President Trump Makes Unannounced Trip To Dover Air Force Base To Honor Fallen US Navy SEAL

The MSM will suddenly drop this story they were so interested in a few hours ago.

President Trump Makes Unannounced Trip To Dover Air Force Base To Honor Fallen U.S. Navy SEAL.

The Comrade probably plans on insulting someone when he's there.

Dufus gives us more fake news.

Muslim 'Religion of Peace' Demonstration

Call us when Muslims get half as upset about terrorism done in their name as they do with a cartoon of Mo.
:offtopic: As sick and wrong as many of the photos in your link are, they are in reference to a 2006 event and have nothing to do with my link. I don't know where this "fake news" claim is unless you are just trying to propel your spin.

There is a lot of ugliness out there and many Islamists that have a violent and dangerous view of westerners. But there are also many many more Muslims that denounce these attitudes and embrace western culture. My link and reference was not fake news, look it up. you are the one that claimed that "all muslims support terrorism", which is just about one of the dumbest most ignorant statements that I've heard from you yet.

70,000 clerics issue fatwa against terrorism, 15 lakh Muslims support it - Times of India
Fake news.
Notice no links to any document signed by anyone, let alone 70,000 people.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
Dufus gives us more fake news.

Muslim 'Religion of Peace' Demonstration

Call us when Muslims get half as upset about terrorism done in their name as they do with a cartoon of Mo.
:offtopic: As sick and wrong as many of the photos in your link are, they are in reference to a 2006 event and have nothing to do with my link. I don't know where this "fake news" claim is unless you are just trying to propel your spin.

There is a lot of ugliness out there and many Islamists that have a violent and dangerous view of westerners. But there are also many many more Muslims that denounce these attitudes and embrace western culture. My link and reference was not fake news, look it up. you are the one that claimed that "all muslims support terrorism", which is just about one of the dumbest most ignorant statements that I've heard from you yet.

70,000 clerics issue fatwa against terrorism, 15 lakh Muslims support it - Times of India
Fake news.
Notice no links to any document signed by anyone, let alone 70,000 people.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
If I had the chance to read it and it actually did call for the end to ALL terrorism I would say that is a great thing.

But unfortunately Islam supports terrorism by its own religious guidelines.
:offtopic: As sick and wrong as many of the photos in your link are, they are in reference to a 2006 event and have nothing to do with my link. I don't know where this "fake news" claim is unless you are just trying to propel your spin.

There is a lot of ugliness out there and many Islamists that have a violent and dangerous view of westerners. But there are also many many more Muslims that denounce these attitudes and embrace western culture. My link and reference was not fake news, look it up. you are the one that claimed that "all muslims support terrorism", which is just about one of the dumbest most ignorant statements that I've heard from you yet.

70,000 clerics issue fatwa against terrorism, 15 lakh Muslims support it - Times of India
Fake news.
Notice no links to any document signed by anyone, let alone 70,000 people.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
If I had the chance to read it and it actually did call for the end to ALL terrorism I would say that is a great thing.

But unfortunately Islam supports terrorism by its own religious guidelines.
There has been a bunch of dates writen and much support amoungst the religious and scholarly community's showing support for these anti terrism teachings within the Muslim community. Here are two examples with actual pictures of the writings and signatures... now you can hopefully see that you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

I could provide many more links, I could dive into the many Muslim American soldiers in OUR millitary that fought agaianst terror and died for our country, I could bring up many more examples that show how stupid your "all Muslims support terrorism" comment is but I'm guessing you are too dense to understand or even listen to any of it. People like you lower our "stock" as Americans. It's a sad thing.

Anti-Terror Fatwa Endorsed by 100,000 Bangladeshi Islamic Scholars

Fatwa on Terrorism - Wikipedia
What a waste. The life of one of our nations finest wasted on a bullshit raid in a bullshit war. A raid so ill conceived our troops were forced to slaughter civilians and even children in large numbers.

President trump should be held accountable for this nightmare.
Your despise of the fallen is noted.

A bs assumption on your part. But I forgot your reading comprehension skills are 3rd grade level at best. So the next time I'll use smaller easier for you to understand words
A very accurate assessment on my part. To tell a soldier or Marine they volunteered to conduct bullshit and intentionally murder civilians simply validates you are a left wing loon who has never spent time even talking to a soldier or Marine.

The mission was ill conceived at best and that's the presidents fault. Not mine. You can try to peg me a hater of our military, but I'm not.
Don't try to run from the fact you call our military stupid and accuse them of targeting civilians. You are a moonbat freak who hates our military and avoids contact with the men and women serving our nation because of your hatred.

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Dude, your mother must have dropped you on your head shortly after birth. Probably when she was trying to drown you in the toilet.
So what? He wants a media op for self-aggrandizement. What's commendable about that?

The right thing for any President to do is to honor our fallen soldiers. But in your mind Trump should not have attended because it looks like a media op? And you wonder why your side lost?
So what? He wants a media op for self-aggrandizement. What's commendable about that?

The right thing for any President to do is to honor our fallen soldiers. But in your mind Trump should not have attended because it looks like a media op? And you wonder why your side lost?

Trump can honor our troops by not wasting their lives on ill conceived, poorly planned missions that offer no hope for an acceptable outcome.
So what? He wants a media op for self-aggrandizement. What's commendable about that?

The right thing for any President to do is to honor our fallen soldiers. But in your mind Trump should not have attended because it looks like a media op? And you wonder why your side lost?

Trump can honor our troops by not wasting their lives on ill conceived, poorly planned missions that offer no hope for an acceptable outcome.

The raid was planned by the Obama administration and approved by Trump. Whoops, I guess you'll change your tune on the "poorly planned mission".
Sadly, endless war rolls on. Most Americans don't even know the actual story on this raid. 30 civilians, including 10 children, were killed. I am very sorry this soldier lost his life, but i'm also very sorry that my Government continues to kill Thousands of civilians. What info did we gain, that was worth killing these kids?

Her name was Nawar. She was one of the children killed.


Her family were the ones that put her at risk by being involved in terrorist acts against the US.

Blame them, not the SEALs sent to break up the cell.
So what? He wants a media op for self-aggrandizement. What's commendable about that?

The right thing for any President to do is to honor our fallen soldiers. But in your mind Trump should not have attended because it looks like a media op? And you wonder why your side lost?

Trump can honor our troops by not wasting their lives on ill conceived, poorly planned missions that offer no hope for an acceptable outcome.

The raid was planned by the Obama administration and approved by Trump. Whoops, I guess you'll change your tune on the "poorly planned mission".

Yes that kernal of truth, upon which you build a mountain of cock & bull.

The military planned the raid six months ago. Obama was smart enough to reject green lighting that raid. Trump bring a deeply stupid man gave the operation a green light. So it's all on trump.
The MSM will suddenly drop this story they were so interested in a few hours ago.

President Trump Makes Unannounced Trip To Dover Air Force Base To Honor Fallen U.S. Navy SEAL.
Any *presidential trip to a military base is NEVER "unannounced"....but I'm glad to see that some concern and respect for a Gold Star family has miraculously appeared.
President Obama to visit N.J. military base Monday

The MSM will suddenly drop this story they were so interested in a few hours ago.

President Trump Makes Unannounced Trip To Dover Air Force Base To Honor Fallen U.S. Navy SEAL.
Any *presidential trip to a military base is NEVER "unannounced"....but I'm glad to see that some concern and respect for a Gold Star family has miraculously appeared.
President Obama to visit N.J. military base Monday

Ah, I see.
You think that like when Presidents go to military bases they ALWAYS announce it beforehand?

Obama Makes Unannounced Visit To Afghanistan
Sadly, endless war rolls on. Most Americans don't even know the actual story on this raid. 30 civilians, including 10 children, were killed. I am very sorry this soldier lost his life, but i'm also very sorry that my Government continues to kill Thousands of civilians. What info did we gain, that was worth killing these kids?

Her name was Nawar. She was one of the children killed.


Her family were the ones that put her at risk by being involved in terrorist acts against the US.

Blame them, not the SEALs sent to break up the cell.

Let's get out of Yemen and all those nations in the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let's come home.

Let's get out of Yemen and all those nations in the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let's come home.

Go look at Trump's Foreign Policy speech. He was preaching a non interventionism policy.

This little raid was planned months ago under the Kenyan Catastrophe watch.
So what? He wants a media op for self-aggrandizement. What's commendable about that?

The right thing for any President to do is to honor our fallen soldiers. But in your mind Trump should not have attended because it looks like a media op? And you wonder why your side lost?

Trump can honor our troops by not wasting their lives on ill conceived, poorly planned missions that offer no hope for an acceptable outcome.

The raid was planned by the Obama administration and approved by Trump. Whoops, I guess you'll change your tune on the "poorly planned mission".

Yes that kernal of truth, upon which you build a mountain of cock & bull.

The military planned the raid six months ago. Obama was smart enough to reject green lighting that raid. Trump bring a deeply stupid man gave the operation a green light. So it's all on trump.

The truth hurts. Obama planned it. You act like no one died under Obama. Your selective outrage is noted. Now stop using our fallen men and women for political expediency. That's what a piece of shit does.
Fake news.
Notice no links to any document signed by anyone, let alone 70,000 people.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
If I had the chance to read it and it actually did call for the end to ALL terrorism I would say that is a great thing.

But unfortunately Islam supports terrorism by its own religious guidelines.
There has been a bunch of dates writen and much support amoungst the religious and scholarly community's showing support for these anti terrism teachings within the Muslim community. Here are two examples with actual pictures of the writings and signatures... now you can hopefully see that you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

I could provide many more links, I could dive into the many Muslim American soldiers in OUR millitary that fought agaianst terror and died for our country, I could bring up many more examples that show how stupid your "all Muslims support terrorism" comment is but I'm guessing you are too dense to understand or even listen to any of it. People like you lower our "stock" as Americans. It's a sad thing.

Anti-Terror Fatwa Endorsed by 100,000 Bangladeshi Islamic Scholars

Fatwa on Terrorism - Wikipedia
I said I wanted to see the Fatwa and what it said, not fake news.

Funny how no one can find what the Fatwa actually says. Which tells you terrorists have no idea what it says either.

So either link to the pdf file of the Fatwa or my point is valid, Islam has never denounced all terrorism.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
If I had the chance to read it and it actually did call for the end to ALL terrorism I would say that is a great thing.

But unfortunately Islam supports terrorism by its own religious guidelines.
There has been a bunch of dates writen and much support amoungst the religious and scholarly community's showing support for these anti terrism teachings within the Muslim community. Here are two examples with actual pictures of the writings and signatures... now you can hopefully see that you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

I could provide many more links, I could dive into the many Muslim American soldiers in OUR millitary that fought agaianst terror and died for our country, I could bring up many more examples that show how stupid your "all Muslims support terrorism" comment is but I'm guessing you are too dense to understand or even listen to any of it. People like you lower our "stock" as Americans. It's a sad thing.

Anti-Terror Fatwa Endorsed by 100,000 Bangladeshi Islamic Scholars

Fatwa on Terrorism - Wikipedia
I said I wanted to see the Fatwa and what it said, not fake news.

Funny how no one can find what the Fatwa actually says. Which tells you terrorists have no idea what it says either.

So either link to the pdf file of the Fatwa or my point is valid, Islam has never denounced all terrorism.
Oh looky there. It does not exist according to YOUR links.
Still not getting what the OP is celebrating. Trump sent this man to his death. And 30 civilians were butchered too. A visit by Trump doesn't make that go away. So what exactly is the OP celebrating?

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