President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!


Well that’s non sense as usual. Tell me, what incentive does Soros have in paying illegals to come here? What is the point of that?

To fuck up America of course!

Isn’t that his purpose in life?
Yes, he was trained from the age of toddler to seek and destroy anything right wing while getting rich at the same time. Alex Jones exposed the truth.
creaming and creaming
....he's driving you idiots insane-it's obvious and undeniable
he's not afraid like other POTUSs to say what needs to be said!!!!
put the military on the border and KICK their asses out of here
Lol this will never happen. Trump is just desperate for positive attention from his base so he says crap like this on Twitter.
creaming and creaming
....he's driving you idiots insane-it's obvious and undeniable
he's not afraid like other POTUSs to say what needs to be said!!!!
put the military on the border and KICK their asses out of here
Lol this will never happen. Trump is just desperate for positive attention from his base so he says crap like this on Twitter.
he's saying what America wants
he knows what America wants and whats good for America
ever read foreign news sites????! they AGREE with Trump
most sane countries do not want illegals/idiot immigrants/etc
Yes, he was trained from the age of toddler to seek and destroy anything right wing while getting rich at the same time. Alex Jones exposed the truth.

And if you can’t believe Alex Jones, who can you believe?
how FKN stupid it is to let low education/etc '''immigrants'' in
look at the immigrant/illegal capital of the US = California--prices HIGH!!
schools over crowded
Illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. America elected Trump to put a stop to this so just deal with it your traitorous liberal bastards.
No....MEN kill and rape thousands of women.....MOST of them are citizens and MANY of them are husbands, fathers, brothers, and other male relatives.

Translation, why does Blues always have to bring up the fact that illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. :itsok:
Illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. America elected Trump to put a stop to this so just deal with it your traitorous liberal bastards.
No....MEN kill and rape thousands of women.....MOST of them are citizens and MANY of them are husbands, fathers, brothers, and other male relatives.
and illegally in the US, yeppers

We won't forget Mollie and Kate.

Or the 6 year old American girl an illegal raped in her own bed after breaking into a home. The left are responsible for that rape.
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration

I just hope he has the balls to actually DO IT! If the military can't repel an invasion of our own borders, what good are they?

The Asswipe-in-Chief is just playing to his low-life base with that type of dog whistle politicing crap. He's become predictable, as has that same piss drinking base.
How is DEFENDING OUR BORDER FROM INVADERS a God damn dog whistle?

On topic I believe that closing it would be a pointless effort as the hoard headed this way will just cross at a spot not designed for normal traffic.
What should Trump do, allow illegals to flow into the country RAPING and KILLING American citizens? If Obama had any balls he would have put a stop to this like Trump is doing.
Keep the illegals out "by any means necessary". We don't need any more stinking Hondurans.


12 hours into a border shut down enough money will be lost that the Mexican government will get it's shit in gear and stop the bullshit.

I just hope he has the balls to actually DO IT! If the military can't repel an invasion of our own borders, what good are they?

You really think they’re going to open fire on a bunch of civilians?

They're criminals, and they can prevent them from crossing with physical force, no need to shoot them, just push them back. The national guard is trained in crowd control.


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