President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

I needed a good laugh this afternoon so thank you very much.

First as to the OP's headline, there is no "President Trump," only former President Trump.

Second, the Complaint is hilarious. Let us look at this line:

"In the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts
orchestrated an unthinkable plot – one that shocks the conscience and is an affront to this nation’s
democracy. Acting in concert, the Defendants maliciously conspired to weave a false narrative
that their Republican opponent, Donald J. Trump, was colluding with a hostile foreign sovereignty.
The actions taken in furtherance of their scheme—falsifying evidence, deceiving law enforcement,
and exploiting access to highly-sensitive data sources - are so outrageous, subversive and
incendiary that even the events of Watergate pale in comparison." about claptrap!

Third, this is apparently Trump's law firm. "" Wow, Trump only hires the best! Let's hope they got their money up front for this sure loser of a case, unless the law firm was crazy enough to do it on contingency.

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This case is pure garbage. Just like all the other Trump law suits.
I'm guessing you think democrat Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Agent too. Hillary said so, so there you go.
The courts in Florida are going to limit what the dem crooks will be allowed in court. If in Miami, Jacksonville maybe---the crooked dems have a chance......If it is in one of Trump many many pro Trump counties--the corrupt dems are fucked. Trump will get far far more than $24 million---and Hilliary is likely to have a bunch of dead bodies pop up around her to insure that they don't testify against her.
Dream on! Trump won't win a dime.
True, but like all civil suits Trump has now made himself open to counter-suits. I am not sure Trump or these attorneys thought this through. Many of the defendants in this lawsuits have their own claims against Trump for his slander against them. Maybe you all are right after all. This may be a fun case to watch.
They didn't just slander Trump hun, they falsified evidence and perjuried themselves after violating Trumps civil rights to privacy. They conspired so if one goes down they all go down------

Florida laws and Florida voters for the JURY...the dems are fucked. They better pray that Miami gets venue----if not most of Florida will rule against the corrupt dems.
Dream on! Trump won't win a dime.
Honey, I live in Florida-----

TRump winds up in my county-----for instance......the $24 million will become $24 billion just to punish the corrupt dems in a heartbeat.
They didn't just slander Trump hun, they falsified evidence and perjuried themselves after violating Trumps civil rights to privacy. They conspired so if one goes down they all go down------

Florida laws and Florida voters for the JURY...the dems are fucked. They better pray that Miami gets venue----if not most of Florida will rule against the corrupt dems.
Your post is all wrong.

First, Trump is not suing under "Florida laws." Trump is suing in the Southern Federal District court alleging breach of federal laws.

Second, the case is nothing but a sore loser case. Trump is suing because he lose the election and he can't come to grips with his lose. The case will be thrown out of court.
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Of course you do. Hah!

Trump wants to sue everyone that hurts his pouting self.
No consequences for slander right? First Amendment means carte blanche political attacks with no basis whatsoever? If anyone at any media outlet calls you a traitor, or a Russian, that is fine with you? Say it wasn't Trump. What if it was your grandmother. Is that cool?
Honey, I live in Florida-----

TRump winds up in my county-----for instance......the $24 million will become $24 billion just to punish the corrupt dems in a heartbeat.
Wrong again. The most Trump is asking for is treble damages. So it would be $92, 000,000.00 dollars at most. But Trump will be lucky to win .92 cents.
He should also sue Obama (illegally spying on him), Comey (illegal spying), and Mueller (for ignoring Hillary's "Russian collusion"), hopefully Durham finds some goodies.
The US spies on everyone who continuously calls the Russian embassy. It's SOP for at least 60 years. Trump is simply stupid.
The court will throw out Trump's case, but as I said before it may be fun to watch the countersuits. Trump may have his case thrown out, but if he is countersued, that case or cases may live on.
I have to question the basis for the $24 million that Trump is suing for. I can see his damages of $400K for four years as president being mitigated by his donating his salary. Which only leaves business losses, for a business he's not supposed to have any control over. Trump isn't allowed to do any personal business for which he could suffer a loss from.

In short, Trump would have to show how he suffered damages to his reputation, that being impeched TWICE would pale to.
Your post is all wrong.

First, Trump is not suing under "Florida laws." Trump is suing in the Southern Federal District court alleging breach of federal laws.

Second, the case is nothing but a sore loser case. Trump is suing because he lose the election. The case will be thrown out of court.

You keep forgetting that there's also a parallel criminal case being investigated by Durham, who is is about to release 60K pages of discovery that the Democrats tried to keep classified. Any criminal activity on any of the defendant's part is going to give Durham more ammunition for his investigation.

Trump timed this perfectly.
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If anything, it's going to bring a shitload of dirt to the surface when those defendants have to testify.

Well, some stuff that Wm.Barr minimized or dismissed may get a needed airing.
Could get really interesting if all those lawyers and investigators who worked on the Mueller report finally get their opportunity to state what they found under cross-examination.

This may not be our ex-genius's finest legal move. I see a whole lot of downside....and not a whole lot of upside.

This should be an easy trial. Wasn't it already determined that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia, by the Mueller investigation?

If anything, it's going to bring a shitload of dirt to the surface when those defendants have to testify.
Yes it was. Jo Jo the clown is going to prison
Well, some stuff that Wm.Barr minimized or dismissed may get a needed airing.
Could get really interesting if all those lawyers and investigators who worked on the Mueller report finally get their opportunity to state what they found under cross-examination.

This may not be our ex-genius's finest legal move. I see a whole lot of downside....and not a whole lot of upside.


Trump has big brass balls. He didn't get where he is by being timid.

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