President Trump Signs 4 New Bills Eliminating Obama-era Regulations


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Left blares their belief that President Trump is stupid and knows nothing about governing. That's rich as he's using the Congressional Review Act to roll back Obama regulations. And, he's getting those laws enacted by Congress with mere majorities – no filibusters in the works as the Dimbocraps can do nothing about it.


Trump purges Obama’s ‘blacklisting’ rule

Contractors and subcontractors who faced onerous and intrusive self-reporting requirements in order to get a gig with the federal government have had one burden lifted from their backs.

President Donald Trump on Monday signed into law a bill that wipes off the books the Obama administration’s 2014 “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” executive order. Better known as the “blacklisting rule,” it mandated that companies bidding on federal jobs of $500,000 or more self-report alleged violations of 14 federal labor laws.

In addition to the blacklisting rule, Trump signed three other CRA measures, including the Bureau of Land Management Planning 2.0 Rule, the Teacher Preparation Rule and, the Education Accountability Rule.

More @ In addition to the blacklisting rule, Trump signed three other CRA measures, including the Bureau of Land Management Planning 2.0 Rule, the Teacher Preparation Rule and, the Education Accountability Rule.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

Most of what Trump is doing is repealing EO's issued by Obama. I fail to see the direct comparison.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

Most of what Trump is doing is repealing EO's issued by Obama. I fail to see the direct comparison.

There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

Most of what Trump is doing is repealing EO's issued by Obama. I fail to see the direct comparison.


Yes, Most.

The rest is changing regulations from Agencies that never went back to Congress in the first place to implement the regulations, which is why Trump is able to use the act (passed by congress) that he is using, the Congressional Review Act.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

You're really having a hard time with this, aren't you?

Congress passed the bills and the president signed them. It's the way our country is supposed to work.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

Yeah, except he was signing bills passed by congress under the Congressional Review Act, not EOs. More regressive assumptions and as usual you're wrong.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

You're really having a hard time with this, aren't you?

Congress passed the bills and the president signed them. It's the way our country is supposed to work.
Quite a novel approach to liberals who are used to creating laws from the bench.
More proof that the GOP are shills to big biz . God forbid you watch out for unsafe workplaces and wage theft ! Way to look out for the little guy .
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

Most of what Trump is doing is repealing EO's issued by Obama. I fail to see the direct comparison.

Actually it looks like he's signing bills that Congress had ready to go. Much better than EO. Much more lasting power.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.
EO's were bad then & they're bad now.
More proof that the GOP are shills to big biz . God forbid you watch out for unsafe workplaces and wage theft ! Way to look out for the little guy .
You're clueless as usual. Federal jobsites are subject to DAILY & RIGOROUS inspections for safety & procedural methods by the ACOE. Most of them are also regulated by prevailing wages that are non negotiable.
More proof that the GOP are shills to big biz . God forbid you watch out for unsafe workplaces and wage theft ! Way to look out for the little guy .
You're clueless as usual. Federal jobsites are subject to DAILY & RIGOROUS inspections for safety & procedural methods by the ACOE. Most of them are also regulated by prevailing wages that are non negotiable.

Yeah, and the reg just has companies admit to the bad shit they already did . OSHA isn't limitless when it comes to supervision .
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.
the same reason. the GOP. again, you all fail to recognize that trump won not as a GOP but as an independent, and the treatment he is receiving from the right is no different than obummer. he's getting things done while the GOP sits on their hands.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

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