President Trump: the ultimate winner

Why is it unconstitutional? Pollution is a national threat. The federal government has every right constitutionally to deal with national threats.
Because the U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and the environment is not one of them. How do you not know this?!? Just read it one time already. :eusa_doh:

Again, "U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers" is not a true statement.

Please, share with us the EXACT WORDING from the US Constitution which describes what you have claimed above. Don't share with us anything the Thomas Jefferson wrote outside of the Constitution.
Again, "U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers" is not a true statement.
It's not? Uh. So then you would agree that the Republican-controlled House, Senate, and White House could pass legislation tomorrow authorizing the federal government to execute any left-wing supporter (Democrats, registered Democrats, Green Party, etc.) under the "General Welfare" powers as you attribute them. As long as the federal government deems that their action would benefit the "general welfare" (and certainly executing left-wing ideologues would) then it is completely legal and constitutional. You would support that, correct?
The links you are continually posting to this board, and that includes Brietbart, aren't links to "real stories". this thread alone I have posted 21 links from 13 different news sources (The Blaze, CNN, Young Conservatives, Washington Examiner, Conservative Tribune, CNBC, Info Wars, CompTIA, Daily Signal, Reuters, Forbes, NASA, Fusion) - that's more than you and the foreigner Charwin combined have posted all month in all threads.

Which story exactly would you like to dispute? Don't sit there making vague statements out of sheer desperation to protect your idiotic little ideology. Be specific. Call out the story and the link - I'll embarrass you with additional resources proving it is real (all of which you will of course deny because, like all fragile little snowflake, you can't handle reality).

You and your left-wing pals have nothing but uninformed, uneducated opinion. I posts more links than anyone here. Probably more than everyone here combined. 21 links in a thread that is only 10 pages long?!? That's more than 2 links per page from me. 13 different sources (including, CNBC, CNN) and you want to pretend that they are all "fake" news stories? Please. You look dumber than usual right now.

I just put Patriot back on ignore so I can't see his post or see my post directly.

Most or all of Patriot links are either fake news ------- coming from fake media that publish fake and bogus. That is what he is relying on. Just pure ignorance and poorly uninformed ------- like most of Trump supporters. A lightweight and very poorly informed that believed just about everything.
And it's very funny calling us uneducated and uninformed opinion. Very funny. Very funny.
The links you are continually posting to this board, and that includes Brietbart, aren't links to "real stories". this thread alone I have posted 21 links from 13 different news sources (The Blaze, CNN, Young Conservatives, Washington Examiner, Conservative Tribune, CNBC, Info Wars, CompTIA, Daily Signal, Reuters, Forbes, NASA, Fusion) - that's more than you and the foreigner Charwin combined have posted all month in all threads.

Which story exactly would you like to dispute? Don't sit there making vague statements out of sheer desperation to protect your idiotic little ideology. Be specific. Call out the story and the link - I'll embarrass you with additional resources proving it is real (all of which you will of course deny because, like all fragile little snowflake, you can't handle reality).

You and your left-wing pals have nothing but uninformed, uneducated opinion. I posts more links than anyone here. Probably more than everyone here combined. 21 links in a thread that is only 10 pages long?!? That's more than 2 links per page from me. 13 different sources (including, CNBC, CNN) and you want to pretend that they are all "fake" news stories? Please. You look dumber than usual right now.

"The Blaze, CNN, Young Conservatives, Washington Examiner, Conservative Tribune, CNBC, Info Wars, CompTIA, Daily Signal, Reuters, Forbes, NASA, Fusion"

I'll give you CNN, Reuters, Forbes, NASA. The rest are, at best garbage sites, with the possible exception of Fusion, which I don't even know what that is.

I have yet to see you post anything in the politics forums from anything OTHER than alt-right websites.

As for the numbers of your links, I also post links, but I make sure the links I post aren't to places like Huff Post or Mother Jones, which conservatives would reject anyway, and the sources are creditable.

Anyone who actually takes ANYTHING posted on Info-Wars or Breitbart seriously, cannot be taken seriously as a poster, since they have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
I'll give you CNN, Reuters, Forbes, NASA. The rest are, at best garbage sites, with the possible exception of Fusion, which I don't even know what that is.

I have yet to see you post anything in the politics forums from anything OTHER than alt-right websites.
So CNN is "alt-right"? is "alt-right"? You just acknowledged those sites and in your next sentence you claim that you have "yet to see me post anything other than alt-right websites". Good lie about your lies!!!
I'll give you CNN, Reuters, Forbes, NASA. The rest are, at best garbage sites, with the possible exception of Fusion, which I don't even know what that is.
So CNBC is a "garbage site"? LMAO! Well...I tend to agree with you there. CNBC is really left-wing and slews an awful lot of garbage. :laugh:
I'll give you CNN, Reuters, Forbes, NASA. The rest are, at best garbage sites, with the possible exception of Fusion, which I don't even know what that is.
So CompTIA is a "garbage site"? Bwahahaha! Snowflake...CompTIA is a vendor-neutral non-profit trade association which certifies people in various technologies (hardware, networking, security, etc,).

This is why nobody takes you seriously. You have no clue what you're talking about and you're too lazy to do a basic Google search before commenting.
I just put Patriot back on ignore so I can't see his post or see my post directly.
Uh-oh...the snowflake has retreated to his "safe space"! :laugh:

That's pretty funny after he posted multiple times in this thread that he was beating me so badly that I had to pray for him to stop. Oops...
Trump is doing fine. He has a good team around him and the dems have pussy hats. So what? Healthcare needs to be fixed. Then the economy. Then the drug epidemic. Then the Debt. Then entitlements. Then the urban plantations. Then the universities and job training. Then then then then.....
I am gonna smoke all the marijuana I want regardless of what Nanny Government or that Red Neck Piece of shit Beauregard Sessions says about it ...even with the GOP in control of both Houses that Orange Anus Fails...
I am gonna smoke all the marijuana I want regardless of what Nanny Government...says about it
Shocking. The immature, uninformed, uneducated troll is a stoner. Who could have possibly seen that coming? The good news is - the marijuana won't kill that many brain cells. He didn't have many to start with.
I am gonna smoke all the marijuana I want regardless of what Nanny Government...says about it
Shocking. The immature, uninformed, uneducated troll is a stoner. Who could have possibly seen that coming? The good news is - the marijuana won't kill that many brain cells. He didn't have many to start with.
I am gonna smoke all the marijuana I want regardless of what Nanny Government...says about it
Shocking. The immature, uninformed, uneducated troll is a stoner. Who could have possibly seen that coming? The good news is - the marijuana won't kill that many brain cells. He didn't have many to start with.
Note the limited, single-word response your average stoner is only capable of. By the way you immature dimwit - marijuana is linked to schizophrenia. I look forward to the day we no longer have to deal with your childish and ignorant posts because your locked away in a psych ward due to your inability to differentiate between reality and the voices in your own head.

Marijuana use linked to schizophrenic-related brain changes
Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning.

Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone Pipeline, the repeal of devastating regulations on small business, the abandonment of the TPP, the fiscal responsibility of the hiring freeze, and sound national security policies - but he's also changing the hearts and minds of the limousine liberals of Hollywood. When the most bizarre and irrational liberals start rooting for you while you have an "R" behind your name - you know you are winning.

Morgan Freeman on President Trump: “What I see is a guy who will not lose.”

Morgan Freeman endorsed Clinton. What he says about President Trump may surprise you.
Seriously. You're kidding. How desperate can you be? Freeman's words are NOT an endorsement of Trump but spoken by someone who is trying to take a positive attitude toward the situation. You are spinning and spinning. Too funny.
The economy and employment stats are down to Obama's policies; T-rump has not been in office long enough to have any influence on the economy.
That's not true at all - just his election in November (before even taking office) caused the market to spike out of sheer excitement that we would enjoy a free market economy again and the marxist dictator would be gone.
Seriously. You're kidding. How desperate can you be? Freeman's words are NOT an endorsement of Trump but spoken by someone who is trying to take a positive attitude toward the situation. You are spinning and spinning. Too funny.
Talk about "desperation" and "spin" :lmao:

Oh snowflake...he said what he said and there is no denying it. Stop pretending like you and Morgan Freeman are close, personal friends and you know what he's trying to do. Stop spinning shit.
"What I see is a guy who will not lose" - Morgan Freeman (on President Trump)
Seriously. You're kidding. How desperate can you be? Freeman's words are NOT an endorsement of Trump but spoken by someone who is trying to take a positive attitude toward the situation. You are spinning and spinning. Too funny.
Talk about "desperation" and "spin" :lmao:

Oh snowflake...he said what he said and there is no denying it. Stop pretending like you and Morgan Freeman are close, personal friends and you know what he's trying to do. Stop spinning shit.
"What I see is a guy who will not lose" - Morgan Freeman (on President Trump)
You're the one spinning. Putting meaning in his words that isn't there.
Seriously. You're kidding. How desperate can you be? Freeman's words are NOT an endorsement of Trump but spoken by someone who is trying to take a positive attitude toward the situation. You are spinning and spinning. Too funny.
Talk about "desperation" and "spin" :lmao:

Oh snowflake...he said what he said and there is no denying it. Stop pretending like you and Morgan Freeman are close, personal friends and you know what he's trying to do. Stop spinning shit.
"What I see is a guy who will not lose" - Morgan Freeman (on President Trump)
They may have 'spiked' but that is not consistent with real effects in the economy: it is hope but not backed up by reality.

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