President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
She was cleared by the FBI, idiot. Trump is under investigation. Your lies won't save you.
No she was not cleared. Comey simply "recommended" that she not be prosecuted because of lack of "intent". First of all, it wasn't comedy's job to do that. Second, the law is explicitly written such that intent is not required,
Cool and all. But remember, Trump told you to stop caring because calling to investigate her was just a political stunt. We have a President in power not, possibly still committing treason. That's the priority, not some washed up private citizen.
Priority? You think that there can be no other investigations at the same time?
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
....the collusion lie fell apart.......
Only to you desperate conservatives. The FBI investigation is ongoing. And Trump sure is trying hard to obstruct for someone who claims there was no collusion.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
/---- How would firing the director end any FBI investigations? How is that even possible? Do you even have a clue how stuff works?
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
She was cleared by the FBI, idiot. Trump is under investigation. Your lies won't save you.
No she was not cleared. Comey simply "recommended" that she not be prosecuted because of lack of "intent". First of all, it wasn't comedy's job to do that. Second, the law is explicitly written such that intent is not required,
Cool and all. But remember, Trump told you to stop caring because calling to investigate her was just a political stunt. We have a President in power not, possibly still committing treason. That's the priority, not some washed up private citizen.
Priority? You think that there can be no other investigations at the same time?
There have been countless investigations into Hillary. You rubes can't even handle 1 against Trump. He is in a position to harm the country, while Hillary is a washed up nobody. Get your priorities straight. Hillary is gone. You rubes can stop your decades long obsession with her now.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
/---- How would firing the director end any FBI investigations? How is that even possible? Do you even have a clue how stuff works?
The FBI director could have ended the investigation. Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation(obstruction), and he didn't. Trump asked for his personal loyalty, and he refused. So he was fired. Maybe Christopher Wray agreed to put Trump before country, and that's why Trump wants to install him.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
Trump should just go ahead and pardon Flynn. That should put the obstruction of justice issue to bed because the constitution gives the president to end the investigation. First,the president is over the justice department. Second, he has the constitutional power to pardon.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
Trump should just go ahead and pardon Flynn. That should put the obstruction of justice issue to bed because the constitution gives the president to end the investigation. First, is over the justice department. Second, he has the constitutional power to pardon.
He's going to have to pardon a whole lot more people before this is over. Congress will impeach him if he does.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.

And comey testified Trump did not do that......

Again.......the DNC knows this was going nowhere so they switched to obstruction of justice......they need it for the 2018 and 2020 election cycle....

Trump needs to go after the real collusion...hilary and Russia and the real obstruction...hilary and loretta lynch...
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
/---- How would firing the director end any FBI investigations? How is that even possible? Do you even have a clue how stuff works?
The FBI director could have ended the investigation. Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation(obstruction), and he didn't. Trump asked for his personal loyalty, and he refused. So he was fired. Maybe Christopher Wray agreed to put Trump before country, and that's why Trump wants to install him.

Moron....Trump could have stated....given an order to end the investigation and it still wouldn't have been obstruction of justice......
/----- Libtards on another fishing expedition.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
Trump should just go ahead and pardon Flynn. That should put the obstruction of justice issue to bed because the constitution gives the president to end the investigation. First, is over the justice department. Second, he has the constitutional power to pardon.
He's going to have to pardon a whole lot more people before this is over. Congress will impeach him if he does.
If firing Comey was obstruction of justice, then congress should start impeachment proceeding now. What else do they need to know to make that call?
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
/---- How would firing the director end any FBI investigations? How is that even possible? Do you even have a clue how stuff works?
The FBI director could have ended the investigation. Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation(obstruction), and he didn't. Trump asked for his personal loyalty, and he refused. So he was fired. Maybe Christopher Wray agreed to put Trump before country, and that's why Trump wants to install him.

Moron....Trump could have stated....given an order to end the investigation and it still wouldn't have been obstruction of justice......
End an investigation into foreign sabotage of our election? LOL! He can include a request for impeachment from congress in his announcement.
The FBI are the ones on the expedition. Democrats are just trying to prevent further obstruction of justice from Trump and his cronies.
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
Trump should just go ahead and pardon Flynn. That should put the obstruction of justice issue to bed because the constitution gives the president to end the investigation. First, is over the justice department. Second, he has the constitutional power to pardon.
He's going to have to pardon a whole lot more people before this is over. Congress will impeach him if he does.
If firing Comey was obstruction of justice, then congress should start impeachment proceeding now. What else do they need to know to make that call?
You're right. They should.
The entire republican party needs to get off their pathetic, timid behinds and get on the offensive! Actually, they should have taken cues from Trump and HIT THE GROUND on the offense running roughshod all up and down the backs of the Democrats, Hillary and the whole tribe. It is because of their acquiescence again and again that like ISIS, they let the Democrats organize all these hearings and investigations on Trump! Only the GOP could have control of the WH, Senate and HoR and STILL let it look like the Democrats run the damn show.


What kind of party has a leader who always looks like the dog who just crapped all over the living-room rug and hopes you won't smell or see it? The guy has NEVER smiled------ the best he looks is a non-frown look of relief, like he hopes someone else is going to get kicked in the balls instead of him today.

I mean, at least give the Democrats some credit: WHAT WOULD IT TAKE to get the GOP to have leaders who ever looked informed, articulate, PREPARED, confident, and IN CHARGE?! The Dems always project that even when they aren't and the GOP never appears that way even when they are! WTF!


Fucking McConnell can't even talk without sounding apologetic, uncertain, and like he has marbles in his mouth. Instead, the GOP has leaders who project nervousness, insecurity, worry and fear? Is it too late for The Donald to get himself a party transplant? Can he fire the GOP?

Last edited:
/---- "further obstruction " Further???? There was none to begin with. Just made up BS Fake news.
Yes further. Trump fired the FBI director in the middle of being investigated because he didn't end the Flynn investigation as requested.
Trump should just go ahead and pardon Flynn. That should put the obstruction of justice issue to bed because the constitution gives the president to end the investigation. First, is over the justice department. Second, he has the constitutional power to pardon.
He's going to have to pardon a whole lot more people before this is over. Congress will impeach him if he does.
If firing Comey was obstruction of justice, then congress should start impeachment proceeding now. What else do they need to know to make that call?
You're right. They should.
At least we agree on something.
The entire republican party needs to get off their pathetic, timid behinds and get on the offensive! Actually, they should have taken cues from Trump and HIT THE GROUND on the offense running roughshod all up and down the backs of the Democrats, Hillary and the whole tribe. It is because of their acquiescence again and again that like ISIS, they let the Democrats organize all these hearings and investigations on Trump! Only the GOP could have control of the WH, Senate and HoR and STILL let it look like the Democrats run the damn show.

The republicans don't have it in them.......the best people the republicans have don't go into politics...they run businesses and raise their families....the most vile, and cunning democrats go into politics to amass wealth and the Republicans are always outmatched....
The entire republican party needs to get off their pathetic, timid behinds and get on the offensive! Actually, they should have taken cues from Trump and HIT THE GROUND on the offense running roughshod all up and down the backs of the Democrats

They can't, since the alt-right is a tiny minority of the country and Republicans want to win re-election in 2018.
As I understand it, in order for selling out to an enemy is not technically "treason" unless the seller is a legal citizen of the country being sold. So, bois und girlz, Obama is safe.

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