President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

Trump has big brass balls. He didn't get where he is by being timid.

Or, got there by committing felonies?

Many headlines and stories about that today.
This next headline is from Bloomberg News:

"Former Prosecutor Insists That Trump Is Guilty of Felonies"
The FBI is snagged left to right perjuring themselves, falsifying computer data, and manufacturing fake evidence. IN Florida Trump has a chance...I am going to start answering my jury duty summons---- believe that crap, do you? :heehee:
Or, got there by committing felonies?

Many headlines and stories about that today.
This next headline is from Bloomberg News:

"Former Prosecutor Insists That Trump Is Guilty of Felonies"

Good. Add that former prosecutor's name to the list of defendants in Trump's suit. There's room for plenty more.
Another one rootin' for Putin.
you get $2 for every time you say that? got like a banner you fly around your neighborhood with drones for an extra $20 from the man himself?

wear that little cheerleader outfit and wave your pom poms (and those fluffy things too) around screaming WHO'S ROOTIN FOR POOTIN??? i don't even wanna know how much you get for THAT stunt...
Your post is all wrong.

First, Trump is not suing under "Florida laws." Trump is suing in the Southern Federal District court alleging breach of federal laws.

Second, the case is nothing but a sore loser case. Trump is suing because he lose the election and he can't come to grips with his lose. The case will be thrown out of court.
The dems LIED, PERJURED, FALSIFIED EVIDENCE, CONSPIRED with our ENEMIES, TRIED TO FRAME TRUMP and the PEOPLE around leaving poor innocent FLYNN in JAIL, VIOLATED TRUMPS And many others civil rights-----------its more than a sore loser case hun. Trump's case has MERIT ---TONS OF IT. The Whole dem GROUP BELONGS IN PRISON. Trump filed in the southern district---FLORIDA hun in all liklihood. TRUMP country to be exact--you think the jury pool out here doesn't know what happened already?
Your post is all wrong.

First, Trump is not suing under "Florida laws." Trump is suing in the Southern Federal District court alleging breach of federal laws.

Second, the case is nothing but a sore loser case. Trump is suing because he lose the election and he can't come to grips with his lose. The case will be thrown out of court.
i usually don't do this but you make it fun.

you sound smarts and stuff so we should listen.
The courts in Florida are going to limit what the dem crooks will be allowed in court. If in Miami, Jacksonville maybe---the crooked dems have a chance......If it is in one of Trump many many pro Trump counties--the corrupt dems are fucked. Trump will get far far more than $24 million---and Hilliary is likely to have a bunch of dead bodies pop up around her to insure that they don't testify against her.
Going to disagree with that. Further, that assumes it stays in Florida.
i usually don't do this but you make it fun.

you sound smarts and stuff so we should listen.
Thanks for catching!

Usually, I type quickly then go back and re-edit. I had a friend call so I missed it. C'est la vie.
Thanks for catching!

Usually, I type quickly then go back and re-edit. I had a friend call so I missed it. C'est la vie.
fair enough - i typo like a madman anyway but it was low hanging fruit. :)

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