President Trump on twitter threatens to send troops to the US-Mexico border to keep out illegals!

I'd like Special Forces on the border.
Wouldn't be a good choice.

Obviously, you don't understand the primary mission of Special Forces. ... :cool:
Got news for you Sunni man go enlist get into a Special unit pick your Branch. Air Force, Army Navy and then post, most of the men who go through the train can be real bad asses, killing is a way of life for those who finish. It does not matter if you are Black, White, Asian or Other who are a killing machine.
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.

Its under the command of the Governors of the State they are in. Not the Fed.
I'm not disagreeing. However, you'll note, when the US invaded Afghanistan, it drew from the ranks of the National Guard in all 50 states.

Yes they did.

The National Guard can be ordered by the Fed.

The POTUS just can't call them up on a whim to do law enforcement work.

Pretty good read below on what the Fed can and can't do concerning the NG.

Why President Trump Can't Directly Order National Guard Troops To U.S.-Mexico Border

The Insurrection Act
The Insurrection Act represents what was considered an acceptable use of soldiers: authorized by the President himself, as the ultimate tool through which the United States exercises its sovereign authority within its borders. Use of soldiers is a last resort; the President may only approve it under the Insurrection Act when he determines that the civil authorities are unwilling or unable to enforce the laws. The President must make a proclamation ordering those involved to disperse. But once the President has invoked the Insurrection Act, the Posse Comitatus Act does not apply.
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
You mean we have to wait until we are under full occupation before the people get to shoot the SOB s my mistake.
Well no one but you cares what color they are.

I'd as soon shoot them all as they cross the border and I don't care what color they are.
"I'd as soon shoot them all as they cross the border" you are volunteering to man the border? Or are you just living your shooting fantasies vicariously (and safely) thru this forum?

Whatever you say.
Actually, I asked a question. Did you see the little "?" at the end?

Yup and I answered you stupid question.

Whatever you say.
Sorry to hear that you did so poorly in school. Was it a private school? One of those religious ones?

The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.
Only if the Government of the State is NOT being ran by a Progressive/Democrat. The President can only do it if he Nationalize the National Guard temp.
What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?

Oh look. Another dumbass who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

If those defenseless "brown" people weren't at the border getting ready to cross illegally,they wouldn't get gunned down.

Shoot a few. The rest will catch a damned clue.

They're not crossing illegally, you stupid cow, they're trying claim santuary from the narco terrorists which have taken over their country. If Trump wants to send in the army, he should send them to Central America to wipe out the American drug terrorists who have taken over these countries.

The USA is responsoible for this narca terrorist mess, and now, Trump pretends the people fleeing are the problem.

Bullshit you stupid cow.

All those people, thousands of them, coming here for sanctuary??

If you believe that bullshit then it just shows what a stupid, ignorant cow you are.
My goodness....someone has "cows" on the brain.

My least I have a brain.
Illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. America elected Trump to put a stop to this so just deal with it your traitorous liberal bastards.
What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?

Oh look. Another dumbass who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

If those defenseless "brown" people weren't at the border getting ready to cross illegally,they wouldn't get gunned down.

Shoot a few. The rest will catch a damned clue.

They're not crossing illegally, you stupid cow, they're trying claim santuary from the narco terrorists which have taken over their country. If Trump wants to send in the army, he should send them to Central America to wipe out the American drug terrorists who have taken over these countries.

The USA is responsoible for this narca terrorist mess, and now, Trump pretends the people fleeing are the problem.
they can get sanctuary status in mexico. no need to come here. sorry friend.
I'd like Special Forces on the border.
Wouldn't be a good choice.

Obviously, you don't understand the primary mission of Special Forces. ... :cool:
Got news for you Sunni man go enlist get into a Special unit pick your Branch. Air Force, Army Navy and then post, most of the men who go through the train can be real bad asses, killing is a way of life for those who finish. It does not matter if you are Black, White, Asian or Other who are a killing machine.

Its something that can't be explained to most civilians.
Close the ports of entry at Tijuana and El Paso. Mexico will take action soon enough.

Close all the legal entry points.

There are Mexicans that legally work in the US. If they are cut off from
getting to work they will raise hell with their own government.

Deny air traffic. If you close the Southern Border you are basically saying
no one can enter from Mexico. (And no one can go to Mexico)
What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?

Oh look. Another dumbass who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

If those defenseless "brown" people weren't at the border getting ready to cross illegally,they wouldn't get gunned down.

Shoot a few. The rest will catch a damned clue.

They're not crossing illegally, you stupid cow, they're trying claim santuary from the narco terrorists which have taken over their country. If Trump wants to send in the army, he should send them to Central America to wipe out the American drug terrorists who have taken over these countries.

The USA is responsoible for this narca terrorist mess, and now, Trump pretends the people fleeing are the problem.

Bullshit you stupid cow.

All those people, thousands of them, coming here for sanctuary??

If you believe that bullshit then it just shows what a stupid, ignorant cow you are.
My goodness....someone has "cows" on the brain.

My least I have a brain.
Good thing you announced that, eh?
Probably long overdue. Most Nations in the world deploy their militaries on their Borders. Countries like Mexico do it. Good on Trump. :thup:
Illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. America elected Trump to put a stop to this so just deal with it your traitorous liberal bastards.
No....MEN kill and rape thousands of women.....MOST of them are citizens and MANY of them are husbands, fathers, brothers, and other male relatives.
Illegals KILL and RAPE thousands of American citizens. America elected Trump to put a stop to this so just deal with it your traitorous liberal bastards.
No....MEN kill and rape thousands of women.....MOST of them are citizens and MANY of them are husbands, fathers, brothers, and other male relatives.
and illegally in the US, yeppers

We won't forget Mollie and Kate.
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

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A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.
the military operates every day on American soil....i see Jets everyday flying out of Nellis AFB.....
What could be more American under Trump than gunships mowing down defenseless brown people at our border?
Just curious....but what if those defenseless brown people are carrying leprosy? Measles? Ebola? Polio? And they are now in YOUR town, swamping the local hospital down the street from YOUR house? That ok with you?
The National Guards of the State involved should be on the border to greet these assholes.

I would prefer a Marine Rifle company.

Let’s use our military to defend our own country for a change

Sent from my iPhone using

A little thing called the Posse Comitatus prevents that my friend.

For a police action? Yes.

For foreign invasion? No.

Nope. The military is forbidden to operate on American soil. Only an act by Congress would allow it.

Posse Comitatus applies to enforcement of domestic policy only (law enforcement and police actions), .
Both Workplace Integration and Illegal Aliens Are Forced on Us by Right Wing Desire for Cheap Slavish Labor

Then why did President Eisenhower get away with sending Federal troops (the 101st Airborne) to Little Rock in 1957 to forcibly gangbang its schools?

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