President Trump: the ultimate winner

President Trump is simply doing an incredible job. The stock market has been up, the job market has been up, China just relented on new trade agreements which favors us, power is being restored to the states, and criminals are being properly detained and taken off of the streets...

ICE Quietly Confirms 367 Immigrants Were Detained in Raids Across the Country
The stock market has slowed to a crawl.

20,000+ is a pretty hard number to top consistently, much less sustaining 21,000 and beyond.
Continues to deliver on every promise that he's made in spectacular fashion. He renegotiated trade agreements with China to make them more favorable for America (just as he said he would). The winning continues! President Trump has literally kept more promises in his first 100 days than Barack Obama 8 years.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

Like the promise to take care of vets? The hiring freeze put the VA at more than a crawl approving claims and FDA slower than normal drug approvals. Jokes on you though, he lifted the freeze yesterday.

Now beside the promises he supposedly kept that you listed what are the other's?
If he gets rid of radical kook Gannon he will gain ground with me. That guy is wacko.
President Trump is simply doing an incredible job. The stock market has been up, the job market has been up, China just relented on new trade agreements which favors us, power is being restored to the states, and criminals are being properly detained and taken off of the streets...

ICE Quietly Confirms 367 Immigrants Were Detained in Raids Across the Country
The stock market has slowed to a crawl.

20,000+ is a pretty hard number to top consistently, much less sustaining 21,000 and beyond.
we need obama back again
Continues to deliver on every promise that he's made in spectacular fashion. He renegotiated trade agreements with China to make them more favorable for America (just as he said he would). The winning continues! President Trump has literally kept more promises in his first 100 days than Barack Obama 8 years.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

Like the promise to take care of vets? The hiring freeze put the VA at more than a crawl approving claims and FDA slower than normal drug approvals. Jokes on you though, he lifted the freeze yesterday.

Now beside the promises he supposedly kept that you listed what are the other's?

The problem is being fixed as much as civil service regulations and union interference allows. Someone reports bad stuff and they get punished for it. Doctors not allowed to see patients because they are whistleblowers.
Continues to deliver on every promise that he's made in spectacular fashion. He renegotiated trade agreements with China to make them more favorable for America (just as he said he would). The winning continues! President Trump has literally kept more promises in his first 100 days than Barack Obama 8 years.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

Like the promise to take care of vets? The hiring freeze put the VA at more than a crawl approving claims and FDA slower than normal drug approvals. Jokes on you though, he lifted the freeze yesterday.

Now beside the promises he supposedly kept that you listed what are the other's?

The problem is being fixed as much as civil service regulations and union interference allows. Someone reports bad stuff and they get punished for it. Doctors not allowed to see patients because they are whistleblowers.
you voted for trump bow your head in shame
Bwahahahahaha! The world's most elite combat unit has hated Barack Obama for 8 years and they love Donald Trump...

Navy SEAL convoy seen on video flying 'unauthorized' flag
if that's true f the seals
It is true - you ungrateful little snowflake. Now why don't you go tell them "f the Seals" to their face, internet tough-guy?
PIGtriot Hated our president?? They are fn traitors or you don't know shit
PIGtriot Hated our president?? They are fn traitors or you don't know shit
Spoken like a true left-wing fascist. Snowflake, one is not a traitor for having opinions. They are allowed to hate whoever they want to hate - including the President of the United. They just have to follow his or her orders. And the Navy Seals always have.

Cracks me up that you fascists even want to control other people's thoughts and feelings.
PIGtriot Hated our president?? They are fn traitors or you don't know shit
Spoken like a true left-wing fascist. Snowflake, one is not a traitor for having opinions. They are allowed to hate whoever they want to hate - including the President of the United. They just have to follow his or her orders. And the Navy Seals always have.

Cracks me up that you fascists even want to control other people's thoughts and feelings.
you can think whatever you want but don't try to pass it off as truth
college grad and hate the ground republican scum walk on you're a blight on our great country
It is painfully obvious from your grammar and sentence structure that you didn't finish high school - much less college. Unless you were some affirmative action charity case from a community college who just greased you by to meet minority regulation requirements.
That headline simply confirms what we all have known for decades now. These people are nothing but small children who cannot function in the world.

Look little twit. Don't tell me your brain was frozen before Trump. Or you are just plain dumb and ignorant as always ------------ Sure Trump is doing something------- but it's not something to be brag about.
Worst first 100 days president ever.

Poll: Trump's approval sinks after his 'worst week' as president

President Trump, king of flip-flops (continued)
college grad and hate the ground republican scum walk on you're a blight on our great country
It is painfully obvious from your grammar and sentence structure that you didn't finish high school - much less college. Unless you were some affirmative action charity case from a community college who just greased you by to meet minority regulation requirements.
U of Cincy BA Did you graduate HS ? Did you serve ? Or were you like Trump and punked out? {how's my grammar now?}

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