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President Trump is a modern day King David?

God is using Trump as a vessel to fulfill prophecy....just like his win in 2016
God is using Trump as a vessel to fulfill prophecy....just like his win in 2016

Makes sense ; Donny, Melania, Ivanka, Donny Jr., Tiffany, Eric, Barron ... 7 trumpets. :eek:

"And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake." -- Bible, Revelation 8:2-5
Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for His purposes, and whose faults—crimes even—were redeemed by the good he did. According to this line of thinking advanced by politicians, activists, and even clerics of different hues, Donald Trump may have wandered far from the straight path, but he is nonetheless doing God’s work.

Get that? The Atlantic is calling our president “an evil man redeemed by the good he is doing.”

I’m not certain what the author hope to gain from this piece that cites Bible sections one after another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to actually be an atheist.

The whole thing is @ He’s No King David

And then, The Atlantic comes out with this:

How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome (And Why Trump Has Not) @ A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge

Why has Trump followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another way, by continuing to attract an adoring core?
Is a good man redeemed by the Devil for the evil he is doing?

If I wished to be evil, would the Devil rebuke me if he learned that I once helped an old lady across the street?
bendog, God punished David's actions. David grieved over his mistake and begged God not to take the child. The child died:
…After Nathan had gone home, the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s wife had borne to David, and he became ill. David pleaded with God for the boy. He fasted and went into his house and spent the night lying in sackcloth on the ground. The elders of his household stood beside him to help him up from the ground, but he was unwilling and would not eat anything with them.…

When the child died, David knew that it was God's will, the child was in God's arms at that point and that David would be reunited with his child in Paradise. God's decision was made and David reconciled himself to that fact, and gathered himself and went to the house of God to worship the Lord:
Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped: then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.

Unless you have buried a child, I wonder how it is you judge David's grief....
Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for His purposes, and whose faults—crimes even—were redeemed by the good he did. According to this line of thinking advanced by politicians, activists, and even clerics of different hues, Donald Trump may have wandered far from the straight path, but he is nonetheless doing God’s work.

Get that? The Atlantic is calling our president “an evil man redeemed by the good he is doing.”

I’m not certain what the author hope to gain from this piece that cites Bible sections one after another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to actually be an atheist.

The whole thing is @ He’s No King David

And then, The Atlantic comes out with this:

How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome (And Why Trump Has Not) @ A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge

Why has Trump followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another way, by continuing to attract an adoring core?

There is no such thing as an evil man redeemed by works. The reason God called David the apple of his eye, was because David had a repentant heart.

The Atlantic doesn't know it's ass from page 8...

The Atlantic more than likely is way over your head, their articles have more than four or five statements. Atlantic has long and detail articles. They fact check every story.
Unlike Little Trumpsters resources, many who weren't around 10 years ago, The Atlantic has been around since 1857. The first presidential candidate they endorsed for president was Abraham Lincoln. The Atlantic has continuously had many of the greatest contributors. Mark Twain was one of their contributors.You're just pissed of that the OP didn't bother to read the entire article, which is typical of Little Trumpsters.
What specifically is Trump going to do in accordance with a prophecy or prediction?
Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for His purposes, and whose faults—crimes even—were redeemed by the good he did. According to this line of thinking advanced by politicians, activists, and even clerics of different hues, Donald Trump may have wandered far from the straight path, but he is nonetheless doing God’s work.

Get that? The Atlantic is calling our president “an evil man redeemed by the good he is doing.”

I’m not certain what the author hope to gain from this piece that cites Bible sections one after another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to actually be an atheist.

The whole thing is @ He’s No King David

And then, The Atlantic comes out with this:

How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome (And Why Trump Has Not) @ A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge

Why has Trump followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another way, by continuing to attract an adoring core?
Whenever a Republican finds himself in deep shit with the religious base, he tries to insinuate he's a modern day King David.

Example: Sanford compares himself to King David, returns to work

Ironically, Sanford has recently challenged Trump for the 2020 nomination.

It never occurs to the rubes the evil bastards might be just what they appear to be, and that they are being deceived by one of the devil's spawn.


But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
- 2 Timothy 3:13

But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
- 2 Timothy 3:13

If that doesn't describe Trump, nothing does.
Trump deceives his base almost daily and he is deceived by the likes of Kim, Erdoğan, Al Saud and of course Putin, consistently. :up:
What specifically is Trump going to do in accordance with a prophecy or prediction?

He is throwing out the corrupt money changers from the temples of government.

And given how vague that verse is, I'm unsure how one would derive that conclusion from it.

True to your moniker, you are full of questions but have no answers.

P.S. My post was an analogy, not a verse.
Who's a money-changer that he's going to remove?
Not just King David, the Bible is filled with God choosing the most sinful and flawed men for His work. Off hand, aside from Jesus, was there any righteous or pious servants of the Lord. There were alcoholics, adulterers, rapists of their own daughters. Moses was feeble minded with a speech impediment so bad his brother Aaron had to speak for him.

Thank God for Donald Trump.
Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for His purposes, and whose faults—crimes even—were redeemed by the good he did. According to this line of thinking advanced by politicians, activists, and even clerics of different hues, Donald Trump may have wandered far from the straight path, but he is nonetheless doing God’s work.

Get that? The Atlantic is calling our president “an evil man redeemed by the good he is doing.”

I’m not certain what the author hope to gain from this piece that cites Bible sections one after another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to actually be an atheist.

The whole thing is @ He’s No King David

And then, The Atlantic comes out with this:

How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome (And Why Trump Has Not) @ A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge

Why has Trump followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another way, by continuing to attract an adoring core?
I consider him a modern day king Josiah who restored Israel for a time. But the people continued to sin after he was gone and they paid for their sins with 2520 years in the "wilderness."
King David repented of his sins and became a devoted disciple of God.

To compare Trump to David is flat out blasphemous. Trump's true believers are seriously deluded and have been led off the righteous path by an evil deceiver.
All of those Prog politicians who screwed over the working class while spouting about the rich are the blasphemous. You speak about Trump but we have a 50% divorce rate a high percentage of single parents, sexual diseases expanding massively with one of them a controlled plague, two and a half million males in prison with near ten million felons and a drug problem that has affected most families in this nation. Freedom has been diminished and you may question a trillion dollar deficit but the real reason is us all.
Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for His purposes, and whose faults—crimes even—were redeemed by the good he did. According to this line of thinking advanced by politicians, activists, and even clerics of different hues, Donald Trump may have wandered far from the straight path, but he is nonetheless doing God’s work.

Get that? The Atlantic is calling our president “an evil man redeemed by the good he is doing.”

I’m not certain what the author hope to gain from this piece that cites Bible sections one after another. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to actually be an atheist.

The whole thing is @ He’s No King David

And then, The Atlantic comes out with this:

How Narcissists Wear Out Their Welcome (And Why Trump Has Not) @ A Theory for Why Trump's Base Won't Budge

Why has Trump followed the predictable course for narcissism in one way, alienating many who have served in his administration, and defied expectations in another way, by continuing to attract an adoring core?
Whenever a Republican finds himself in deep shit with the religious base, he tries to insinuate he's a modern day King David.

Example: Sanford compares himself to King David, returns to work

Ironically, Sanford has recently challenged Trump for the 2020 nomination.

It never occurs to the rubes the evil bastards might be just what they appear to be, and that they are being deceived by one of the devil's spawn.


But evil men and impostors will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
- 2 Timothy 3:13
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