President Trump the Magnificent puts IRAN on Notice

There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Oh well, lets get ready for the body bags and coffins!!!

There's always increased sanctions and TomaHawk cruise missiles.
Meh! That's not how the GOP congress and dictator Tiny Hands have planned. They want boots on the ground so they can occupy! And of course steal the oil and over stay their welcome!!!! Oh and to create jobs for corporate contractors.
That what y'all said about iraq, never saw any oil.
But......we saw plenty of body bags and coffins. Oh and by the way we also saw the Bush Amputee Club. We got to see thousands of parents, wives, family members and children mourn the loss of service members!
You do know more soldiers died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush? You know, the war Obama supported?
I was rather hoping we'd leave the ME to deal with Russia or their own problems, but I'm not surprised President Trump is going after them. I suppose there is some comfort in that it's good PR for America to continue some of the global protectionist stuff. Maybe we can dump everyone else and just deal with ISIS, Iran, and Turkey...

Either way, if they force us to put boots on the ground I ask that you all pray for our boys safety.
What boys are they gonna use? As we speak, our military is stretched to the limits and Trump boys refuse to join, so who the hell we gonna send? Old white men from the south who's rallying for this shit?
You mean after 8 years of Obama. Our troops are still fighting wars?
Here, here



While campaigning in September, then-candidate Trump vowed that any Iranian vessels that harass the U.S. Navy would be "shot out of the water" if he is elected.

Trump adopts aggressive posture toward Iran after missile launch
I say Trump should lead the charge. He said he loves a good fight.

He, for sure, won't send them billions in cash.
No he won't send billions, he'll just spend tens of billions on war along with the dead and mangled American bodies...
What the he'll are you talking about?
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Nobody knows what that means.
Of course Trump did threaten to blow Iranian ships out of the water if they made hand gestues to Americans.
Iran needed put down like a rabid dog years ago

Their demise is near

-Geaux Flynn going to lead the charge and invade Iran!!! Hopefully his son will put on a uniform and join the cluster fuck.

Many have served already. Me included. It's time for others to carry on the war against those who wish to see us dead


War is brutal.

The goal is to have them in more coffins than us

You sound Patton.

You sound illiterate.
There is a new sheriff in town and the rag heads got the memo

No more weak ass Obama and his pussy ways

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice"

When Iran test fired a new ballistic missile on Sunday, an act it confirmed this morning, it was aware it was taking a calculated risk and, more importantly, was testing America's response and resolve to preserve Obama's nuclear deal. It got the answer this afternoon, when shortly before 2pm, President Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, said the United States was officially putting Iran on notice on Wednesday over its "destabilizing activity" after it test-fired a ballistic missile over the weekend.

"As of today, we are officially putting Iran on notice," Flynn told a White House briefing, without explaining exactly what that meant, although it is clear that any more provocations by Iran and whatever existing deals Iran had with the Obama administration will almost certainly be revised if not torn up.

Gen. Flynn: "Today We Are Officially Putting Iran On Notice" | Zero Hedge
Just one question....who in the fuck is gonna fight Iran? I don't see you or Trumps son's strappin up for the roads ahead......who's gonna fight em? Our kids are busy fighting the other bad guys
Trump and his sons are chicken hawks.
Here, here



While campaigning in September, then-candidate Trump vowed that any Iranian vessels that harass the U.S. Navy would be "shot out of the water" if he is elected.

Trump adopts aggressive posture toward Iran after missile launch
I say Trump should lead the charge. He said he loves a good fight.

He, for sure, won't send them billions in cash.
Not even if it's their own money Flynn going to lead the charge and invade Iran!!! Hopefully his son will put on a uniform and join the cluster fuck.

Many have served already. Me included. It's time for others to carry on the war against those who wish to see us dead


War is brutal.

The goal is to have them in more coffins than us

You sound Patton.

You sound illiterate.
You sound like Trump!!!!
Trump and Donald Jr are alpha males, Ivanka is an alpha bitch as well. idk what happened with Eric heh
The Trump males have been in America over 100 years and the Donald Trump's family males have served in the MILITARY!!!! They only serve themselves! There is nothing patriotic about those BASTARDS!!!

Summary of Trump Family 150-Year Military Service

During that same 150 year period, male members of Donald Trump’s family have lived in the United States and fully benefited from the freedom, liberty, economic opportunity, and blessings of our country in every decade but the 1870’s. (Frederick Trump arrived as a military-aged immigrant to the United States in 1885).

The list above shows that at least 19 Trump family males have lived in America during those 140 years. Based on the best information available, one died in infancy, one is seriously disabled, and six are young children under the age of 10 years old. One more has just reached the age for military service. Thus there were 10 mature Trump men who were of military service age over this time period.

The 19 enumerated Trump men have lived in America for a combined total of 654 years, as of 2016 (more than six centuries). For our purposes, we will assume a military service obligation may occur between the ages of 18-45 (in a major national conflict, such as during the draft in World War II). A quick review of the birth dates of the Trump men shows that they have accumulated a total of 255 military service-eligible years during this period (about 40% of all their years living in America).

The military service-eligible years in the Trump family men are distributed as follows: 30 years for Generation 1 (grandfather Friedrich Trump); 54 years for the two members of Generation 2; 105 years for the four members of Generation 3; 66 years for the three members of Generation 4 (excluding young Barron Trump). This is an average of 25 years of military eligibility for each of the 10 Trump men.

The Trump family military history is atypical for an family here in America since the middle of the 19th century, and leaves a lot to be desired with respect to their dedication to the public good. Paying one’s fair share of taxes to support our men and women is one part of the puzzle, but even generous payments do not substitute for being willing to stand going in harm’s way for your fellow citizens.

Donald Trump’s life experience with military matters consists of attending a disciplinary military academy for five years in high school, marching around the parade ground, and playing soldier uniform dress-up. He actively avoided his own opportunity for military experience when he had the chance to serve in a hot war. He rejected the opportunity to serve as a Reservist or member of the National Guard then and later. He has recently attempted to hijack a charitable event for Veterans (January 2016) in order to shine the spotlight on himself, and then ducked payment of his boldly announced and freely offered contribution, until a national news paper hounded him for months and shamed him into honoring his commitment.

How Many Trump Men Have Served in the U.S. Military in 150 Years?*

Based on publicly available records sources and the news searches described above, the plain answer is None. Zero for Ten.

Absent a draft or other legal compulsion, there is, of course, nothing illegal about this record. There can be many reasons why any particular person does not get to serve.

However, over this long a period of time (1.5 centuries), with the number of major military conflicts the U.S. has fought in, and with this number of Trump male family members, it seems unusual that not one of them made the same sacrifice of service as tens of millions of their countrymen.

Trump has no background of family military service to draw on or inform him, that he might appreciate the routine and enormous sacrifices of those who have actually served our country or lost loved ones in wartime.
Trump and his sons are chicken hawks.

Alpha males isn't something you'd understand. Go tell someone you're sorry. Anyone.... doesn't matter.
Trump male bitches are only interested in serving Themselves.... Hell these cowards would send their wives to serve, fight and die in the military before they themselves would go!!!!

We are only talking in the last 150 years (and counting) NOT one single Trump male has served or died in the U.S. military!!!

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