President Trump Signs 4 New Bills Eliminating Obama-era Regulations

More proof that the GOP are shills to big biz . God forbid you watch out for unsafe workplaces and wage theft ! Way to look out for the little guy .
You're clueless as usual. Federal jobsites are subject to DAILY & RIGOROUS inspections for safety & procedural methods by the ACOE. Most of them are also regulated by prevailing wages that are non negotiable.

Yeah, and the reg just has companies admit to the bad shit they already did . OSHA isn't limitless when it comes to supervision .
Again you don't know what you're talking about. I was a government contractor for over 12 years. The inspections were relentless on the job site. If I had a broom pusher carrying jobsite materials and the man with the clipboard happened by his rate of pay was forcibly changed based on the product he was carrying. The fucking rules & regs were archaic
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

When Obama did it, I said the act and precedent being set were a gift to conservatives because it would benefit the next a Republican president to use Obama's precedent. I was told by some Lefties that this would not be an issue because "the next Republican President has not been born yet".

Obama was correct: Elections have consequences and, thanks to him, Presidents can use pens to make laws.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !
Ahhh, the good old days of Jimmy Carter
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

Liberal twisted logic: dialing back an overzealous Obama EPA takes us back to the 70s. You liberals ought to be thanking Nixon for the existence of the EPA. The EPA isn't going anywhere and eliminating Obama EPA orders is not going to take us back to the 70s.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

Holy shit lib wake up its 50 years later. Those talking points from 1970 are no longer true, yet you people continue to spew them why? Do you realize you are lying?
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

Liberal twisted logic: dialing back an overzealous Obama EPA takes us back to the 70s. You liberals ought to be thanking Nixon for the existence of the EPA. The EPA isn't going anywhere and eliminating Obama EPA orders is not going to take us back to the 70s.

The left's talking points never change. No matter what reforms have been enacted by corporations, no matter how many gains have been achieved, liberals continue to claim their opponents hate old people, women, minorities, their opponents hate clean water and clean air. Pelosi was projectile vomiting that one at Trump today. The left's talking points haven't changed in 50 years.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

Liberal twisted logic: dialing back an overzealous Obama EPA takes us back to the 70s. You liberals ought to be thanking Nixon for the existence of the EPA. The EPA isn't going anywhere and eliminating Obama EPA orders is not going to take us back to the 70s.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

Do you libs ever listen to yourselves? Corporations blah blah, pollution blah blah, the environment blah blah, underpay workers blah blah. You people have been spewing this nonsense since 1970.

And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

Holy shit lib wake up its 50 years later. Those talking points from 1970 are no longer true, yet you people continue to spew them why? Do you realize you are lying?

I didn't bring up the 70s fight. I just ended it.
smart workers can still get ahead by continuing training and telling employees to pack sand im outta here no two weeks notice. The time is now coming where employees can use their skills against bad employers which comprise a very high percentage of businesses in america. companies are complainig (lying bastards) they cant find qualified workers. now qualified workers can make their employers nervous and "when is he/she going to walj out"?
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.
More liberal BS CONJECTURE!!!! Find a reality infuser and try to hold to it and let a little rub off on you. You need some.
More proof that the GOP are shills to big biz . God forbid you watch out for unsafe workplaces and wage theft ! Way to look out for the little guy .

More proof they do their legislating by constitutional means unlike the shit before them did.
And what was the environment like in the 70s ? Couldn't swim in our bays or rivers . Smog blanketed our cities . Our national symbol was on the endangered species list.

Conservatives consider that the Good old days !

PURE LIES!!!!, In 1970 I could swim in the Tennessee River and open my eyes and see through the water like through glass, now it is green thanks to government management of the environment. The water was clear unless there was a hard rain then it was slightly colored because of red clay runoff if you were close to a spillway or some other ground level drainage outlet.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

And all these EO's are doing is getting rid of his. Net result RETURN TO ZERO. Now we get back to a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC where the Executive branch isn't DICTATING to us how to live. How refreshing. No wonder you hate it.
God job president Trump keep kicking their ass!! :eusa_clap: And you cry baby libs can just shut the hell up.

He's doing nothing of real consequence. Nothing that will bring back jobs or create better opportunities for working class Americans. What he is doing is making it easier for corporations to pollute the environment and underpay their workers.

And actual business plans that are being revealed show this post of yours to be nothing more than hysterical bullshit. Congrats. You're a moron.
There are no checks and balances when EO's are used. When Obama did, they were anathema to those on the right; today they are a gift to conservatives, who cannot pass laws even when they are in the majority of the Congress and the White House.

And all these EO's are doing is getting rid of his. Net result RETURN TO ZERO. Now we get back to a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC where the Executive branch isn't DICTATING to us how to live. How refreshing. No wonder you hate it.

Hopefully we do get back to the checks and balances between our 3 branches of gov't and the Congress returns to being an equal partner in that trio. Trump is at least signaling a willingness to listen to and hopefully work with the Democrats, which may or may not be political posturing but this guy ran as an anti-establishment candidate who is a deal-maker, so if the Freedom Caucus won't negotiate than maybe he can get something done with the Dems.

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