President Trump Participates in a Reception for Black History Month

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Something you won't see on the lamestream media....the President hosting many African Americans in the White House for Black History Month.

These (many of them) young black leaders (Kevin of Kevin's Corner, Brandon Tatum, Leo Dunson, Star Parker, Diamond and Silk, many others.

Another video - this from Leo Dunson - hear his enthusiasm for this President.

Well, there are several videos about this event.

Here is the main one:

Something you won't see on the lamestream media....the President hosting many African Americans in the White House for Black History Month.

These (many of them) young black leaders (Kevin of Kevin's Corner, Brandon Tatum, Leo Dunson, Star Parker, Diamond and Silk, many others.

Another video - this from Leo Dunson - hear his enthusiasm for this President.

Well, there are several videos about this event.

Here is the main one:

They want him to do things for their neighborhoods and communities so of course they want to work with the racist bastard

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