President Trump Makes Unannounced Trip To Dover Air Force Base To Honor Fallen US Navy SEAL


Let's get out of Yemen and all those nations in the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let's come home.

Go look at Trump's Foreign Policy speech. He was preaching a non interventionism policy.

This little raid was planned months ago under the Kenyan Catastrophe watch.

No it wasn't. It was proposed and declined because of insufficient intel. Trump approved it without the intel and it was a fucked up mess:

US military officials: Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that killed US Navy SEAL was approved 'without sufficient intelligence'

Let's get out of Yemen and all those nations in the Middle East. We don't belong there. Let's come home.

Go look at Trump's Foreign Policy speech. He was preaching a non interventionism policy.

This little raid was planned months ago under the Kenyan Catastrophe watch.

No it wasn't. It was proposed and declined because of insufficient intel. Trump approved it without the intel and it was a fucked up mess:

US military officials: Trump-ordered raid in Yemen that killed US Navy SEAL was approved 'without sufficient intelligence'

In fairness, it was proposed by the Obama Administration. They left Trump with the final decision though. But i agree, it was a mess.
Before I waste my time finding you evidence, let me ask, would it make a difference or are you just gonna spin to another shitty argument? I'll go get you evidence if you'll admit right now, that your viewpoint about all muslims supporting terrorism is completely ignorant and wrong
A fatwa signed by 70,000 clerics should be easily found, it would be great news and widely distributed so everyone knows. So where is it?
Answer is it does not exist. And even if it did exist, keeping it a secret as to what it says and who signed means they have no intent of making it happen.
I'll ask again. Pretend it does exist and it is provable. Would you then admit that youve got it wrong?
If I had the chance to read it and it actually did call for the end to ALL terrorism I would say that is a great thing.

But unfortunately Islam supports terrorism by its own religious guidelines.
There has been a bunch of dates writen and much support amoungst the religious and scholarly community's showing support for these anti terrism teachings within the Muslim community. Here are two examples with actual pictures of the writings and signatures... now you can hopefully see that you have no clue what the fuck you are talking about.

I could provide many more links, I could dive into the many Muslim American soldiers in OUR millitary that fought agaianst terror and died for our country, I could bring up many more examples that show how stupid your "all Muslims support terrorism" comment is but I'm guessing you are too dense to understand or even listen to any of it. People like you lower our "stock" as Americans. It's a sad thing.

Anti-Terror Fatwa Endorsed by 100,000 Bangladeshi Islamic Scholars

Fatwa on Terrorism - Wikipedia
I said I wanted to see the Fatwa and what it said, not fake news.

Funny how no one can find what the Fatwa actually says. Which tells you terrorists have no idea what it says either.

So either link to the pdf file of the Fatwa or my point is valid, Islam has never denounced all terrorism.
On top of being an idiot you are apparently computer illiterate... there are tons of different examples of this all over the internet. Here is just one from Muhammad Tahir. Btw, a fatwa is a religious ruling. on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings.pdf
I have an ominous feeling that this will be the first of many for Trump

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