President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....

Fight back against what? These things were investigated.

John Gotti was investigated. Out the yinyang. Never could prove anything. That didn't mean he wasn't guilty, just that he was a very good crook. Finally got him on tax evasion.

John Gotti - Wikipedia

You really need to learn what you're talking about or at least try to use smarter arguments! I could say that Trump has already been investigated too! They have been digging on him for 11 months! So much so that they keep looking into something different because they can't find a thing on what they originally started looking for. ie.: a WITCH HUNT.

In 9 meetings with Comey the orange anus NOT ONCE asked about russia hacking our election And ALL our investigative agencies believe they did with HIGH CONFIDENCE

Since trump personally benefited from the hacking......he would never ask if the hacking was anti-democracy. Trump ONLY cares about Trump.
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.

FALLACY 1: It SHOULD be about the Clintons! Just need to assign an investigator to start looking into all the corruption of the Democratic Party where there actually IS evidence! Strong evidence!

FALLACY 2: Corrupt sitting president? Corrupt of what? Name the EVIDENCE. Not circumstantial allegation and innuendo inferred or claimed from unknown and unnamed sources. Something "looking bad" is not evidence of crime nor corruption. Sometimes things just look bad.

FALLACY 3: We never saw it from the Obama's because the GOP is weak and spineless. They have this terminal fear of offending voters and losing elections. There are enough crimes associated with Obama to keep every prosecutor in the nation busy! At last look, there were around 252 cases of unresolved impropriety surrounding Barack Obama. Shall I list them all? You see, and you probably know this and are just acting dumb, the Democrats operate on the principle of OVERWHELMING THE SYSTEM. Do so much so bad that not only can't the courts keep up with it all (the wheels of law turn very slow), but so bad that when you point it out, it almost sounds crazy.

Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice.

Number 1 is untrue and number 3 I untrue.

Trump's Campaign was accused of COLLUSION on baseless grounds. Trump himself was never under investigation. There is no case for Obstruction either. Several of the top investigators have already stated so. You wouldn't know a truth from an untruth if it hit you in the face. You just wait, sooner or later, this is all going to BLOW UP in the faces of the Democrats. ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzBOOM! For they are the ones with everything to hide and are trying to knock Trump off balance so that he can't pursue any of it!

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Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....
Pity, your President Orange is under investigation, bigly. :woohoo:
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.

FALLACY 1: It SHOULD be about the Clintons! Just need to assign an investigator to start looking into all the corruption of the Democratic Party where there actually IS evidence! Strong evidence!

FALLACY 2: Corrupt sitting president? Corrupt of what? Name the EVIDENCE. Not circumstantial allegation and innuendo inferred or claimed from unknown and unnamed sources. Something "looking bad" is not evidence of crime nor corruption. Sometimes things just look bad.

FALLACY 3: We never saw it from the Obama's because the GOP is weak and spineless. They have this terminal fear of offending voters and losing elections. There are enough crimes associated with Obama to keep every prosecutor in the nation busy! At last look, there were around 252 cases of unresolved impropriety surrounding Barack Obama. Shall I list them all? You see, and you probably know this and are just acting dumb, the Democrats operate on the principle of OVERWHELMING THE SYSTEM. Do so much so bad that not only can't the courts keep up with it all (the wheels of law turn very slow), but so bad that when you point it out, it almost sounds crazy.

Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice.

Number 1 is untrue and number 3 I untrue.

Trump's Campaign was accused of COLLUSION on baseless grounds. Trump himself was never under investigation. There is no case for Obstruction either. Several of the top investigators have already stated so. You wouldn't know a truth from an untruth if it hit you in the face. You just wait, sooner or later, this is all going to BLOW UP in the faces of the Democrats. ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzBOOM! For they are the ones with everything to hide and are trying to knock Trump off balance so that he can't pursue any of it!

Trump has already admitted he is under investigation. Thats why you hire a lawyer, and why that lawyer hires his own lawyer
Yup, toobfreak is unraveling above.

Trump cannot shut up. That is good for America, because he will destroy himself.

Yup, the orange anus is under investigation.
Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....
Didn't he say he was going to do that before the election? Why hasn't he?
- Libtards on another fishing expedition.

This may "astound" your half brain BUT, often fishing expeditions yield lots of fish.......LOL
/---- This is your fishing expedition:
View attachment 134036

Then you should have NO worries.....but, here you are bitching nonetheless.....LOL
AND if trump had no worries would he be bitching???
If trump is innocent, he would and should welcome an investigation
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Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....
Didn't he say he was going to do that before the election? Why hasn't he?
Trump lies about everything
This isn't about the Clintons, only a corrupt sitting President and his administration. You never saw this from Obama and his people.

FALLACY 1: It SHOULD be about the Clintons! Just need to assign an investigator to start looking into all the corruption of the Democratic Party where there actually IS evidence! Strong evidence!

FALLACY 2: Corrupt sitting president? Corrupt of what? Name the EVIDENCE. Not circumstantial allegation and innuendo inferred or claimed from unknown and unnamed sources. Something "looking bad" is not evidence of crime nor corruption. Sometimes things just look bad.

FALLACY 3: We never saw it from the Obama's because the GOP is weak and spineless. They have this terminal fear of offending voters and losing elections. There are enough crimes associated with Obama to keep every prosecutor in the nation busy! At last look, there were around 252 cases of unresolved impropriety surrounding Barack Obama. Shall I list them all? You see, and you probably know this and are just acting dumb, the Democrats operate on the principle of OVERWHELMING THE SYSTEM. Do so much so bad that not only can't the courts keep up with it all (the wheels of law turn very slow), but so bad that when you point it out, it almost sounds crazy.

Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice.

Number 1 is untrue and number 3 I untrue.

Trump's Campaign was accused of COLLUSION on baseless grounds. Trump himself was never under investigation. There is no case for Obstruction either. Several of the top investigators have already stated so. You wouldn't know a truth from an untruth if it hit you in the face. You just wait, sooner or later, this is all going to BLOW UP in the faces of the Democrats. ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzBOOM! For they are the ones with everything to hide and are trying to knock Trump off balance so that he can't pursue any of it!

I'd tend to agree that Trump is too fucking stupid for the Kremlin to involve him directly in collusion....BUT, the convenient fact that you choose to omit is the culpability of the acolytes with whom Trump has surrounded himself.....They may indeed be guilty as all hell.
Regarding obstruction.....yes it is speculation....but the kind of speculation that....amid all the other scandals takes on a more ominous charge. Firing the person who is investigating your administration may be perfectly legal.......but as Nixon learned, self-destructive.
- Libtards on another fishing expedition.

This may "astound" your half brain BUT, often fishing expeditions yield lots of fish.......LOL
/---- This is your fishing expedition:
View attachment 134036

Then you should have NO worries.....but, here you are bitching nonetheless.....LOL
AND if trump had no worries would he be bitching???
If trump is innocent, he would and should welcome an investigation
But INSTEAD he goes bonkers Firings tweeting yelling at the TV all marks of a mad man a guilty man
Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....

Fight back against what? These things were investigated.

John Gotti was investigated. Out the yinyang. Never could prove anything. That didn't mean he wasn't guilty, just that he was a very good crook. Finally got him on tax evasion.

John Gotti - Wikipedia

You really need to learn what you're talking about or at least try to use smarter arguments! I could say that Trump has already been investigated too! They have been digging on him for 11 months! So much so that they keep looking into something different because they can't find a thing on what they originally started looking for. ie.: a WITCH HUNT.

View attachment 134051

I know what I am talking about, You are the one with the problem.''

This is no witch hunt, Trump is a crook. That's why he paid a 25 million dollar settlement for fraud just before he got inaugurated.

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