President Trump says shootings a societal problem.

I agree with some of what he said. The real problem is there is little deterrent for people that illegally use a gun. Shoot somebody and not kill them, it's an assault charge. Use a gun in an armed robbery, it's a couple of years in prison and even less if you live in a Democrat controlled area with Democrat judges and DAs.

Spiritual problem? You bet. If you don't believe in a God, you have nothing to fear killing 15 people and then yourself. No God--no penalty.
How many people have Christians massacred over the centuries?
Save your "religion as a tool for peace" bullshit ok.
How many people have Christians massacred over the centuries?
Save your "religion as a tool for peace" bullshit ok.

I'm talking about conflict, war or what happened long before we are born. Stay with the topic. We're talking about in our lifetime which I know you don't want to discuss because it's your party that promotes the violence we have today.
I took him to mean not so much like normal crimes but shooters that go out not to steal, drug related or anything but just to intentionally kill people.

But yes we need to be tougher on crime and treat criminals like criminals. If you go out and intentionally, knowingly and willingly shoot someone you should be executed.

But the root cause of like school shooters and such is a societal problem because it didn't use to be a bigger problem not even that long ago.

But you have to admit that the increase with such people is proportional with with taking God out of our society. Survey after survey shows that the population of Atheist Americans have been increasing every year, while those that value religion or belief in a God decreases. It's part of the Communist plan for people to look at government as our highest power instead of God.
"This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem, this is a social problem, this is a cultural problem, this is a spiritual problem."

And he is absolutely correct. America is around 250 years old. Weve always had guns and always had people. Shootings have only become a serious issue in the past 10 or 15 years. They have existed longer but in a vastly decreased amount.

So the question that begs answering is what has changed in the past 20 years? The answer is our society.

We need a better society, not better gun control. We need more values, morals, standards, and not more gun control. If you get rid of all the guns right now instantly the criminals and nutballs will still be left behind that want to hurt people. But what happens if we get rid of the criminals and nutballs? If you have a country of better people you need less laws, more laws is a sign of a society of not so good people.

Was Trump talking about bypassing courts and taking guns from people again?
Want to know the difference?

You bring your leftist basketball team of diverse representation of all the best men/women/trans, Gay/straight, white/black/Asian/Latino/middle eastern… all of that. They all must be represented so says leftist doctrine. You bring the Super diverse team.

I’ll bring my non-diverse team of the best 5 tall black straight biological men…

Let’s put $5000 on it, and see what wins. Team super-diversity or team non-diversity. Let’s see how strong diversity merely for the sake of itself is.


You’d achieve your race-exclusionary diversity with token representations of people… and you’d get smoked by the non-racist, most qualified meritocracy.
That’s great and all if we were talking about maximizing performance of a sports team, but we aren’t. We are talking about the human species living in planet earth. A civilization made up of societies that need to function for survival. America stands for a beacon of opportunity for all. At least that’s how many people such as myself see it. Not as an alternative option for white Eastern Europeans to migrate and settle.
If diversity was our ”strength” wouldn’t purple haired lefties with nose rings and neck tattoos PREFER to stand in line at Walmart with people wearing red MAGA hats and a Build That Wall t-shirt on?
That depends on the person I guess
You said if one questions the notion of diversity for diversity’s strength (aka racism.. participation dictated by skin color), they were racist.

I pointed out the only thing racist is the thing your peddling.

Now you’re sprinting from this and running back to gun violence. Not very honest in debate there.. why don’t you stick around and address the things you’ve accused and claimed?
The entire conversation has been about gun violence and your correlation to the diversity of our country. I even reposted your quote. Go back and reread.
That would all depend on what you consider racism. Leftists have used the word so much it lost it's original dictionary meaning.

I live in a predominately black suburb. I hate it. I think back to how great this city was before the blacks moved in and destroyed it. Do you consider that racism? A lot of leftists do. I don't hate skin color, but I do hate how people with different color skin conduct themselves. Leftists consider that to be racist.
Yes that is prejudice and racist. You are judging people you don’t know by the color of their skin and Not by the content of their character
Yes that is prejudice and racist. You are judging people you don’t know by the color of their skin and Not by the content of their character
Negative…you see, God gave humans the ability to reason. They aren’t suppose to dumb themselves down because some PC programmed white quilters think they should. Humans like data.
Way back, a longtime friend of mine who happens to be an uncle Tom black was buying his first home, he knew I was in the real estate business and he asked me to help him choose a neighborhood that would help him earn the most equity over time…I remember him saying…”I know, the darker the neighborhood the worse the neighborhood.”
Question for you, was he being RACIST Or was he being a rational, reasonable human being?

Negative…you see, God gave humans the ability to reason. They aren’t suppose to dumb themselves down because some PC programmed white quilters think they should. Humans like data.
Way back, a longtime friend of mine who happens to be an uncle Tom black was buying his first home, he knew I was in the real estate business and he asked me to help him choose a neighborhood that would help him earn the most equity over time…I remember him saying…”I know, the darker the neighborhood the worse the neighborhood.”
Question for you, was he being RACIST Or was he being a rational, reasonable human being?

No he was not being racist. That’s is a very different statement than what Ray said. Not even close
If “our diversity was our strength” wouldn’t more Americans PREFER to date outside their ethnicity? Would there be Mexican barrios, black ghettos, China Town and the like? Why would people tend to gravitate toward like-kind likeminded people?
Many do. Not everybody thinks the same. You obviously don’t like diversity. That’s how you think. There are others that agree with you. Others that don’t. I’m not sure what you think your proving or eluding to with these questions
The two, Ray and my buddy both said the same thing in different words…..”The darker the community, the shittier the community”…..Neither are being racist, they are both being truthful, rational and reasonable. It’s in the data.

Wrong they both said different things using different words. Your buddy was talking about property value and Ray said he doesn’t like the way black people act and they ruined his city. I’m sorry that you can’t tell the difference
Many do. Not everybody thinks the same. You obviously don’t like diversity. That’s how you think. There are others that agree with you. Others that don’t. I’m not sure what you think your proving or eluding to with these questions
I get it…some try their asses off to be irrational in the name of political correctness…but the reality is; all sane people without purple hair, nose rings and neck tattoos know that like-kind, like minded communities tend to be a bit more unified and harmonious.
I get it…some try their asses off to be irrational in the name of political correctness…but the reality is; all sane people without purple hair, nose rings and neck tattoos know that like-kind, like minded communities tend to be a bit more unified and harmonious.
Well that would be because they don’t have to deal with racism… duh

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