President Trump: the ultimate winner

PIGtriot Hated our president?? They are fn traitors or you don't know shit
Spoken like a true left-wing fascist. Snowflake, one is not a traitor for having opinions. They are allowed to hate whoever they want to hate - including the President of the United. They just have to follow his or her orders. And the Navy Seals always have.

Cracks me up that you fascists even want to control other people's thoughts and feelings.
you can think whatever you want but don't try to pass it off as truth

Why don't you heed your own advice?
Trump delivering:


Reply from Elephant in the room: "I think this will work better in Syria and Afghanistan...why don't we take the fun there?"
Kinda crazy how the left wing nut's are all shook up and in panic mode over things that make me feel pretty good. We have a president doing his job of making the best deals he can for us. We have jobs coming back. We have no doubt there is no longer a little girl as our leader. And we have no doubt how stupid the left is going to be opposing these things.
is there ANYTHING your hero ran on that he's for now?

Has it ever occurred to you that a normal person would rather change his mind (given the circumstances) than stay uninformed and be stubborn?
Kinda crazy how the left wing nut's are all shook up and in panic mode over things that make me feel pretty good. We have a president doing his job of making the best deals he can for us. We have jobs coming back. We have no doubt there is no longer a little girl as our leader. And we have no doubt how stupid the left is going to be opposing these things.
is there ANYTHING your hero ran on that he's for now?

Has it ever occurred to you that a normal person would rather change his mind (given the circumstances) than stay uninformed and be stubborn?

A "normal" person wouldn't shoot off his mouth until he knew what he was talking about. Trump takes policy decisions based on his "feelings", and then reverses himself when forced to learn the "facts".

Take health reform. Trump said "Health reform is complicated. Who knew?". EVERYONE. Everyone but Donald Trump. He called the ACA a disaster and said on Day 1 he would repeal and replace with something better. But he hadn't even formulated a plan. Now he says it's very complicated.

Now he wants to tackle tax reform. But he has no plan.
Trump delivering:

If only the left-wing nitwits understood how their own government functions... :eusa_doh:

President Trump is in the executive branch dimwit. Only Congress can repeal Obamacare. He had nothing to do with that bill or the fact that it was scrapped due to a lack of votes, dummy.
Trump delivering:

If only the left-wing nitwits understood how their own government functions... :eusa_doh:

President Trump is in the executive branch dimwit. Only Congress can repeal Obamacare. He had nothing to do with that bill or the fact that it was scrapped due to a lack of votes, dummy.

If only TRUMP understood how his own government functions. There are checks and balances. He can't just sign an Executive Order to build a wall. He needs to ask for an appropriation, which Congress has just denied. No wall for you Donnie.

Trump backed that health care Bill 100%. He threatened to primary any Republican who didn't vote for it. Republicans have a 27 vote majority in the House, and yet Trump couldn't get his own party to vote for a bill he wanted desperately to pass. You're big time winner Donnie boy. Big time.

The health care bill was scrapped due to "lack of votes". But Republicans are the MAJORITY in the House. I have never seen a President slapped down by his own party in this way, in all of my life.

Both your President and your Congress are incompetent. No wonder your country is going downhill.
Continues to deliver on every promise that he's made in spectacular fashion. He renegotiated trade agreements with China to make them more favorable for America (just as he said he would). The winning continues! President Trump has literally kept more promises in his first 100 days than Barack Obama 8 years.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

Like the promise to take care of vets? The hiring freeze put the VA at more than a crawl approving claims and FDA slower than normal drug approvals. Jokes on you though, he lifted the freeze yesterday.

Now beside the promises he supposedly kept that you listed what are the other's?

The problem is being fixed as much as civil service regulations and union interference allows. Someone reports bad stuff and they get punished for it. Doctors not allowed to see patients because they are whistleblowers.
you voted for trump bow your head in shame

I am very proud to have voted for him and am even prouder of the great job he's doing in keeping his campaign promises.
The health care bill was scrapped due to "lack of votes". But Republicans are the MAJORITY in the House. I have never seen a President slapped down by his own party in this way, in all of my life.
See...this is why you need to find a Canadian website to whine on. You have no clue how the U.S. government functions. For the fourth time now, snowflake, President Trump is in the executive branch. He didn't write any legislation which was "slapped down by his own party". You're a dimwit and you're embarrassing yourself.
Both your President and your Congress are incompetent. No wonder your country is going downhill.
Since President Trump's inauguration, the stock market has hit record levels, unemployment has dropped, the borders have been secured, power has been rightfully returned to the states per the U.S. Constitution, trade agreements have been renegotiated to favor the U.S., and the national debt has decreased (for the first time in decades) $68 billion dollars. That's what he has achieved in only 3 months.

So remind us again which part is "going downhill"?'re about as bright as a broken lightbulb. Nobody cares what a Canadian thinks about the U.S. You have no vote here, you have no voice here, you have no credibility here. Go get some therapy and get over your nation-envy so you can live a happier life.
Continues to deliver on every promise that he's made in spectacular fashion. He renegotiated trade agreements with China to make them more favorable for America (just as he said he would). The winning continues! President Trump has literally kept more promises in his first 100 days than Barack Obama 8 years.

China offers concessions to avert trade war with U.S.

You are full of shit------- So why the hell Trump didn't say anything or what he accomplished after meeting with Xi? None of Trump surrogates or his Washington supporters came out and made that claim-------- then Reuters from Europe made that claimed? Are you really this ignorant?

Chinese do not make concession (overnight) just because of one meeting. They go back and discuss it with his economic advisers.
You ever notice that all you do in every post of every thread is cry that the links are "fake news" while simultaneously never providing any links to back up your claims?

You lost snowflake. Donald Trump is president, your propaganda has been debunked, and your credibility is shot. Now go back to your own country before ICE has you face down on the floor and personally escorts you back with a criminal record in tow.

Because most of your link are either fake or just an opinion------ but you are so ignorant that you don't even know the differences, just to promote your lies. Dumb.
Because most of your link are either fake or just an opinion------ but you are so ignorant that you don't even know the differences, just to promote your lies. Dumb.
No - they are real links to real stories. It's just that they contradict your ideology, which causes a fragile little snowflake such as yourself to meltdown.

Why are you so afraid to tell us what country you are from?
Because most of your link are either fake or just an opinion------ but you are so ignorant that you don't even know the differences, just to promote your lies. Dumb.
No - they are real links to real stories. It's just that they contradict your ideology, which causes a fragile little snowflake such as yourself to meltdown.

Why are you so afraid to tell us what country you are from?

The links you are continually posting to this board, and that includes Brietbart, aren't links to "real stories". They're links to right-wing blogs and opinion pieces which fall apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny because they're not based on facts. They're based on distortions or outright lies.

There is no reporting involved. These writers are not talking to witnesses, governmental authorities or others who are directly involved in the events they are portraying. The writers are scouring the internet for similar pieces to re-inforce the impression that these events really happened. There are so many of these "fake news" sites promulgating lies that it is becoming difficult to distinguish fact from fiction, and few people do.

What they do is what you're doing, Patriot. They scour the internet for "news pieces" which confirm their beliefs and fears, with little regard to the quality or veracity of the reporting.
Trump is doing fine. He has a good team around him and the dems have pussy hats. So what? Healthcare needs to be fixed. Then the economy. Then the drug epidemic. Then the Debt. Then entitlements. Then the urban plantations. Then the universities and job training. Then then then then.....
The links you are continually posting to this board, and that includes Brietbart, aren't links to "real stories". this thread alone I have posted 21 links from 13 different news sources (The Blaze, CNN, Young Conservatives, Washington Examiner, Conservative Tribune, CNBC, Info Wars, CompTIA, Daily Signal, Reuters, Forbes, NASA, Fusion) - that's more than you and the foreigner Charwin combined have posted all month in all threads.

Which story exactly would you like to dispute? Don't sit there making vague statements out of sheer desperation to protect your idiotic little ideology. Be specific. Call out the story and the link - I'll embarrass you with additional resources proving it is real (all of which you will of course deny because, like all fragile little snowflake, you can't handle reality).

You and your left-wing pals have nothing but uninformed, uneducated opinion. I posts more links than anyone here. Probably more than everyone here combined. 21 links in a thread that is only 10 pages long?!? That's more than 2 links per page from me. 13 different sources (including, CNBC, CNN) and you want to pretend that they are all "fake" news stories? Please. You look dumber than usual right now.
And it's not just the low-paying, part-time jobs that Obama "created". President Trump is creating really good jobs...

U.S. IT Sector Adds 7,300 Jobs in February, CompTIA Analysis Reveals

That you honestly believe Trump created those jobs is just about all we need to know about your mental condition.
You have to love left-wingers. When part time jobs are created under Obama, they worship him. When good jobs are created under Trump, they claim he has nothing to do with them. :eusa_doh:

Are these the "part time jobs" that Obama created?

Nov 04, 2016
4,200 jobs added last month; net gain of 56,800 this year

Downers Grove, Ill. – Employment in the country’s Information technology (IT) sector increased by 4,200 jobs in October, the fourth straight month of growth, according to the IT Employment Tracker released today by CompTIA, the nonprofit association for the technology industry.

As it has throughout 2016, the software and services category paced IT sector job growth, adding 8,300 positions last month, according to CompTIA’s analysis of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Situation report (#jobsreport) released this morning. For the year, this category is up 73,500 jobs.

U.S. Jobs Report for October Shows another Strong Month for IT Services and Software, CompTIA Analysis Finds

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