President Trump: the ultimate winner

It's nice to see an adult and a real leader to take action to turn around the nightmare created by progressives. Our veterans deserve the best healthcare in the world and have received third-world healthcare thanks to the left.
Since President Donald Trump took office, 526 employees have been fired from the Veterans Administration, 27 have been demoted, and 194 have been put on two-week suspensions for their mistreatment of veterans.
Credit Where Credit Is Due: Trump’s Firings at the VA Are a Bright Spot in a Dark Week
After 8 years of the limp-wristed, anti-American, marxist idiot Barack Insane Obama, I had forgotten what a real U.S. president looks like.

Make America Great Again
You're a funny man.
Rational people post because they have something to say. Progressives like IDB post because they just have to say something.

Taking time to post "you're a funny man" added absolutely no value to the thread at all.
The United States will waive environmental rules so extra barriers can be built to bar illegal immigrants from crossing the border with Mexico near San Diego, the Department of Homeland Security said on Tuesday.

The projects, on about 15 miles (24 km) of the frontier extending east from the Pacific Ocean, are part of President Donald Trump's planned wall between the United States and Mexico.
Securing the borders, restoring constitutional government, preserving liberty, being fiscally damn it is great to be an American again!

U.S. eases environment laws for Mexico border wall near San Diego
The number of asylum seekers walking across the U.S. border into Canada rose in June... Many asylum seekers whom Reuters has spoken to said they left the United States because they feared deportation in light of President Donald Trump's immigration crackdown.
Thank you President Trump for securing our borders and running these criminals out of our country. Let them be a burden to Canada.

Flow of asylum seekers crossing into Canada from U.S. rises in June
Economy blistering along at an astounding record pace, Illegal Immigration cut in half. Yeah, i'm good with Trump. :thup::thup:
Say what you will about the man - he has delivered on everything he has promised. Including the most far-fetched of his promises: that he would win so much we would get tired of winning.

Not only has he delivered a solid cabinet, an exceptional Supreme Court justice, the revival of the Keystone Pipeline, the repeal of devastating regulations on small business, the abandonment of the TPP, the fiscal responsibility of the hiring freeze, and sound national security policies - but he's also changing the hearts and minds of the limousine liberals of Hollywood. When the most bizarre and irrational liberals start rooting for you while you have an "R" behind your name - you know you are winning.

Morgan Freeman on President Trump: “What I see is a guy who will not lose.”

Morgan Freeman endorsed Clinton. What he says about President Trump may surprise you.
President Trump: the ultimate winner
You have to learn how to spell. That's w-e-i-n-e-r....WEINER.

Now, everyone repeat after me:

President trump: The Ultimate WEINER...

His cabinet is filled with One Percenters who couldn’t care less about workers OR trump’s idiotic supporters. The Orange AH has repealed regulations that used to protect us from tainted food, and stopped mining companies from dumping toxic waste into our streams. trump has also defiled our nation’s reputation in the eyes of every sane person in the world. Other world leaders are laughing at this Orange Tweeting Freak. Finally, trump has passed NO meaningful legislation.

He’s a charlatan, a snake-oil salesman, a fucking joke.....a WEINIE.
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President Trump is delivering all of the winning that he promised to deliver...
“The biggest accomplishment of this Congress, at this point, is the use of the Congressional Review Act to cancel 14 of President Obama’s midnight regulations,” Pye said. “The use of the Congressional Review Act has saved tens of billions of dollars in regulatory cost, which would have been borne by businesses and consumers.”
Expanding liberty, increasing jobs, and saving billions. That's what happens when one rejects failed left-wing policy in favor of conservatism.

Conservatives Weigh in on Congressional Progress

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