President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!

What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?

Oh look. Another dumbass who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

If those defenseless "brown" people weren't at the border getting ready to cross illegally,they wouldn't get gunned down.

Shoot a few. The rest will catch a damned clue.

Do that and the Republicans will be wiped off the face of the earth. There should be a few Nuremberg style trials involving Trump and anyone who is dumb enough to follow a illegal order.

LMAO Well since I'm not a republican I really don't care.

Oh and since most Americans are fed up will the illegals in this country. I'd bet most wouldn't mind a bit to see some get shot.

Shoot a few as they illegally cross the border. The rest will catch a clue.

You have a low opinion of Americans. They will not stand for the shooting of unarmed citizens. The day they do, this becomes Nazi Germany all over. Then the goal will be to destroy the monster it has become.

They are not citizens, and it is the duty of the federal government to keep them out.
Still Another Proof That Xenophile Liberals Are Agents of the Economic Rightists

The majority have been whimpering that for decades and have failed by attacking symptoms rather than the root cause. Since this attack on unprivileged Whites is what the Redcoats were doing and the real cause of the American Revolution, a return to the American Way would require deposing those who have for decades been directing the government to allow in this cheap and compliant peon labor. Until the illegals' sponsors are taken down, this invasion will inevitably lead to a Civil War that the Millennial weaklings will surely lose. Once again, America will become an undeveloped land occupied by useless savages.
Got news for you Sunni man go enlist get into a Special unit pick your Branch. Air Force, Army Navy and then post, most of the men who go through the train can be real bad asses, killing is a way of life for those who finish. It does not matter if you are Black, White, Asian or Other who
are a killing machine.
Claudette specifically mentioned Special Forces to guard the border. While yes, they are tough hombres, guarding the border would be a waste of their primary skill sets. Special Forces A-team's are small units who's primary mission is to train indigenous people in the use of modern weapons and guerrilla warfare tactics.

In my opinion, the Army Rangers would be a good choice to patrol the border. ... :cool:
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I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.

Posse Comitatus applies to enforcement of domestic policy only (law enforcement and police actions), .
Both Workplace Integration and Illegal Aliens Are Forced on Us by Right Wing Desire for Cheap Slavish Labor

Then why did President Eisenhower get away with sending Federal troops (the 101st Airborne) to Little Rock in 1957 to forcibly gangbang its schools?

Actually he federalized the Arkansas National Guard augmented by the 101st to enforce a Supreme Court decision that all laws supporting segregation were unconstitutional. The Arkansas governor refused to comply with desegregation after being given the opportunity to so. Posse Comitatus does not apply in such a circumstance, so Eisenhower took action to enforce the rule of law, and to prevent anarchy and mob rule.

Alabama faced similar circumstances when Wallace stood in the door of the University of Alabama in 1963 and refused to admit black students. Kennedy federalized the National Guard, and if Wallace had not backed down it's likely Kennedy would have followed Eisenhower's path.
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration
The Asswipe-in-Chief is just playing to his low-life base with that type of dog whistle politicing crap. He's become predictable, as has that same piss drinking base.
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration
Well if Soro's would quit paying illegals to come, Trump wouldn't have to close the border. Let's see what Mexico does.
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration
Well if Soro's would quit paying illegals to come, Trump wouldn't have to close the border. Let's see what Mexico does.

Hopefully they stand up and also deny transit permits.
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration
Well if Soro's would quit paying illegals to come, Trump wouldn't have to close the border. Let's see what Mexico does.
Well that’s non sense as usual. Tell me, what incentive does Soros have in paying illegals to come here? What is the point of that?
As usual Trump comes up with an outrageous, attention-craving idea that his supporters would cream over, yet we all know this won’t happen because a month from now he’ll just forget all about it because he’s a useless sack of shit too stupid to implement such a measure.

It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis.

Trump Threatens To Order Military To 'Close Our Southern Border' Over Immigration

About time.
Yeah it also seemed like the policy would never happen huh? Too bad that’s still true.
"It’s of course completely unnecessary considering that there isn’t any border crisis."

Its hard to understand the muffled musings of a Liberal while they have theirs head firmly planted up their fourth point of contact.
creaming and creaming
....he's driving you idiots insane-it's obvious and undeniable
he's not afraid like other POTUSs to say what needs to be said!!!!
put the military on the border and KICK their asses out of here

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