President Trump: the ultimate winner

They may have 'spiked' but that is not consistent with real effects in the economy: it is hope but not backed up by reality.
You're exactly right. And why was there "hope"? Because the American people (not to mention investors around the world) were confident in the future because the Dumbocrats were being sent home with their tail between their legs.

Barack Obama was a devout marxist asshole who did everything in his power to collapse the U.S. And Hitlery Clinton promised to shut down the entire coal industry (among other ignorant comments). Meanwhile, President Trump promised to create jobs and free up markets. That generates hope.
Fuckface Von Hair Clown Trump is 70 years old had never heard the phrase "priming the pump" and told the Economist he had come up with it as an original LOL what a fucking Moron..He is Mental;

Exchange of the Day

ECONOMIST: Priming the pump?

TRUMP: Yeah, have you heard it?


TRUMP: Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven’t heard it. I mean, I just… I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It’s what you have to do.
"Barack Obama was a devout marxist" A perfect example of "alternative facts." Live in the real world.
So you're proclaiming that Barack Insane Obama put "alternative facts" in his own autobiography? Wow! I knew the guy was a pathological liar - I just didn't expect you to acknowledge that reality.
His first few months in office have been among the most effective and efficient of any administration ever. He continues to prove me wrong in a big way...
An analysis by the Daily Caller News Foundation found that from February through May in 2016, 188,000 people were caught attempting to illegally enter the United States from Mexico. During the same period in 2017, only 76,000 were captured or deemed inadmissible, a decline of 59%.
The winning continues - just as President Trump promised.

New illegal immigration numbers reveal Trump’s incredible impact on the border
The winning continues!
These animals - who are so violent and dangerous that El Salvador is in a panic and holding emergency meetings over - are the people who the left not only invited into our nation, they insisted that these animals should be allowed to stay in the U.S. permanently.
The Trump administration is sending violent gang members back to their home countries in droves -- so many that one country is dreading what's to come.

El Salvador authorities are holding emergency meetings and trying to come up with new laws to keep track of all the criminals being deported from the U.S., The Washington Post reports.
Thank God for President Trump. Just compare that with what Dumbocrat Barack Insane Obama did..
This is the opposite of what former president Barack Obama did. "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency released nearly 600 illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, many because their home countries refused to take them back, according to newly obtained documents," the Washington Examiner wrote.
So Obama actually gave other nations a choice and these thugs were so bad, their own nations refused to take the money back. So what did Obama do? Just turned them loose on the streets of America (while his wife and daughters were in bullet proof compounds and limos, surrounded by the finest Personal Security Details in the world, armed with fully automatic weapons). Typical lefty.

Trump Sending So Many Gang Members Back to El Salvador That Officials There Now in a Panic
Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning.

Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone Pipeline, the repeal of devastating regulations on small business, the abandonment of the TPP, the fiscal responsibility of the hiring freeze, and sound national security policies - but he's also changing the hearts and minds of the limousine liberals of Hollywood. When the most bizarre and irrational liberals start rooting for you while you have an "R" behind your name - you know you are winning.

Morgan Freeman on President Trump: “What I see is a guy who will not lose.”

Morgan Freeman endorsed Clinton. What he says about President Trump may surprise you.
How's that wall coming?
Is Mexico still paying for it?
The Muslim Ban?
Jailing Hillary?
Repeal and Replace Obamacare on DAY ONE with something better that will cover everyone?

You're mentally disturbed to think Putin's Puppet has delivered on all of his promises.
He's closer to impeachment than getting all of this done.

You're struggling desperately to come up with something.. anything.., and you're falling flat on your face.
Being incompetent, too impulsive and temperamental is hurting himself but more importantly this country.
How's that wall coming?
Excellent! In the meantime, President Trump is exporting cowardly thugs such a state yourself back where they belong.


These animals - who are so violent and dangerous that El Salvador is in a panic and holding emergency meetings over - are the people who the left not only invited into our nation, they insisted that these animals should be allowed to stay in the U.S. permanently.
The Trump administration is sending violent gang members back to their home countries in droves -- so many that one country is dreading what's to come.

El Salvador authorities are holding emergency meetings and trying to come up with new laws to keep track of all the criminals being deported from the U.S., The Washington Post reports.
Thank God for President Trump. Just compare that with what Dumbocrat Barack Insane Obama did..
This is the opposite of what former president Barack Obama did. "The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency released nearly 600 illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes, many because their home countries refused to take them back, according to newly obtained documents," the Washington Examiner wrote.
So Obama actually gave other nations a choice and these thugs were so bad, their own nations refused to take them back. So what did Obama do? Just turned them loose on the streets of America (while his wife and daughters were in bullet proof compounds and limos, surrounded by the finest Personal Security Details in the world, armed with fully automatic weapons). Typical lefty.

Trump Sending So Many Gang Members Back to El Salvador That Officials There Now in a Panic
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Donald J Trump is the biggest presidential failure in American history for the first 5 months
of his presidency.
Not one legislative victory.
Disapproval rating at 60%.
Only a 36% approval rating meaning even some of your deadbeat deplorable friends are abandoning him.
He's low energy, way overweight and watches TV all day long. It's unheard of the word impeachment being talked about so early in a presidency.
Republicans are seriously getting nervous about 2018.
And the cherry on top is he's under federal investigation for obstruction of justice. Any sane follower would be totally humiliated but I see we're not dealing with anyone sane here..
Donald J Trump is the biggest presidential failure in American history for the first 5 months
of his presidency. Disapproval rating at 60%. Only a 36% approval rating
Is there a particular reason you lie all the time or was this just another instance of math getting in your way? How can President Trump have a 60% disapproval rating if he has a 50% approval rating? Psst....stupid...that equals 110%. Which is only possible when Dumbocrats vote. :laugh:

Rasmussen Poll says Trump has 50% approval rating, president celebrates
After Barack Insane Obama was elected president, conservatives won every special election - including the backyard of the Kennedy's when Republican Scott Brown won the Senate seat. It got so bad for the Democrats, they literally asked Barack Insane Obama to stop campaigning for them because they had lost every special election in which he threw his weight behind.

Not only is it an incredibly bright outlook for the U.S. that conservatives continue to win special elections even after President Trump's victory, but also while the left is throwing ungodly money to purchase the elections. So. Much. Winning.

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 5.46.32 PM.png

One number puts the Democrat loss in Georgia in stunning perspective

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