President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

Look at it this way........Rate how "well" the first 4 plus months have gone for Trump......and then picture how the next 44 more months could go.
What good is it to be the chief executive if you can't tell your subordinates what to do?

Mussolini would agree with you 100%....He too would ask his underlings to take a loyalty oath...and look how well it worked out for Benito.
You're not expecting the investigation to end til 2021?

Objectively, I'd give Trump until the mid-term elections next year are over. Once the investigations really heat up....once the HC plan proves a royal screwing for Trump backers.....once the wall becomes even more of a joke than before, etc.

The only ace in the hole that Trump has to finish his first term, is to start a GWB did.
In 9 meetings with Comey the orange anus NOT ONCE asked about russia hacking our election And ALL our investigative agencies believe they did with HIGH CONFIDENCE
To the OP: the President does not have the executive power to appoint special counsels.

That is a DOJ function, and I don't think that he can ask the AG to do it.
What good is it to be the chief executive if you can't tell your subordinates what to do?
I understand what you are saying, but the President is the executive and the AG/DOJ are the judicial and very jealous of their power and independence in those matters. Yes, I agree it is is blurry, and that can be scary.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
At this point you should be far more concerned over the Federal investigation of El Presidente.
The entire republican party needs to get off their pathetic, timid behinds and get on the offensive! Actually, they should have taken cues from Trump and HIT THE GROUND on the offense running roughshod all up and down the backs of the Democrats

They can't, since the alt-right is a tiny minority of the country and Republicans want to win re-election in 2018.

Well, NEWS FLASH. The only thing that saved my interest in the GOP was Trump. If the GOP keeps acting like the GOP and keeps losing elections, constantly second-guessing themselves, pulling in different directions and not getting things done even when they have it all their way, they won't be winning much elections. I won't be voting for the GOP anymore if they let me down again. Trump showed them what the party wants. If Trump goes Third Party, I am there. The GOP needs to let the horses out of the gate and be the Conservative Party, not the Republican Party. NOT the party of fuckheads like McCain, Romney, Dole, Kasich and Jeb Bush.
To the OP: the President does not have the executive power to appoint special counsels.

That is a DOJ function, and I don't think that he can ask the AG to do it.
What good is it to be the chief executive if you can't tell your subordinates what to do?
/---- Apparently Obozo never issued any orders to his subordinates otherwise Libtards would have been up in arms over some of them. Maybe Biden called the shots.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
At this point you should be far more concerned over the Federal investigation of El Presidente.

Why? Hillary and Bill have been under constant Federal Investigation for over 30 years! Hasn't hurt or slowed them down yet, and Trump has over 200X their money. And please, say it right:

At this point we should be far more concerned over Федеральное расследование президента!
- Libtards on another fishing expedition.

This may "astound" your half brain BUT, often fishing expeditions yield lots of fish.......LOL
/---- This is your fishing expedition:
Trump showed the Alt Right they have a champion. The GOP climbed on board because it had to do so.

Trump is suffering the power and the pain of the two-edged tweet.

Nobody cares about the 5 to 8% of the country that is Alt Right except for their votes. The ultra nationalism and nativism and racialism and antidemocracy will not come to pass for the Alt Right under a GOP administration. Trump may try but the the GOP in Congress won't permit.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
At this point you should be far more concerned over the Federal investigation of El Presidente.

Why? Hillary and Bill have been under constant Federal Investigation for over 30 years! Hasn't hurt or slowed them down yet, and Trump has over 200X their money. And please, say it right:

At this point we should be far more concerned over Федеральное расследование президента!
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

^^^ Doesn't know the definitions of Treason and Evidence ^^^
Trump showed the Alt Right they have a champion. The GOP climbed on board because it had to do so.

Trump is suffering the power and the pain of the two-edged tweet.

Nobody cares about the 5 to 8% of the country that is Alt Right except for their votes. The ultra nationalism and nativism and racialism and antidemocracy will not come to pass for the Alt Right under a GOP administration. Trump may try but the the GOP in Congress won't permit.
/--- WOWZA where were you during the election and why weren't you advising Hildabeast on how to run a strong campaign --- or maybe you were and that's why she lost. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.

FALLACY 1: It SHOULD be about the Clintons! Just need to assign an investigator to start looking into all the corruption of the Democratic Party where there actually IS evidence! Strong evidence!

FALLACY 2: Corrupt sitting president? Corrupt of what? Name the EVIDENCE. Not circumstantial allegation and innuendo inferred or claimed from unknown and unnamed sources. Something "looking bad" is not evidence of crime nor corruption. Sometimes things just look bad.

FALLACY 3: We never saw it from the Obama's because the GOP is weak and spineless. They have this terminal fear of offending voters and losing elections. There are enough crimes associated with Obama to keep every prosecutor in the nation busy! At last look, there were around 252 cases of unresolved impropriety surrounding Barack Obama. Shall I list them all? You see, and you probably know this and are just acting dumb, the Democrats operate on the principle of OVERWHELMING THE SYSTEM. Do so much so bad that not only can't the courts keep up with it all (the wheels of law turn very slow), but so bad that when you point it out, it almost sounds crazy.
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Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....

Fight back against what? These things were investigated.
Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.

^^^ Doesn't know the definitions of Treason and Evidence ^^^
^^^ either doesn't know them, or will ignore at all costs for the sake of the party
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.

FALLACY 1: It SHOULD be about the Clintons! Just need to assign an investigator to start looking into all the corruption of the Democratic Party where there actually IS evidence! Strong evidence!

FALLACY 2: Corrupt sitting president? Corrupt of what? Name the EVIDENCE. Not circumstantial allegation and innuendo inferred or claimed from unknown and unnamed sources. Something "looking bad" is not evidence of crime nor corruption. Sometimes things just look bad.

FALLACY 3: We never saw it from the Obama's because the GOP is weak and spineless. They have this terminal fear of offending voters and losing elections. There are enough crimes associated with Obama to keep every prosecutor in the nation busy! At last look, there were around 252 cases of unresolved impropriety surrounding Barack Obama. Shall I list them all? You see, and you probably know this and are just acting dumb, the Democrats operate on the principle of OVERWHELMING THE SYSTEM. Do so much so bad that not only can't the courts keep up with it all (the wheels of law turn very slow), but so bad that when you point it out, it almost sounds crazy.

Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice.

Number 1 is untrue and number 3 I untrue.

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