President Trump wanted to get rid of Kushner & Ivanka, new book "Kushner Inc" claims

It's as bad as we thought. After a meme of Jared & Ivanka in black tie next to a picture refugee girl hit the Internet, "Ivanka told her father that the travel ban would never make him liked and he needed to fix it."
Bannon viewed Ivanka and Jared as out of touch NY liberals who are uniquely unqualified to advise a GOP president. Trump himself agreed! at one point he flatly told Javanka that they never should have left NY, remarking that Jared "looks like a little boy"
"NEW: House Oversight says Jared Kushner's attorney confirmed that he uses WhatsApp to conduct official White House business, including with people overseas. Kushner's attorney would not say if these WhatsApp convos included discussions of classified info."

Nothing illegal about that. Not any more than using a commercial phone line to conduct business.
Ann Coulter:

"While other reporters waste their time examining Donald Trump's public statements, interviewing his high school classmates and poring over legal filings, investigative reporter Vicky Ward has produced the definitive book on our current president.

For example, did you know our president got breast implants in high school (Ivanka claimed she was just "curvy"), bought his way into Harvard (Jared is even dumber than you thought), and together have no books in their New York apartment? (Some dispute that there are no books, citing "a few art books" or "decorator-curated books.")

Until Trump's nomination was a virtual lock, Jared was back in New York pretending not to be related to him.

Only after Trump had racked up a slew of primary wins did a lightbulb go on in Jared's head: Hey! This presidential campaign could be great for business! According to a close associate, Jared viewed the campaign as a terrific "networking opportunity."
In no time, Trump was 16 points down and sinking fast. Steve Bannon was brought in, whereupon he promptly threw out all the Working Women's Intersectional Global Warming weeks and got back to Trump's issues.

of the five tracks at Jared's high school, he wasn't at the bottom of track one, perhaps suitable for a lesser Ivy League with solid SAT scores. He wasn't even in track two. Jared was in track three.

But now he has co-opted the Make America Great Again movement for his own personal advancement. I guess that makes him smarter than Trump.

Jared's BFF, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), and the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Muhammad bin Zayed (MBZ), refer to Jared as "the clown prince." Bone-cutter MBS assured those around him that he had Jared "in my pocket."

MBS and MBZ derided Jared's Middle East peace plan as infantile, while using him to achieve their objective: war with Qatar. According to an American businessman's leaked emails, their attitude was, "Nobody would even waste a cup of coffee on him if it wasn't for who he is married to."

As one former top White House official explained: "Jared never understands the details of anything. He's just impressed by names."

Following meetings at the White House and also with the Kushners over their 666 Fifth Avenue property, former Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim reported back to the emir that "the people atop the new administration were heavily motivated by personal financial interest."

After Ivanka's speech introducing her father at the Republican National Convention -- rivaled only by Billy Carter's introduction of his brother, Jimmy! -- she tweeted from her personal account: "Shop Ivanka's look from her #RNC speech."

After the Trump family was interviewed on CBS's "60 Minutes," Ivanka's company emailed out a "style alert" advertising the $10,800 diamond bracelet she'd worn on the show -- "available from Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry."

Ivanka has managed to win a slew of trademarks in China since her father became the Figurehead President, with several approvals being fast-tracked at about the same time Trump was hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago.

Instead of "Make America Great Again," the motto of the Trump presidency is, as one of Trump's legal spokesmen put it: "The advance team for Jared and Ivanka."

This is not what anyone voted for.

Jared: "Yes, Ivanka ... I did everything I could today to undermine the MAGA Agenda. ... Also, we are out of milk"

from Coulter's new column:

"In a speech to hundreds of New York bankers and businessmen on Dec. 16, 2016, Jared admitted that Trump was "easy to hate from afar." But not to worry, he said, Trump wouldn't be keeping his campaign promises -- especially on immigration.

One banker who heard the speech was appalled, shocked by Jared's arrogance in thinking he could "control" the president.

Joke's on him. Turns out Jared was right. He does control Trump.

And what a blessing that's been.

It was Jared's idea to fire FBI Director James Comey. If Trump hadn't followed that advice, there would have been no independent counsel.

It was also Jared and Ivanka's idea to hire Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn. (Ivanka was adamant, saying Flynn gets "anything he wants.")

If Trump hadn't hired Manafort and Flynn, the independent counsel investigation would have been over in about a week.

Jared wanted Chris Christie fired. He was fired. (Jared insists this had absolutely nothing to do with Christie being the U.S. attorney who put Jared's criminal father in prison.) All of Christie's proposed hires were jettisoned along with him. Whoever they were, they couldn't be worse than Trump's actual White House staff.

Jared brought in Goldman Sachs' Gary Cohn to be Trump's National Economic Council director -- which would be like Malia Obama demanding that Obama hire me as his White House economic adviser. "

Trump should have read Jared the snake poem before he hired Cohn. ("You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.")
Early in the administration, Jared demanded that Trump endorse the widely unpopular establishment Republican, Luther Strange, in the 2017 special Senate race in Alabama to replace Jeff Sessions.

Like night follows day, Trump suffered a humiliating defeat. It turned out Alabamians preferred anyone to Strange. First they voted for a nut in the primary, and then for a Democrat in the general.

Always trust Jared.

No one but Jared could have turned over Sessions' U.S. Senate seat in the reddest state in the Union to a Democrat. Oddsmakers would have said it was impossible.

But with Jared's sound counsel, Trump did it. He took Sessions out of the Senate, then delivered the seat to a Democrat. Trump is like a guy who breaks up a marriage -- and then dumps the wife.

Jared and Ivanka were also the brain trust behind hiring Anthony Scaramucci.

In addition to Javanka's personnel decisions on Corey Lewandowski, Paul Manafort, Chris Christie, Michael Flynn, Luther Strange, Gary Cohn and Anthony Scaramucci, Javanka wanted John Kelly made chief of staff, believing he would be loyal to them. When that turned out not to be the case, they decided to get rid of Kelly. He was gone.

They wanted Steve Bannon fired. He was fired.

At this rate, it's only a matter of time before Jared gets rid of Trump. No wonder the media like him so much.

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