President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

If they start investigating the Clinton's and the CHICAGO CABAL that promised Hillary the POTUS if she let Obama win the Dem primary, it will expose how corrupt our system really is. That would end any chance Trump has of bringing back American Ideals.
It could even trigger a revolution, and would end the democratic party.
At the least it would demand a New Constitution and Legal System.!
Of course you don't have a single piece of evidence to back up your post, just hate

That is old news that Obama promised Hillary to keep the peace with the Clintons because she felt it was her turn in 2008. He gave her the cake Secretary Job to pucker her ass, and the Dems bust a nut last year to GUARANTEE that she was the Democratic candidate this time around. Even Rip van Winkle knows this! Never in a million years did they think Trump would beat her! THAT IS WHAT IS SO SWEET ABOUT THE WHOLE THING!!!
you must be proud that Trump and his whole administration is under federal criminal investigation. Never before in our history have we had this kind of criminal activity from day 1 of an administration
Yes I am. It shows Trump is so hated and so feared by the Washington swamp that they will stop at nothing to strike him down.
How do you know the allegations against trump are phony ?

THERE YOU GO always trying to change the story again, just like UnrealDave. Still waiting for him to answer me two simple questions on the Sun.

HOW DO YOU KNOW these allegations are true? And if you don't know, why are you so hot on them? Just a tireless pursuer of truth, justice and the American Way? Just can't wait to convict Trump?

YOU ARE INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty in THIS country, boy, and I'm still waiting for you to show me a SHRED of proof. It has been nothing but eleven months of fake news, drummed up stories, unfounded claims, hoaxes, innuendo and ever-changing mud-slinging.
It shows Trump is so hated and so feared by the Washington swamp that they will stop at nothing to strike him down.

Yep! You don't hate a guy this much and fear him this badly to try so hard to take him down unless you really fear he is real close to the jugular and you lie awake at night in fear of what he could do to you! The Democrats had NO IDEA that the American election process really worked!
This is no witch hunt, Trump is a crook. That's why he paid a 25 million dollar settlement for fraud just before he got inaugurated.

Better a defrauder than a RAPIST.

Bill Clinton Settled Rape Allegations Out of Court

Bill Clinton Sex Allegations: 17 Claims of Rape & Affairs

Bill Clinton rape accuser: Hillary 'tried to silence' me Jones v. Clinton Special Report

A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing

Sometimes you settle a lawsuit because it is cheaper to just settle and get them off your back. Ask Michael Jackson.
This is not about Bill Clinton, or Michael Jackson, no matter how hard you want to change the subject. Its all about Donald and no one else

Lmfao this is all about Hillary and the DNC , if they were not corrupt nothing would of came from hacking..
She would of won, idiot

Oh, then the investigation is over, right?

Actually when trump fired Comey the investigation of Trump himself really began.....Really, this stuff is rather simple even for a right winger to figure out.....LOL
How about the other issues trump is being investigated for?

Trump isn't being investigated for anything, cookiepuss! Much less "other" investigations. But the Democrats have made so many false claims about this Administration they now have to be checked out one by one and dismissed just for the credibility of the system. Then we will get onto the real crime cases against HILLARY CLINTON, LORETTA LYNCH and MANY OTHERS. The FBI still has those cases on Hillary that were reopened last October, and now these new cases against Dickwad Comey and Loretta Lynch. Democrats will be going down!
Keep smoking that shit. You're in for an even bigger let down than when Trump won the election! Hope you keep up on your medications. BTW, WINNER has TWO 'N's. You can't even get your spelling right.

Then you should have NO worries about your idol trump......perhaps you can tweet him to ease up on his ulcers a bit.....
yeah, yeah, he may not be the most "legitimate" president, BUT he is the FIRST orange one....LOL
Jason Chaffetz: Trump is ‘almost worse’ than Obama — and Jeff Sessions is ‘worse’ than Loretta Lynch
Outgoing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) lashed out at the Trump administration recently for being “worse” than the Obama administration when it comes to transparency.
The trump administration is worse than the Obama administration on everything and anything. There is just no comparison.
In other words, it's better.
I know the truth and I know that every US intelligence agency cannot be lying on Donald Trump.

IM2 URnot. You don't know shit. You mean the 17 agencies Obama tied together just days before leaving so that all of his leakers in there that all donate 97% of the time to democrats could all share info from the swamp to leak against their #1 threat, Donald Trump? Donald must be getting REAL CLOSE and some democrat heads are sure to roll after this! :banana:
the anti-Clinton propaganda had its effects.

WHAT Propaganda? All WikiLeaks put out were the ACTUAL emails between Podesta and others about how they were trying to cheat, lie and scam the election (sounds like what they accuse Trump of!) to get Hillary in! It was all stuff the voters deserved to know. If poor Hillary lost any votes, Boo Hoo Hoo, she didn't deserve them in the first place. She already had millions of illegal votes. Every illegal alien that voted, voted for Hillary illegally. It's the only way any democrat ever gets into office.
25,000 lawyers don't help much when the prosecutor says "guilty".

I hope you hold your breath until it happens!

It shows Trump is so hated and so feared by the Washington swamp that they will stop at nothing to strike him down.

Yep! You don't hate a guy this much and fear him this badly to try so hard to take him down unless you really fear he is real close to the jugular and you lie awake at night in fear of what he could do to you! The Democrats had NO IDEA that the American election process really worked!
Trump is striking down big parts of the leftwing agenda everyday, and that enrages the snowflakes. We saw their psychosis on display when he withdrew from the Paris "agreement." According to the snowflakes it was the end of the world.
Jason Chaffetz: Trump is ‘almost worse’ than Obama — and Jeff Sessions is ‘worse’ than Loretta Lynch
Outgoing Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) lashed out at the Trump administration recently for being “worse” than the Obama administration when it comes to transparency.
The trump administration is worse than the Obama administration on everything and anything. There is just no comparison.
In other words, it's better.

When the Obama Administration can be 180° wrong on EVERY issues for eight straight years then if Trump is only 1° off, it will be 1° better in the right direction.
Trump is striking down big parts of the leftwing agenda everyday, and that enrages the snowflakes. We saw their psychosis on display when he withdrew from the Paris "agreement." According to the snowflakes it was the end of the world.

The snowflakes have built up into a snowdrift! They better hope they are wrong about global warming! Pretty soon, all there will be left of the Libs are a carrot, a few raisins and a couple of twigs. As to that agreement, too bad, Trump never said he agreed to it. He works for us, not the dickwads in Europe!

, she didn't deserve them in the first place. She already had millions of illegal votes. Every illegal alien that voted, voted for Hillary illegally. It's the only way any democrat ever gets into office.

tell the truth....If Hannity asked you to use TRILLIONS of "illegal votes" instead of millions, you'd probably do it, correct???....LOL

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