake get a bat stuffed down their throat this weekend might actually interrupt my Saturday night NASCAR race having to check into cablenews.!!:popcorn:
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is the antithesis of what America is all about. Time for impeachment or the 25th Amendment
He was elected by the majority of hard working men and women in this Country. He isn't going to be impeached. He will be your President for 8 glorious years of peace abroad and prosperity. Piss and moan all you want but the liberals have no one to match his talent and appeal. The more the MSM unfairly reports on him the more we will support him. He's doing the best he can for everybody.

Hillary sucked as a candidate. Even the Young Turks agree. You should have back Bernie...even though that senile old fart would lose too but at least the democrats would have an excited base.

Democrats ran things for the last 8 years. They fucked up and we replaced them with someone possessing competence and moral virtue: Donald J Trump.

No president in history has ever been as maligned hated and sabotaged as President Trump.

He was ridiculed when he announced for the presidency.

Then, in spite of what born losers expected, he demolished, one by one, all his low energy impotent opponents.

Then, he was reviled and ridiculed again and those who knew predicted that he will never be elected president.
Then, one by one, all the states that were supposed to ensure a Clinton landslide elected Donald J. Trump.

That kind of electoral success, plus the personal success of turning inherited millions into self attained billions gives rise to unbridled hate and envy by scum not worthy to kiss his feet. Sadly, even members of the party on whose ticket he won the presidency by a landslide.

Candidate Trump was the only one asked if he would accept the results of the election. Looks like that he is the only one who has.
"President Trump is a Man of GREAT Courage"
President trump is a Draft Dodging coward, a liar, a fake, a snake oil salesman.

There are lots of other republicans who are men of integrity and would have been far better choice for the presidency. Men who could have made the country proud and who could rise to the position of President of the U.S. Men we could admire and trust.

Instead, we're stuck with a narcissistic, flip-flopping maggot.
Just like the last eight years?
Go ahead, try to take attention away from the disaster in the white house, if it makes you feel better.

But please remember, unfortunately, trump is now president. And the truth is, he is a living nightmare, on every level.

Trying to deflect criticism of the Orange Maggot only make it look like you're unable to face the truth.

A nightmare for everyone who wants things to get worse. Economics outweighs your crying preoccupation with race. Not everyone gets off with name the racists game you self righteous losers do. Most want to get about their lives no matter what color they are.
Continue deluding yourself, if it helps you sleep at night.

Truth is, questions of race and racism are going to have a massive impact on this country going forward. Stick your head in the sand at your own risk. For this country to prosper and remain unified in the future, policies and attitudes regarding race have to be understood and addressed fairly and equitably.

If questions of race and racism are going to have a massive impact on this country going forward, then this country is ready for the garbage heap.

Vote on race issues at your own risk. For the country to prosper it is necessary to eliminate not racism. but political correctness and affirmative action.

Nothing can be more racist than telling your fellow man/woman that they are too stupid to make it on their own because they are not white male without buy body government interference.

Unbelievable the Left-Wing Kooks have no shame, and feel no blame.

The police need to keep these anarchists from disrupting nonviolent, CONSTITUTIONAL demonstrations. ANTIFA is 90% responsible for getting that woman killed.

what's courageous about being a disgusting white supremacist?

Did you ever asked the so called "reverends" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson what is so courageous about being a black supremacist?
"Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments. You can't change history, but you can learn from it. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson - who's next, Washington, Jefferson? So foolish! Also the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!" - Trump just now

he's right! These beautiful statues and monuments are part of our history. These monuments are of people who helped build our country.

What is ironic is that the same people who clamor for the destruction of monuments raised in the recognition and respect of history refer to people with whom they disagree as the American Taliban.
I'm glad we finally have a president standing up for the majority. :bowdown:
Yeah. Now the majority only has to amount to 34%! Up is now down. Hate is now love. And Donald J. Trump, of all people, is now respected by the majority of 34%!
Can't tell you how refreshing it is to have a President who isn't repulsed by American history and embarrassed by the American people.

Well you should be repulsed by some of the things in American history. Slavery, genocide of native Americans is just an example of things that people should be repulsed by. Confederacy is also repulsive. A bunch of traitors who wanted to keep slavery going.

Only if you should be ashamed for doing something/anything/everything better than others. In other words, you should be ashamed for being the best.

When America had slavery, America was by no means, alone. The rest of the then civilized world had feudal serfs,who - if they could have known - would have wished that they were American slaves.
fsAmerica, at that time had slavery for about 300 years. Europe and the rest of the world had its equivalent for at least a thousand, America, eventually fought a Civil War to free the slaves while the rest of the world, including the so admired by Left, Europe, maintained and hung onto keeping human beings serfs, My grand mother was born a serf in 1883 in Europe.

America has nothing to be ashamed of bt defor slavery, when there was slavery or worse everywhere in the world. America should bendence proud of the fact that it was the only place in the world to lose 600,000 lives to free the slaves, while the rest of the world waited to see the results of the American Civil War.

The South committed no more offense by asking for independence than the folks who dumped the tea in Boston did.

Disrespect history at your own risk.
Awww. did I trigger you snowflake?
I'm good with your crying and whining. :)

I'm not crying. I'm disappointed . I'm disappointed that we're still talking about Nazis in 2017 and our president has difficulty denouncing them. That should disappoint you as well.

Why do you people keep complaining about the nazis (and russians as well). The big threat for America's future is muslims. No, they're far more vicious and unamerican than any nazi.
How so?

The KKK and Nazis are both terrorist organizations. There's no difference between them and the radical towel-heads.

It was an American terrorist that bombed the federal building in Oklahoma. Remember?

They're all despicable and they all have to be wiped out.

You seriously consider the kkk and nazis a threat when being compared to the muslims? Anyway, even if they were, they are already here and on our soil. If they commit crimes, we can prosecute them We can do something about the muslims though. Block them from coming here as a matter of security of the citizenry based on their past vicious practices here and in other countries. Why import trouble when we have enough here already. This is common sense that seems to be going out of style since it might slow down our allegiance to diversity and tolerance no matter what the cost.
The KKK and Nazis are a huge threat to this country. They are seen as less of a threat because they have the white faces we are used to seeing here. But look at the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma, look at the many bank robberies they commit, the problems they cause law enforcement and the judicial system. These are terrorists in the complete sense of the word. And they should be pursued vigorously and eliminated, if possible. They are no better, and no less dangerous, than the worst islamic terrorists. We can walk and chew gum at the same time. We should be destroying ALL terrorists — ESPECIALLY those that “are already here”.

I also WANT serious enforcement of our borders and immigration laws. I would also like to see immigration and bringing in refugees brought to a complete halt. Let the immigrants who are already here assimilate, if they can. Let them learn English, learn a bit about our history, our founding, etc.

And, let’s take care of our own poor people and elderly FIRST, instead of bringing in every hard luck story from around the world. Charity should begin AT HOME. Stop bringing in people with NO skills, no education, no understanding of America or its history, and NO cultural similarities or understanding, and so on.

The ONE thing I like about trump is that he’s serious about enforcing our immigrations laws. And, from what I understand he wants to slow all immigration to a dribble (thereby stopping the out of control FLOOD that it has been for many decades).
President trump is a Draft Dodging coward, a liar, a fake, a snake oil salesman.

There are lots of other republicans who are men of integrity and would have been far better choice for the presidency. Men who could have made the country proud and who could rise to the position of President of the U.S. Men we could admire and trust.

Instead, we're stuck with a narcissistic, flip-flopping maggot.
Just like the last eight years?
Go ahead, try to take attention away from the disaster in the white house, if it makes you feel better.

But please remember, unfortunately, trump is now president. And the truth is, he is a living nightmare, on every level.

Trying to deflect criticism of the Orange Maggot only make it look like you're unable to face the truth.

A nightmare for everyone who wants things to get worse. Economics outweighs your crying preoccupation with race. Not everyone gets off with name the racists game you self righteous losers do. Most want to get about their lives no matter what color they are.
Continue deluding yourself, if it helps you sleep at night.

Truth is, questions of race and racism are going to have a massive impact on this country going forward. Stick your head in the sand at your own risk. For this country to prosper and remain unified in the future, policies and attitudes regarding race have to be understood and addressed fairly and equitably.

If questions of race and racism are going to have a massive impact on this country going forward, then this country is ready for the garbage heap.

Vote on race issues at your own risk. For the country to prosper it is necessary to eliminate not racism. but political correctness and affirmative action.

Nothing can be more racist than telling your fellow man/woman that they are too stupid to make it on their own because they are not white male without buy body government interference.

I agree with some of what you’ve written. But the fact remains that the demographics of this country are changing radically and rapidly. Those demographic shifts are causing a lot of people to become unhinged (or to act as if they’re unhinged).

And the people who appear most bothered by those changes, understandably, are working class white men, primarily in red states. Jobs have been shipped overseas making things tough for all workers. But these guys often blame minorities or women for taking "their" jobs rather than blaming the rich investors and company owners who made the decisions to throw America’s workers under the bus by sending jobs to countries with cheaper labor markets.

On top of that, we have 24/7 right wing HATE radio and TV spreading hate every moment of the day. Just today, I listened to a bit of Rush’s show (as much as I could stand) and he was ranting about this very thing. He was talking about how white men with no college and few skills were having a hell of a time getting by. And of course, he attacked leftists, liberals, and minorities, and his favorite target: affirmative action. White men are now victims in a new PC world. And he whined and whined about this for a long time.

In the next few moments, the hate-filled fool changed direction and began blasting minorities for acting like victims. Blaming them for all the ills of society. Rush was talking out of both sides of his mouth again. Or to be more honest, he was talking out of his fat, stinking, ass.

And these are just a few of the changes happening in our country. And at the very foundation, are questions about race and equity and how to achieve peace in a society in which many people are hurting and having a tough time. It’s all made far more difficult when we have groups intentionally spreading hate and propaganda: the KKK, white supremacists, Nazis, rush limpbough and the other right wing hatemongers, the imbeciles supporting “black lies matter”, and so on.

And this is why I say matters of race are the most important items to deal with and, hopefully, soon put to rest. So we can finally all live together in a more peaceful way. That is the ONLY thing that will make America great. imo.

trump is full of shit.

He does not represent all Americans. He doesn’t even represent most Americans. He speaks only for a small, loud minority of white, mostly men, who now see themselves as victims. Even though they had total Affirmative Action, all in their favor, for the last 400 years. In fact, it is probably because they had everything their own way for hundreds of years that they now find it unbearable to actually have to search for and compete for a job, or a spot in college, etc. Of course they’re upset, poor little babies. Now they have to share the toy box. And greedy little farts that they are, the idea of sharing just burns their little butts.

Well, we all have to grow up and try to deal with our new reality. It won’t be easy for anyone.

And it trump were a man, or a leader, and if he had a bit of character and intelligence, he would be leading the way on all of these questions. Instead, he’s a coward. A brainless, classless, nincompoop. He’s turning our problems into dumpster fires, instead of helping to find solutions, and bringing all Americans together.
Unbelievable the Left-Wing Kooks have no shame, and feel no blame.

The police need to keep these anarchists from disrupting nonviolent, CONSTITUTIONAL demonstrations. ANTIFA is 90% responsible for getting that woman killed.

The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is the antithesis of what America is all about. Time for impeachment or the 25th Amendment
He was elected by the majority of hard working men and women in this Country. He isn't going to be impeached. He will be your President for 8 glorious years of peace abroad and prosperity. Piss and moan all you want but the liberals have no one to match his talent and appeal. The more the MSM unfairly reports on him the more we will support him. He's doing the best he can for everybody.

Hillary sucked as a candidate. Even the Young Turks agree. You should have back Bernie...even though that senile old fart would lose too but at least the democrats would have an excited base.

Democrats ran things for the last 8 years. They fucked up and we replaced them with someone possessing competence and moral virtue: Donald J Trump.
And you can say that shit with a straight face? You can say that shit, when all the fuckin world has seen this clown on the world stage and not only find Trump disgusting and pathetic, but no one world leader finds this bitch, either intelligent or articulate....but you do? And the people that voted for this nightmare in chief, ESPECIALLY THESE SOUTHERN WELFARE KINGS AND QUEENS, 99% COME FROM STATES WHERE THE WHITE POPULATION IS HEAVILY MEDICATED AS IN METH AND OPIOD USERS!!!!
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown is the antithesis of what America is all about. Time for impeachment or the 25th Amendment
He was elected by the majority of hard working men and women in this Country. He isn't going to be impeached. He will be your President for 8 glorious years of peace abroad and prosperity. Piss and moan all you want but the liberals have no one to match his talent and appeal. The more the MSM unfairly reports on him the more we will support him. He's doing the best he can for everybody.

Hillary sucked as a candidate. Even the Young Turks agree. You should have back Bernie...even though that senile old fart would lose too but at least the democrats would have an excited base.

Democrats ran things for the last 8 years. They fucked up and we replaced them with someone possessing competence and moral virtue: Donald J Trump.
And you can say that shit with a straight face? You can say that shit, when all the fuckin world has seen this clown on the world stage and not only find Trump disgusting and pathetic, but no one world leader finds this bitch, either intelligent or articulate....but you do? And the people that voted for this nightmare in chief, ESPECIALLY THESE SOUTHERN WELFARE KINGS AND QUEENS, 99% COME FROM STATES WHERE THE WHITE POPULATION IS HEAVILY MEDICATED AS IN METH AND OPIOD USERS!!!!

Awww. did I trigger you snowflake?
I'm good with your crying and whining. :)

I'm not crying. I'm disappointed . I'm disappointed that we're still talking about Nazis in 2017 and our president has difficulty denouncing them. That should disappoint you as well.

Why do you people keep complaining about the nazis (and russians as well). The big threat for America's future is muslims. No, they're far more vicious and unamerican than any nazi.
How so?

The KKK and Nazis are both terrorist organizations. There's no difference between them and the radical towel-heads.

It was an American terrorist that bombed the federal building in Oklahoma. Remember?

They're all despicable and they all have to be wiped out.

You seriously consider the kkk and nazis a threat when being compared to the muslims? Anyway, even if they were, they are already here and on our soil. If they commit crimes, we can prosecute them We can do something about the muslims though. Block them from coming here as a matter of security of the citizenry based on their past vicious practices here and in other countries. Why import trouble when we have enough here already. This is common sense that seems to be going out of style since it might slow down our allegiance to diversity and tolerance no matter what the cost.
Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?
Unbelievable the Left-Wing Kooks have no shame, and feel no blame.

The police need to keep these anarchists from disrupting nonviolent, CONSTITUTIONAL demonstrations. ANTIFA is 90% responsible for getting that woman killed.

(((May GOD Bless and Guide President Trump! ))) :smiliehug:
I'm good with your crying and whining. :)

I'm not crying. I'm disappointed . I'm disappointed that we're still talking about Nazis in 2017 and our president has difficulty denouncing them. That should disappoint you as well.

Why do you people keep complaining about the nazis (and russians as well). The big threat for America's future is muslims. No, they're far more vicious and unamerican than any nazi.
How so?

The KKK and Nazis are both terrorist organizations. There's no difference between them and the radical towel-heads.

It was an American terrorist that bombed the federal building in Oklahoma. Remember?

They're all despicable and they all have to be wiped out.

You seriously consider the kkk and nazis a threat when being compared to the muslims? Anyway, even if they were, they are already here and on our soil. If they commit crimes, we can prosecute them We can do something about the muslims though. Block them from coming here as a matter of security of the citizenry based on their past vicious practices here and in other countries. Why import trouble when we have enough here already. This is common sense that seems to be going out of style since it might slow down our allegiance to diversity and tolerance no matter what the cost.
Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?
Fuck Snopes they are Islams shills.

Snopes Fails Readers on Muhammad's Misdeeds

Fuck Snopes they will cover for Islam. Like they tried here.

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