(President) Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

That should cause a lot of moans and groans. Not just from those he asking to foot the bill but all those political hacks in Congress who think we should be paying for all of it.

Called “Cost Plus 50,” the plan would cost five or six times more for countries like Germany, Japan and South Korea, Bloomberg news reported Friday.

Trump has been championing the idea for months, Bloomberg reported, citing about a dozen unnamed administration officials. Trump even tested the idea during recent negotiations over a cost sharing agreement with South Korea, which was on the brink of collapse before a deal was finally reached in February.

We want cost plus 50,” Trump demanded at one point during the talks, as quoted by the media organization.

More @ Report: Trump wants Germany, Japan and others to pay full cost plus a premium for US troops

I agree. I’ve been stationed in Germany for many years. The Germans are not grateful for us being here, and it’s expensive as fuck to live here. We should move all of our forces to Poland and Romania where they want us, they are willing to pay us too.

Grateful? What for heavens sake do you speak about, idiot? You never was in Germany, isn't it? Otherwise you would be grateful.

I was in Germany in the early 80's.

... 480? 580? 680? 780? 880? 980? 1080? 1180? 1280? 1380? 1480? 1580? 1680? 1780? 1880? 1980? ...

I never had a problem getting along with Germans my own age but the big towns used to have riots


demanding that the Americans leave.

Soviet propaganda found sometimes useful idiots in the western world too. But you confused the words "demonstration" and "riot". Even useful idiots have the right to say what others think from which they think it are their own thoughts.
I call flipping over military vans a riot.

You call what a "riot"? Dear idiot mine - in the East of Germany - and also in other regions in the East of Europe, which the USA had sold to the monster Stalin once - fought people with their naked fists against tanks for their own human dignity. Sometimes I have the feeling US-Americans are born without brain and transform even the experiences of the own life only into a vacuum. Nowhere in West-Germany were any "riots" since world war 2, when "the allies" (specially the USA and England) sold the East of Europe to Stalin and his Soviets. In the East of Germany was a first uprising against the Soviets in 1953 - it was followed from lots of other uprisings and acts of resistance in the East of Europe - very famous are for example the Prague Spring or the founding of the union "solidarity" in Poland, or the "intereuropean breakfast" in Hungaria. And the last uprising was in Germany too - it was a "riot" without any shot or violence, which broke down the wall in 1989.

Now tells me an US-American soldier in Germany of the years 198x he felt a day in this decade in West-Germany not comfortable, because he had lived with to many weapons in fear of nothing without any reason to have to do so. Crazy!

And what is going on today? Your current pseudo-president with his vacuum brain sold the people in North-Korea to a tyrant. It would had been thousand times better, this idiot never had spoken with the tyrant of North-Korea. He tries to build a wall against one of the two good neighbors of the USA, Mexico. He likes to destroy the European Union - what's the very best peace project the world ever had seen since history is existing at all. He don't like to see a Mercedes Benz (best and oldest car manufacturer of the world) any longer in the 5th avenue in NY (including or excluding Janis Joplin?)! All this on reason to take money from the US-American taxpayer with so called sanctions and so called tariffs in his economic war against none and everyone - but for the money of the superrich US-Americans, specially as long as this superrich man has the name "Trump".

Additionally he endangered peace on Earth by trying to bring the Iran in a situation, where the Persians will not have to lose anything any longer. He brought Europe into a much more dangerous situation, when he destroyed the NATO-community, by canceling the INF-contract with Russia, against the will of the European nations. And so on and so on. Becomes everything shit, what this man is touching?

I guess together with Donald Trump - and the irreality of the lots and lots of US-Americans who voted for him - the time came, where it's better to take your soldiers home, because they are only a danger for themselves, their own country USA and everyone else in the world.

in memoriam of a man, whose name I don't like to say now. He may rest in peace.
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