President Trump stabbed us all in the heart by reneging on his promise to build that doggone wall!

i feel like i got stabbed in the ass. Trump has mashed potatoes for brains. he doesnt deserve to be re-elected, my friends

I dont see how he has reneged .
Hes still in the process and has kept many of his campaign promises.

Mexico isn't paying for a wall, and his promised healthcare that was to be cheaper, better, and cover everybody, regardless of their ability to pay hasn't even been attempted. Those were two of his top promises.
Mexico CAN'T pay for a wall that isn't built. It WILL pay later. Healthcare reform will come by WORKING with Democrats-his own party sunk the ship on that one. We are used to seeing Trump move so fast, we forgot how slow government is.

That's not how it works. If he needs interim financing until Mexico's check clears, he should go to a bank. It's not our responsibility.
------------------------------- sure its your responsibility as protecting the border and keeping Diseased Invaders out of the USA is every REAL Americans responsibility Bulldog .

Diseased invaders? Wow.... You really do believe that crazy shit, don't you?
and as a general comment , i do not see any Deplorable type with Deplorable type thinking abandoning the TRUMP over this WALL issue although i WANT the WALL . I could be wrong but WHO would be better than Trump even if he doesn't get the WALL . Would it be 'jebito bush' .
'kasich' , 'hilary' or 'biden' ??
and as a general comment , i do not see any Deplorable type with Deplorable type thinking abandoning the TRUMP over this WALL issue although i WANT the WALL . I could be wrong but WHO would be better than Trump even if he doesn't get the WALL . Would it be 'jebito bush' .
'kasich' , 'hilary' or 'biden' ??

You could pick out any plant in my flower garden, and it would be a better president than Trump.
I dont see how he has reneged .
Hes still in the process and has kept many of his campaign promises.

Mexico isn't paying for a wall, and his promised healthcare that was to be cheaper, better, and cover everybody, regardless of their ability to pay hasn't even been attempted. Those were two of his top promises.
Mexico CAN'T pay for a wall that isn't built. It WILL pay later. Healthcare reform will come by WORKING with Democrats-his own party sunk the ship on that one. We are used to seeing Trump move so fast, we forgot how slow government is.

That's not how it works. If he needs interim financing until Mexico's check clears, he should go to a bank. It's not our responsibility.
------------------------------- sure its your responsibility as protecting the border and keeping Diseased Invaders out of the USA is every REAL Americans responsibility Bulldog .

Diseased invaders? Wow.... You really do believe that crazy shit, don't you?
--------------------------------- yep , here you go , Diseased Invaders armed with deadly disease Bulldog . --- Rampant migrant illnesses force U.S. Border Patrol to seek help, change procedures ---

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