President Trump: Schiff Helped Write The Whistleblower Complaint


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
I would have to agree. I’ve learned that Trump doesn’t say stuff like this unless he already knows its true and can be proven.

OANN reported 3 days ago that Adam SCHITT sent staff to the Ukraine in late August to meet with the former president and their trip was paid for by George Soros and #crowdstrike!


It was a set-up, Jim!

Trump says Schiff 'helped write' whistleblower complaint, after House panel admits advance knowledge
I would have to agree. I’ve learned that Trump doesn’t say stuff like this unless he already knows its true and can be proven.

OANN reported 3 days ago that Adam SCHITT sent staff to the Ukraine in late August to meet with the former president and their trip was paid for by George Soros and #crowdstrike!


It was a set-up, Jim!

Trump says Schiff 'helped write' whistleblower complaint, after House panel admits advance knowledge

Trump says? NOT TRUE! Just another dishonest NaziCon conspiracy thread.

Schiff, House Intel Chairman, Got Early Account of Whistle-Blower’s Accusations
Democrats put a lot of faith in Adam shift. They are stupid, gullible, hate filled people.

Audio: Russian Comedians Prank Called Rep. Adam Schiff, Promised Him Naked Photos Of Trump
Here is adam shift trying to get dirt (nude pics) of trump from Ukrainian officials. Very few Democrats even know about this and the ones that do give shift a total pass because they have no standards. Adam shift is a dumbass fool, desperate to get rid of trump. So desperate he does exsactly what he accuses trump of doing.

If you take anything a Democrat tells you seriously, you're a total idiot.

In this globalist age, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.
They literally created a form to allow *whistleblowers* to level outrageous *reports* on events and discussions that they were not a part of, did not overhear, had nothing to do with.

Once they created the form, they created a fake whistleblower and then fabricated a complaint.

It's high comedy, and absolutely treason. Mel Brooks needs to produce it as a musical.
Trump doesn’t say stuff like this unless he already knows its true and can be proven.
They literally created a form to allow *whistleblowers* to level outrageous *reports* on events and discussions that they were not a part of, did not overhear, had nothing to do with.
Typical NPC with typical NPC responses. Doesn't refute a thing. Doesn't contribute to the discussion. Just derp derp derp... orange man bad...
Democrats don't want Impeachment to stretch into 2020, but guess what? It's going to because of all of the Ukrainian boomerang effects on Biden, Schiff, Hillary the CIA, etc.

It is now clear there is much more to Ukrainian-Democrat corruption than Coke head Hunter Biden making $600K a year for sleeping during board meetings.
"Trump says"

that has less credibility than a dog turd in a rain storm.
President Trump: Schiff Helped Write The Whistleblower Complaint

I would have to agree. I’ve learned that Trump doesn’t say stuff like this unless he already knows its true and can be proven.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a textbook example of, "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Trump pulls shit out of his ass, and the tard herd lines up to take a bite.

Jesus that's pathetic.
Imagine what Democrats would say if trump tried to get nude pics of Adam shift from Ukrainian officials. They would scream bloody murder and demand trump go to jail for life.

This is why you should never take anything a Democrat tells you seriously. If you do you're an idiot.
Imagine if hunter Biden was trump's son, what Democrats would be saying. If you can, you know better than to take anything a Democrat tells you seriously.

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