President Trump: the ultimate winner

And it's not just the low-paying, part-time jobs that Obama "created". President Trump is creating really good jobs...

U.S. IT Sector Adds 7,300 Jobs in February, CompTIA Analysis Reveals

That you honestly believe Trump created those jobs is just about all we need to know about your mental condition.
You have to love left-wingers. When part time jobs are created under Obama, they worship him. When good jobs are created under Trump, they claim he has nothing to do with them. :eusa_doh:
Liar: "I believe in clean air and water."
Then cuts the agency responsible for protecting it.

Liar: " We will provide a healthcare plan that will cover everybody."
Then supports the plan that hurts seniors and the poor.

Liar: "we will bring the country together."
Then accuses the former president of a felony.
His lying has gotten so bad that even his own personal media, Fox has said," There's not a person in Washington that believes President Obama wiretapped Trump."
- Charles Krauthamner.

I'm so enjoying the look of panic on all the republican strategists faces having to try to defend this pathologically lying crazy man.
Liar: "I believe in clean air and water."
Then cuts the agency responsible for protecting it.
He's restoring constitutional government. It speaks volumes that that has you panic-stricken.
Liar. He's giving Carte Blanche to the polluting fossil fuel industry at the expense of america's health.
Show me where it says in the Constitution that's it's permissible to pollute and deny science?
President Crazypants a winner? Lol

He is under siege from pretty much all sides.

Federal courts again are slapping down Trump’s first, signature move: a temporary travel ban on citizens from predominantly Muslim countries that he says harbor “radical Islamic terrorists.”

The joint Trump-GOP effort to “repeal and replace” Obamacare ― another key first promise and response ― is bogged down in multiple internal Republican divisions over everything from spending numbers to philosophy to legislative strategy.

With growing sharpness and specificity, GOP leaders are joining Democrats in dismissing as flat-out false the president’s repeatedly tweeted charge that former President Barack Obama “tapped” ― or surveilled in any way ― Trump Tower or its owner.

Trump’s new guns-and-no-butter first budget, which would literally take food from the poor and the elderly to give more money to Pentagon contractors, has been greeted with derision by many Republicans, who regard it as less of a blueprint than a political statement too harsh even for the tea party.

The nonpartisan polling “job approval” numbers for Trump have been in the 40s consistently in the first few months, and are the lowest launch average on record for a new president.

If this is "winning" what would losing look like?
Liar: "I believe in clean air and water."
Then cuts the agency responsible for protecting it.
He's restoring constitutional government. It speaks volumes that that has you panic-stricken.
This Trump whore doesn't have the integrity to admit his fuhrer LIED when he said he favored clean air and water then does the OPPOSITE in his budget.
Liar: "I believe in clean air and water."
Then cuts the agency responsible for protecting it.
He's restoring constitutional government. It speaks volumes that that has you panic-stricken.
This Trump whore doesn't have the integrity to admit his fuhrer LIED when he said he favored clean air and water then does the OPPOSITE in his budget.
One does not have to continue the illegal/unconstitutional EPA to "like clean air and clean water". It takes a special kind of left-wing idiot to pretend that ANY person in the world doesn't want clean air and clean water. And we have BOTH without the EPA, nitwit.
Liar: "I believe in clean air and water."
Then cuts the agency responsible for protecting it.
He's restoring constitutional government. It speaks volumes that that has you panic-stricken.
This Trump whore doesn't have the integrity to admit his fuhrer LIED when he said he favored clean air and water then does the OPPOSITE in his budget.
One does not have to continue the illegal/unconstitutional EPA to "like clean air and clean water". It takes a special kind of left-wing idiot to pretend that ANY person in the world doesn't want clean air and clean water. And we have BOTH without the EPA, nitwit.

Why is it unconstitutional? Pollution is a national threat. The federal government has every right constitutionally to deal with national threats.
Why is it unconstitutional? Pollution is a national threat. The federal government has every right constitutionally to deal with national threats.

The EPA overreached when they began attempting to regulate small areas of water on private land and even prevented landowners from saving rainwater. They have been taken over by radicals imposing unconstitutional rules.
Why is it unconstitutional? Pollution is a national threat. The federal government has every right constitutionally to deal with national threats.
Because the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and the environment is not one of them. How do you not know this?!? Just read it one time already. :eusa_doh:
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Show me where it says in the Constitution that's it's permissible to pollute and deny science?
The U.S. Constitution explicitly resticts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers you dimwitted, conspiracy theory, left-wing minion - and the environment is not one of those 18 enumerated powers.

How embarrassing that you have no idea how your own government functions. No wonder everyone refers to you as Unreasonable on this board.
Show me where it says in the Constitution that's it's permissible to pollute and deny science?
For starters, the U.S. Constitution grants you the right to deny anything. Which is why you left-wing loons can get away with denying science:

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?
Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
Liar. He's giving Carte Blanche to the polluting fossil fuel industry at the expense of america's health. the little left-wing snowflake so fragile she will melt if a company drills for oil in Alaska or a pipeline is built in North Dakota? Awww you poor baby....
Definitely making America Great Again. Just his position supported by his backbone is enough to make some illegals flee the U.S. (per the story about Canadians being flooded by illegals) and enough to prevent others from attempting to come here.

Well done President Trump. Well done. It is so nice to have adults in charge again and it is so nice to see the law being enforced again.

Illegal border crossings plummet to lowest in 17 years, Trump rhetoric credited
President Trump is a negotiator
China will offer the Trump administration better market access for financial sector investments and U.S. beef exports to help avert a trade war, the Financial Times reported on Sunday, citing officials familiar with the matter.

China is prepared to raise the investment ceiling in the Bilateral Investment treaty and is also willing to end the ban on U.S. beef imports, the newspaper also reported.
China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

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