President Trump says shootings a societal problem.

"This is not a gun problem," he added, as he batted cleanup for a long list of Republican officials and office seekers. "This is a mental health problem
^ Proceeds to kill as much mental health funding as possible
Wrong they both said different things using different words. Your buddy was talking about property value and Ray said he doesn’t like the way black people act and they ruined his city. I’m sorry that you can’t tell the difference

The reduction of property value (which I suffered greatly) is due to undesirable people moving in: noise, litter, stores closing because of theft, closing public gatherings like we had to do here because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights or riots. It's the same thing because property value decreases when you have people that don't assimilate into an environment.
I think your PC programming has you all confused and defying human nature….Is that possible?
Of course it’s possible. But not accurate in this case. You’re just doing your usual game and twisting my words to try and fit your narrative. It’s boring. Why can’t you handle an honest debate? Are you that insecure about your positions?
Many do. Not everybody thinks the same. You obviously don’t like diversity. That’s how you think. There are others that agree with you. Others that don’t.

And the whites that don't live in the whitest neighborhoods their money can afford.

Years ago before the change, I had a next door neighbor that preached against our predominately white suburb stating that we should work on "coloring" it up a bit. Several years later when her wish started coming true, she was the first one with a For Sale sign in front of her house.

I questioned her about the sale since she always told me how much she loved her property and home. First she said her family outgrew it. I said "you only had one child when you moved in and you only have one today!" Then she claimed the small house was too small for three people. Again I pointed out that her husband was gay, and that he deliberately found second shift jobs to stay away from her.

She finally broke down and told me the truth. She sent her daughter to a private Catholic school for her primary education. But she was about to graduate and she couldn't afford a private Catholic high school. She said she had to move for the protection of her daughter. The area she moved in was 100% white with little chance of change anytime soon.

So these others that "don't" agree with Broke Loser are likely whites that don't have to deal with the problems.
Of course it’s possible. But not accurate in this case. You’re just doing your usual game and twisting my words to try and fit your narrative. It’s boring. Why can’t you handle an honest debate? Are you that insecure about your positions?
Ray said black people destroy communities and my black buddy said blacks destroy communities. Seriously, why are you trying to be confused?
And the whites that don't live in the whitest neighborhoods their money can afford.

Years ago before the change, I had a next door neighbor that preached against our predominately white suburb stating that we should work on "coloring" it up a bit. Several years later when her wish started coming true, she was the first one with a For Sale sign in front of her house.

I questioned her about the sale since she always told me how much she loved her property and home. First she said her family outgrew it. I said "you only had one child when you moved in and you only have one today!" Then she claimed the small house was too small for three people. Again I pointed out that her husband was gay, and that he deliberately found second shift jobs to stay away from her.

She finally broke down and told me the truth. She sent her daughter to a private Catholic school for her primary education. But she was about to graduate and she couldn't afford a private Catholic high school. She said she had to move for the protection of her daughter. The area she moved in was 100% white with little chance of change anytime soon.

So these others that "don't" agree with Broke Loser are likely whites that don't have to deal with the problems.
I have a house in a very diverse neighborhood in Austin. Don’t have any of the problems you’re talking about. Could it be that we just had different experiences and maybe your experience isn’t the same everywhere? People are different, situations are different… wow, what a mind blow!!!
By saying “they” and applying it to all blacks your are prejudging and being racist. That’s why it’s racist.
NOPE…humans like to predict and forecast using historical data…that’s what we intelligent beings not PC programmed do. Find the courage to do it…be smart once.
By saying “they” and applying it to all blacks your are prejudging and being racist. That’s why it’s racist.

I never said all blacks, I simply explained what happens when a neighborhood does turn black.

Or do you think I'm imagining things when some welfare lowlife wakes me up because he's playing his jungle music so loud at 3:00 am on a Wednesday morning? Do you think I'm imagining having to spend 20 minutes cleaning all the trash off my tree lawn before I can mow it? Do you think I'm imagining things when I hear bottles being busted in the street because some lowlife is throwing them out of his or her car?

So what's racist about pointing out these things (and so many more) when a neighborhood turns black?
I have a house in a very diverse neighborhood in Austin. Don’t have any of the problems you’re talking about. Could it be that we just had different experiences and maybe your experience isn’t the same everywhere? People are different, situations are different… wow, what a mind blow!!!

Tell me that neighborhood and I'll look up how diverse it really is, the crime rate statistics, and the housing values. Because my experience is quite common for neighborhoods that have over 30% of black in them.
Haha…you’re just pretending he said/meant something different to soothe your FEELZ. It’s cute
I was going off your first statement and then saw you changing it. Now you’ve shown you can’t be trusted to be honest so I’ll just call bullshit
NOPE…humans like to predict and forecast using historical data…that’s what we intelligent beings not PC programmed do. Find the courage to do it…be smart once.
I don’t judge people that way. That’s what racist people do. Fool yourself by calling it intelligent but it really isn’t
I never said all blacks, I simply explained what happens when a neighborhood does turn black.

Or do you think I'm imagining things when some welfare lowlife wakes me up because he's playing his jungle music so loud at 3:00 am on a Wednesday morning? Do you think I'm imagining having to spend 20 minutes cleaning all the trash off my tree lawn before I can mow it? Do you think I'm imagining things when I hear bottles being busted in the street because some lowlife is throwing them out of his or her car?

So what's racist about pointing out these things (and so many more) when a neighborhood turns black?
I’m sure you’ve had bad experiences. I’m sure you think your racist views aren’t racist because they are “justified”… that’s not how I see it. If you don’t like where you’re at then go somewhere else. I didn’t realize you were such a crybaby
I’m sure you’ve had bad experiences. I’m sure you think your racist views aren’t racist because they are “justified”… that’s not how I see it. If you don’t like where you’re at then go somewhere else. I didn’t realize you were such a crybaby

Cry baby about losing half my property value, nowhere to shop since all the major box stores closed up, having to tolerate all the noise, cleaning up after these filthy pigs when they throw garbage all over the place, having to wait several seconds after the light turns green because they crash lights constantly?

Well if that's being a cry baby, then I'm it. Try moving into an area with a strong majority of blacks and then tell me how I should feel. I bet you live in the whitest area you can afford. I know your type all too well.

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