President Trump needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate hilary and ties to Russia...

you know thats a total lie. If Trump has nothing to worry about you wouldn't post this BS

Didn't hire 13 lawyers? Aren't leaning disproportionately in favor of Democrats? Do you know you are the hair on the pimple of an ass?

Mueller Hires 13 Lawyers, Including One Who Represented Hillary! - BB4SP

After Bringing 5 Dem Lawyers on His Legal Team, Mueller Just Made Some More Hires...

Mueller Hires Multiple Hillary Clinton Donors for Special Counsel Team

Mueller Stacks Special Counsel With Clinton Foundation Lawyer & Deputy Assistant AG Under Obama - BB4SP

Special Counsel Has Hired 13 Lawyers, 'With Several More In The Pipeline'

And BTW, what Trump does and has, has nothing to do with MY posts, moron!
You said there were 13 democratic Hillary voters, now prove it or STFU
Trump says at f things but will Trump do it? Because Trump is a liar. HOW could Mueller have an lawyers donating to Clinton? She's not running for anything, I suppose Trump told you that too. The investigation is about getting those who were involved. It does not stop because Trump wants t to stop.

Your mommy was a liar to your daddy. Go read the previous articles, juju-brain.

If the investigation is about getting those involved, then why has it ignored all those involved in crime? KNOWN crimes?


Lock Up.
Trump says at f things but will Trump do it? Because Trump is a liar. HOW could Mueller have an lawyers donating to Clinton? She's not running for anything, I suppose Trump told you that too. The investigation is about getting those who were involved. It does not stop because Trump wants t to stop.

Your mommy was a liar to your daddy. Go read the previous articles, juju-brain.

If the investigation is about getting those involved, then why has it ignored all those involved in crime? KNOWN crimes?


Lock Up.
What known crimes has President Obama been involved in?
And the same question for Comey and Lynch?
He has nothing. He'll just have blind faith in Trump and believe everything Trump says. If Trump says the sun shines at night, he will believe he is looking at the sun at midnight.

You have nothing. You just have blind faith in Democratic lies and believe everything Rachel Madcow tells you. If the DNC said that Madcow jumps over the Moon, you would believe it. BTW, the Sun DOES shine at night. It is just below the horizon, porcupine!

He has nothing. He'll just have blind faith in Trump and believe everything Trump says. If Trump says the sun shines at night, he will believe he is looking at the sun at midnight.

You have nothing. You just have blind faith in Democratic lies and believe everything Rachel Madcow tells you. If the DNC said that Madcow jumps over the Moon, you would believe it. BTW, the Sun DOES shine at night. It is just below the horizon, porcupine!

View attachment 134072
What does the special prosecutor have to do with Democratic lies, and Rachel Madow? Your kind is getting desperate
If they start investigating the Clinton's and the CHICAGO CABAL that promised Hillary the POTUS if she let Obama win the Dem primary, it will expose how corrupt our system really is. That would end any chance Trump has of bringing back American Ideals.
It could even trigger a revolution, and would end the democratic party.
At the least it would demand a New Constitution and Legal System.!
If they start investigating the Clinton's and the CHICAGO CABAL that promised Hillary the POTUS if she let Obama win the Dem primary, it will expose how corrupt our system really is. That would end any chance Trump has of bringing back American Ideals.
It could even trigger a revolution, and would end the democratic party.
At the least it would demand a New Constitution and Legal System.!
Of course you don't have a single piece of evidence to back up your post, just hate
This is no witch hunt, Trump is a crook. That's why he paid a 25 million dollar settlement for fraud just before he got inaugurated.

Better a defrauder than a RAPIST.

Bill Clinton Settled Rape Allegations Out of Court

Bill Clinton Sex Allegations: 17 Claims of Rape & Affairs Jones v. Clinton Special Report

A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing

Sometimes you settle a lawsuit because it is cheaper to just settle and get them off your back. Ask Michael Jackson.
This is no witch hunt, Trump is a crook. That's why he paid a 25 million dollar settlement for fraud just before he got inaugurated.

Better a defrauder than a RAPIST.

Bill Clinton Settled Rape Allegations Out of Court

Bill Clinton Sex Allegations: 17 Claims of Rape & Affairs

Bill Clinton rape accuser: Hillary 'tried to silence' me Jones v. Clinton Special Report

A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing

Sometimes you settle a lawsuit because it is cheaper to just settle and get them off your back. Ask Michael Jackson.
This is not about Bill Clinton, or Michael Jackson, no matter how hard you want to change the subject. Its all about Donald and no one else
If they start investigating the Clinton's and the CHICAGO CABAL that promised Hillary the POTUS if she let Obama win the Dem primary, it will expose how corrupt our system really is. That would end any chance Trump has of bringing back American Ideals.
It could even trigger a revolution, and would end the democratic party.
At the least it would demand a New Constitution and Legal System.!
Of course you don't have a single piece of evidence to back up your post, just hate

That is old news that Obama promised Hillary to keep the peace with the Clintons because she felt it was her turn in 2008. He gave her the cake Secretary Job to pucker her ass, and the Dems bust a nut last year to GUARANTEE that she was the Democratic candidate this time around. Even Rip van Winkle knows this! Never in a million years did they think Trump would beat her! THAT IS WHAT IS SO SWEET ABOUT THE WHOLE THING!!!
If they start investigating the Clinton's and the CHICAGO CABAL that promised Hillary the POTUS if she let Obama win the Dem primary, it will expose how corrupt our system really is. That would end any chance Trump has of bringing back American Ideals.
It could even trigger a revolution, and would end the democratic party.
At the least it would demand a New Constitution and Legal System.!
Of course you don't have a single piece of evidence to back up your post, just hate

That is old news that Obama promised Hillary to keep the peace with the Clintons because she felt it was her turn in 2008. He gave her the cake Secretary Job to pucker her ass, and the Dems bust a nut last year to GUARANTEE that she was the Democratic candidate this time around. Even Rip van Winkle knows this! Never in a million years did they think Trump would beat her! THAT IS WHAT IS SO SWEET ABOUT THE WHOLE THING!!!
you must be proud that Trump and his whole administration is under federal criminal investigation. Never before in our history have we had this kind of criminal activity from day 1 of an administration
This is not about Bill Clinton, or Michael Jackson, no matter how hard you want to change the subject. Its all about Donald and no one else

Its about you making a mountain over a simple settlement just to get it off his back before he took on the huge job of president while you make a mole hill out of the multiple rape charges, murder and suicide cases and suspicions and multiple women's lives destroyed by your love toy Bill and Hillary & Obama. Why don't you worry about any of Hillary's 22 scandals or the 47 known dead all died suspiciously around her, or Bill getting blow jobs in the White House or them trying to steal furniture and silverware from the Whitehouse or the stolen Haitian funds never delivered from the Clinton Global Initiative to the sick and homeless there, or the underage sex and drug parties by Bill and Roger Clinton, or the 252 unresolved crimes and allegations against Barry Obama, or the thousands of destroyed records by Hillary to hide her taking bribes and payments from foreign countries as Secretary in order to use her influence to peddle favors?

Why? That is the real story you try to hide from with phony Trump allegations because you are a PAID POLITICAL HACK!

If I'm wrong, link me to any of the threads on the above topics and show me where you demanded action and investigation into these known crimes? This is about crimes and you can't tell me you are honestly about some stupid settlement long forgotten while ignoring these massive and heinous actions by BILL CLINTON, BARRY OBAMA AND HILLARY CLINTON!!! If you want a special counsel first over a nothing burger collusion story that morphed into a totally new case also nothing, but don't want a special prosecutor to look into ALL THESE OTHER THINGS, what does that say about you? You are a bullshiter hack.
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This is not about Bill Clinton, or Michael Jackson, no matter how hard you want to change the subject. Its all about Donald and no one else

Its about you making a mountain over a simple settlement just to get it off his back before he took on the huge job of president while you make a mole hill out of the multiple rape charges, murder and suicide cases and suspicions and multiple women's lives destroyed by your love toy Bill and Hillary Obama. Why don't you worry about any of Hillary's 22 scandals or the 47 known dead all died suspiciously around her, or Bill getting blow jobs in the White House or them trying to steal furniture and silverware from the Whitehouse or the stolen Haitian funds never delivered from the Clinton Global Initiative to the sick and homeless there, or the underage sex and drug parties by Bill and Roger Clinton, or the 252 unresolved crimes and allegations against Barry Obama, or the thousands of destroyed records by Hillary to hide her taking bribes and payments from foreign countries as Secretary in order to use her influence to peddle favors?

Why? That is the real story you try to hide from with phony Trump allegations because you are a PAID POLITICAL HACK!

If I'm wrong, link me to any of the threads on the above topics and show me where you demanded action and investigation into these known crimes? This is about crimes and you can't tell me you are honestly about some stupid settlement long forgotten while ignoring these massive and heinous actions by BILL CLINTON, BARRY OBAMA AND HILLARY CLINTON!!! If you want a special counsel first over a nothing burger collusion story that morphed into a totally new case also nothing, but don't want a special prosecutor to look into ALL THESE OTHER THINGS, what does that say about you? You are a bullshiter hack.
How do you know the allegations against trump are phony ? The only people who know any allegations are the prosecution team, and you don't know shit
you must be proud that Trump and his whole administration is under federal criminal investigation. Never before in our history have we had this kind of criminal activity from day 1 of an administration

That is only YOUR fantasy dreamed up and created by your DNC love child hoping that someone will still give them a nickel for their next election flop. Keep dreaming.

Sorry, as long as we have a sitting President who may be engaging in treason, he's the priority for investigation. Some private citizen who is completely out of power and influence is just an afterthought, at best.
It's funny how you think you set the priorities for the Trump administration.
you must be proud that Trump and his whole administration is under federal criminal investigation. Never before in our history have we had this kind of criminal activity from day 1 of an administration

That is only YOUR fantasy dreamed up and created by your DNC love child hoping that someone will still give them a nickel for their next election flop. Keep dreaming.

View attachment 134085
The special prosecutor is now a fantasy? Only in your warped mind
This is not about Bill Clinton, or Michael Jackson, no matter how hard you want to change the subject. Its all about Donald and no one else

Its about you making a mountain over a simple settlement just to get it off his back before he took on the huge job of president while you make a mole hill out of the multiple rape charges, murder and suicide cases and suspicions and multiple women's lives destroyed by your love toy Bill and Hillary Obama. Why don't you worry about any of Hillary's 22 scandals or the 47 known dead all died suspiciously around her, or Bill getting blow jobs in the White House or them trying to steal furniture and silverware from the Whitehouse or the stolen Haitian funds never delivered from the Clinton Global Initiative to the sick and homeless there, or the underage sex and drug parties by Bill and Roger Clinton, or the 252 unresolved crimes and allegations against Barry Obama, or the thousands of destroyed records by Hillary to hide her taking bribes and payments from foreign countries as Secretary in order to use her influence to peddle favors?

Why? That is the real story you try to hide from with phony Trump allegations because you are a PAID POLITICAL HACK!

If I'm wrong, link me to any of the threads on the above topics and show me where you demanded action and investigation into these known crimes? This is about crimes and you can't tell me you are honestly about some stupid settlement long forgotten while ignoring these massive and heinous actions by BILL CLINTON, BARRY OBAMA AND HILLARY CLINTON!!! If you want a special counsel first over a nothing burger collusion story that morphed into a totally new case also nothing, but don't want a special prosecutor to look into ALL THESE OTHER THINGS, what does that say about you? You are a bullshiter hack.
How do you know the allegations against trump are phony ? The only people who know any allegations are the prosecution team, and you don't know shit
You have no evidence, turd. You have admitted that over and over again. So hav James Clapper, Jim Comey and Dianne Feinstein.
Yeah.....they have already told us over and over there was no collusion...moron.....hilary actually did engage in espionage with the Secretary of State, and she actually did obstruct justice when her husband met with loretta lynch and when she destroyed 33,000 emails, destroyed 13 cellphones, and 3 illegal, unsecured servers....and when she lied to the FBI....a crime that sent Scooter Libby and Martha Stewart to jail.....
She was cleared by the FBI, idiot. Trump is under investigation. Your lies won't save you.
No she was not cleared. Comey simply "recommended" that she not be prosecuted because of lack of "intent". First of all, it wasn't comedy's job to do that. Second, the law is explicitly written such that intent is not required,
Cool and all. But remember, Trump told you to stop caring because calling to investigate her was just a political stunt. We have a President in power not, possibly still committing treason. That's the priority, not some washed up private citizen.
Priority? You think that there can be no other investigations at the same time?
There have been countless investigations into Hillary. You rubes can't even handle 1 against Trump. He is in a position to harm the country, while Hillary is a washed up nobody. Get your priorities straight. Hillary is gone. You rubes can stop your decades long obsession with her now.

Still trying to hide Hillary's resistance and her new foundation are you?

How cute


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