President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

Yup, toobfreak is unraveling above.

Trump cannot shut up. That is good for America, because he will destroy himself.

Yup, the orange anus is under investigation.
Oh yes, just sit back and watch him destroy himself. This is amazing. :mm:

What's amazing is that you keep holding out hope for something that never comes, never happens and never will. Keep hoping.
Its coming, but these investigations take time. All the better, it keeps trump from ruining this country any further
How? Where? When? Be specific! It has already been determined that there is not a shred of evidence that Russia's attempts to penetrate our election system actually resulted in changing any votes or outcome. take a partial "truth" and extrapolate it to the larger issue....

As always, a lot of cheap talk, but nothing to back it up.
What do you have to prove Trumps innocence?
Trump has already admitted he is under investigation. Thats why you hire a lawyer, and why that lawyer hires his own lawyer

If lying and talking stupid were a crime, you'd need a whole TEAM of lawyers.
toob let me ask you this IF your hands were clean wouldn't you just say bring it on?

I'm sorry, maybe your TV is tuned to the static between channels; mine is tuned to the news. Trump HAS said to bring it on. Trump HAS said that he wants to get this over. Trump HAS offered to cooperate in every way, even testify under oath right there at the Senate. Where's you antenna pointing, up your ass? About the only thing Trump hasn't offered to do is run the damn investigation himself. And at last report, Mueller has 13 lawyers all donating to Clinton. One even ran interference for FOIA requests. The whole thing smells of total bullshit and the only part of this not corrupt is the one part of it they keep looking for corruption in but can't find a damned thing. Trump.

Trump says at f things but will Trump do it? Because Trump is a liar. HOW could Mueller have an lawyers donating to Clinton? She's not running for anything, I suppose Trump told you that too. The investigation is about getting those who were involved. It does not stop because Trump wants t to stop.
How? Where? When? Be specific! It has already been determined that there is not a shred of evidence that Russia's attempts to penetrate our election system actually resulted in changing any votes or outcome. take a partial "truth" and extrapolate it to the larger issue....

As always, a lot of cheap talk, but nothing to back it up.
What do you have to prove Trumps innocence?

He has nothing. He'll just have blind faith in Trump and believe everything Trump says. If Trump says the sun shines at night, he will believe he is looking at the sun at midnight.
the convenient fact that you choose to omit is the culpability of the acolytes . Firing the person who is investigating your administration may be perfectly legal.

How can I choose to omit something that I know nothing about? If indeed some of them were, then not even Trump knew they had funny business otherwise he wouldn't have used them. As Comey has shown, not many people in Washington can be trusted not to be democratic hit men. And yes, firing Comey was something talked about on both sides for almost a year! Comey wasn't investigating anything, he is merely head of the department. His not being there has no effect on anything investigated. All Trump ever said was that he'd like to see Flynn taken off the burner sooner than later if possible because he was a good guy who had already been through the ringer undeservedly for something that wasn't his fault. That is perfectly within his scope to do. Comey is a bunghole.
You are privy to all the evidence that the prosecutors have? Don't continue to make a fool of yourself, you actually know nothing- no more or less than any of us

This is all fact that has been put right out there by all the people close to and involved in the case. If I want to make any fool of myself, I just have to watch you. I actually know quite a lot! But thanks for confirming that not any of you know much of anything. Fact is, I've never met such a large group of people who simultaneously have so much to say while knowing next to nothing! It is like you all get your ideas, opinions and talking points off of some Never Trump website. Tell me, I hope they don't charge you too much to tell you what to say!
Trump needs to go on offense and needs to appoint a special counsel to go after the hilary email scandal, the ties of hilary to foriegn governments when she was secretary of state, including Russia, and to investigate her use of the clinton foundation to hide illegal activity as secretary of state........and the obstruction of justice between her and loretta lynch.....

She can't protect her minions anymore other than to pay them to go to jail ....she can't pardon them, she can't influence the investigation.........

This needs to be done to fight back....

Fight back against what? These things were investigated.

John Gotti was investigated. Out the yinyang. Never could prove anything. That didn't mean he wasn't guilty, just that he was a very good crook. Finally got him on tax evasion.

John Gotti - Wikipedia

You really need to learn what you're talking about or at least try to use smarter arguments! I could say that Trump has already been investigated too! They have been digging on him for 11 months! So much so that they keep looking into something different because they can't find a thing on what they originally started looking for. ie.: a WITCH HUNT.

View attachment 134051

I know what I am talking about, You are the one with the problem.''

This is no witch hunt, Trump is a crook. That's why he paid a 25 million dollar settlement for fraud just before he got inaugurated.

If Trump is a crook, he's the lightest, smallest crook in DC! The Democrats have him beat by a mile.

No he's a crook who paid American citizens 25 million for defrauding them out of money.
Trump has already admitted he is under investigation. Thats why you hire a lawyer, and why that lawyer hires his own lawyer

If lying and talking stupid were a crime, you'd need a whole TEAM of lawyers.
toob let me ask you this IF your hands were clean wouldn't you just say bring it on?

I'm sorry, maybe your TV is tuned to the static between channels; mine is tuned to the news. Trump HAS said to bring it on. Trump HAS said that he wants to get this over. Trump HAS offered to cooperate in every way, even testify under oath right there at the Senate. Where's you antenna pointing, up your ass? About the only thing Trump hasn't offered to do is run the damn investigation himself. And at last report, Mueller has 13 lawyers all donating to Clinton. One even ran interference for FOIA requests. The whole thing smells of total bullshit and the only part of this not corrupt is the one part of it they keep looking for corruption in but can't find a damned thing. Trump.
Trump will testify under oath soon after he shows all his tax returns
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How? Where? When? Be specific! It has already been determined that there is not a shred of evidence that Russia's attempts to penetrate our election system actually resulted in changing any votes or outcome. take a partial "truth" and extrapolate it to the larger issue....

Russia may not have directly altered a ballot, BUT through hackers of the DNC and utilizing Wikileaks (a stooge for the Kremlin) the anti-Clinton propaganda had its effects......Heck, she still got 3 million more popular votes so, just imagine........

Yet Assuage maintains that Russia was never involved. And Assuage has never been proven wrong. And Hillary got 2.8 million, not 3, all in LA County, all of them probably illegal aliens who voted 3 times each under fake aliases created by the DNC. That is what pisses them off so much----- that they spent SO MUCH, and cheated SO MUCH, and still lost!
Yup, toobfreak is unraveling above.

Trump cannot shut up. That is good for America, because he will destroy himself.

Yup, the orange anus is under investigation.
Oh yes, just sit back and watch him destroy himself. This is amazing. :mm:

What's amazing is that you keep holding out hope for something that never comes, never happens and never will. Keep hoping.

What's amazing is that the investigation is just starting and you act like all the evidence has been gathered and decisions have been made.
Yet Assuage maintains that Russia was never involved. And Assuage has never been proven wrong. And Hillary got 2.8 million, not 3, all in LA County, all of them probably illegal aliens who voted 3 times each under fake aliases created by the DNC. That is what pisses them off so much----- that they spent SO MUCH, and cheated SO MUCH, and still lost!

If offered by Trump, would you accept his glass of Kool Aid?.......LOL
Trump believes he is not accountable to anyone, not the American voter not the American legal system not to the Constitution.

Trump cannot be laughed at or corrected or told he is lying. He cannot internalize that anger, so he tweets out.

Trump cannot govern effectively as long as he tweets. He cannot stop tweeting.

Trump is destroying his own presidency.
How? Where? When? Be specific! It has already been determined that there is not a shred of evidence that Russia's attempts to penetrate our election system actually resulted in changing any votes or outcome. take a partial "truth" and extrapolate it to the larger issue....

Russia may not have directly altered a ballot, BUT through hackers of the DNC and utilizing Wikileaks (a stooge for the Kremlin) the anti-Clinton propaganda had its effects......Heck, she still got 3 million more popular votes so, just imagine........

Yet Assuage maintains that Russia was never involved. And Assuage has never been proven wrong. And Hillary got 2.8 million, not 3, all in LA County, all of them probably illegal aliens who voted 3 times each under fake aliases created by the DNC. That is what pisses them off so much----- that they spent SO MUCH, and cheated SO MUCH, and still lost!

Assange is a liar who leaked stolen information. So who is he to listen to?
If indeed some of them were, then not even Trump knew they had funny business otherwise he wouldn't have used them

I believe that Nixon HIMSELF never broke into the Watergate complex....


the convenient fact that you choose to omit is the culpability of the acolytes . Firing the person who is investigating your administration may be perfectly legal.

How can I choose to omit something that I know nothing about? If indeed some of them were, then not even Trump knew they had funny business otherwise he wouldn't have used them. As Comey has shown, not many people in Washington can be trusted not to be democratic hit men. And yes, firing Comey was something talked about on both sides for almost a year! Comey wasn't investigating anything, he is merely head of the department. His not being there has no effect on anything investigated. All Trump ever said was that he'd like to see Flynn taken off the burner sooner than later if possible because he was a good guy who had already been through the ringer undeservedly for something that wasn't his fault. That is perfectly within his scope to do. Comey is a bunghole.
You are privy to all the evidence that the prosecutors have? Don't continue to make a fool of yourself, you actually know nothing- no more or less than any of us

This is all fact that has been put right out there by all the people close to and involved in the case. If I want to make any fool of myself, I just have to watch you. I actually know quite a lot! But thanks for confirming that not any of you know much of anything. Fact is, I've never met such a large group of people who simultaneously have so much to say while knowing next to nothing! It is like you all get your ideas, opinions and talking points off of some Never Trump website. Tell me, I hope they don't charge you too much to tell you what to say!
Trump is a winner and does not like to lose.

You forgot the "H".....Trump is indeed a whiner....have you reviewed his latest tweets about his ego and feelings being hurt by all those witch hunters???............LOL

Keep smoking that shit. You're in for an even bigger let down than when Trump won the election! Hope you keep up on your medications. BTW, WINNER has TWO 'N's. You can't even get your spelling right.
Trump is a winner and does not like to lose.

You forgot the "H".....Trump is indeed a whiner....have you reviewed his latest tweets about his ego and feelings being hurt by all those witch hunters???............LOL

Keep smoking that shit. You're in for an even bigger let down than when Trump won the election! Hope you keep up on your medications. BTW, WINNER has TWO 'N's. You can't even get your spelling right.
You know nothing, zero about the special prosecutor and what evidence he has obtained. Go back in the kitchen and wash some dishes, its all you are good for
you know thats a total lie. If Trump has nothing to worry about you wouldn't post this BS

Didn't hire 13 lawyers? Aren't leaning disproportionately in favor of Democrats? Do you know you are the hair on the pimple of an ass?

Mueller Hires 13 Lawyers, Including One Who Represented Hillary! - BB4SP

After Bringing 5 Dem Lawyers on His Legal Team, Mueller Just Made Some More Hires...

Mueller Hires Multiple Hillary Clinton Donors for Special Counsel Team

Mueller Stacks Special Counsel With Clinton Foundation Lawyer & Deputy Assistant AG Under Obama - BB4SP

Special Counsel Has Hired 13 Lawyers, 'With Several More In The Pipeline'

And BTW, what Trump does and has, has nothing to do with MY posts, moron!

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